“There they are.” Matt pointed to the Americans coming through the door that led to the upstairs hotel.

Before he could get up and approach the men, Mr Suit spotted the group. He grinned widely and headed straight for them.

Frank Di Marco stopped in front of their booth, flanked by his bodyguards. “If it isn’t Atlantic City’s favourite crooner. How you doing, Josh?”

“Good, Frank, good.” Josh and Mitch both stood to shake hands with Frank.

“It’s been what?” Frank spread his hands. “Twenty years? You were just a kid, working the clubs.”

“If I remember rightly”—Mitch sat back down with a grin—“you were working the clubs too.”

Frank laughed. “True. Too true.” He shrugged. “Talents lie in different areas, eh, boys? You did what you were good at and I did what I was good at. Such is life. And here we are, in our prime, men of influence.”

“I don’t know about that,” Josh mumbled.

“Did you move up in the world, Frank?” Mitch arched an eyebrow at the man.

Frank shrugged. Matt assumed it was supposed to look humble. It just looked fake.

“Got myself a club. Remember Legs? Acquired it a year ago. I’m turning it around. Also got myself a partner. You mighta heard of him.” He paused for effect. “Vince Rizzoni.”

Mitch let out a low whistle. “I hope you know what you’re doing, man.”

“I told you when we were kids,” Frank said, “we were destined for greatness. Now look at you two—Josh here is setting underwear on fire all over the globe and you’re watching his back, making sure that talent of his earns the money and respect it deserves. Now I have someone watching my back too. It’s taken a lot of work, but now I have the capital and the backing I need to implement my plans. Legs is just the beginning. I’m aiming for world domination, boys.”

Matt watched as Joe, the guy wearing the goon T-shirt, turned a laugh into a cough.

“Tell me, officer,” Frank said. “Did you manage to get Jena out of the church? We have a lot of catching up to do.”

Matt studied the guy before speaking. “No. She’s still in there. She doesn’t want to talk to you. Or see you. She’s wondering why you’re calling her your fiancée. I’m kind of wondering the same thing.”

Frank chuckled, like the whole conversation was deeply amusing. “What can I tell you? We lived together for four years. She’s been here a while; you know what she’s like. Kooky. Isn’t that right, Grunt?”

Grunt grunted. Helpful guy.

Matt felt his jaw clench. “She’s worried you might be here for payback.”

Another fake laugh. Matt was getting seriously sick of Frank’s we’re-all-guys-together routine.

“Now why would she think that?”

“Maybe because she cleared out your house, sold everything that wasn’t nailed down and when she was done there found a buyer for your car.”

Frank wasn’t smiling now. Matt stood. Pleased to see he had a couple of inches on the guy. “A 1966 Chevelle, wasn’t it? Perfectly restored, I hear.”

Josh let out a low whistle.

“Ouch,” Mitch said with a wince.

Frank’s fists clenched. “A misunderstanding. That’s all, officer. This is a domestic issue. Nothing for you to concern yourself with.” He tugged at his cuffs, flashing gold cufflinks that would have cost Matt more than a month’s salary. “I’m here to take Jena home. She belongs to me.”

“Don’t you mean with you?”

Frank shrugged. “Tomato, tomahto—isn’t that how the song goes? Jena and me, we got history. She’s the girl for me and I’m taking her home. Where she belongs.”

“I think it’s best if you leave Jena alone. You two have nothing to talk about. Your relationship is over. The fact she moved country without telling you should have clued you in.” Matt took a step towards Frank, invading his space. “There’s nothing for you here. I suggest, strongly, that you go home.”

Frank’s eyes hardened. “It’s a free world. No law against me visiting with my woman. No law against me persuading her to come home with me. No law against seeing the sights while we’re here. Last time I checked, this town welcomed tourists.” His smile was cold. “I’ll be seeing you around, officer.”