Page 41 of Torment (Craving 2)

I moved behind her and patted her fine rump.

She turned and slapped my hand away and glared hard into my eyes.

Damn, she is always beautiful, but especially when she glares with those bright blue eyes…amber lit in the recesses.

She runs a hand down over her dark navy gown, but I wasn’t done. “Give me your hand.”

She placed her delicate fingers, fingers that could rip out a human’s heart, gently into mine. I smiled to myself as I led her to my desk. I pulled open a drawer and took out a long, black velvet box.

Her expression immediately made me feel like a boy, and I couldn’t prevent the grin that slid my lips open and displayed my fangs.

Allora looked, in that moment, like a little girl.

I opened the box and dangled the diamond necklace before her wide open eyes. Oddly enough, I always have enjoyed pleasing her.

/> Allora clapped her hands and touched the sparkling diamonds. “Oh…I love this,” she cried out, and did indeed sound like a little girl.

Allora has always loved receiving gifts. I discovered that early on in our…long off again, on again relationship.

She has the power of compulsion and could obtain as many jewels as she wants, but she doesn’t enjoy stealing or buying them for herself. She likes to receive.

I clasped them around her neck and whispered, “Tonight, pet, when we get back, I am going to fuck you into a stupor.”

She threw herself into my arms and into my kiss. When I was done, I told her, so she would understand she must never disobey me, “You will learn that I can be very harsh, even to you, when I discover you have not followed my orders. Allora, if you again do something you know will displease me, I shall punish you.”

“How?” she asked, and flirted with her eyes.

“I shall shame you before the council,” I told her grimly. “I will do that by dragging you by your lovely yellow hair and fucking you in front of the entire Council of Ancients. I will shame you and then imprison you for weeks without nourishment. Understood?”

She lowered her eyes. “Yes.” She had seen me do that to a wayward female vamp a hundred years ago, only I gave the vamp to the council…to use. I won’t do that with Allora. She is mine and mine alone to punish.

I see that she believed me. She should, that is exactly what I would do. I am what I am.

~ Thirteen ~

Bobbie Skye

MY EYES SNAPPED OPEN AND I sat up. I had been dead to the world and realized all at once, as I stared into the darkness, that I was still in Devin’s bed! I lose track of time when we are together. “What time is it, Devin?”

“Hush, lass,” he answered, and fondled me as he settled me back down. His lips were on mine, taking, giving, seducing, and my mind turned into mush, as it always does when he is touching me. Wait…no. I remembered I needed to go back. I had an idea I wanted to research. I had been lost in my Shama during my sleep, and it had shown me a spell.

I needed to fully understand how to use it, and I had to go back.

I didn’t want to raise Devin’s hopes, so I was going to keep this to myself ‘til I knew more.

“Up…up, I am up!” I told him, and scurried out of the bed and headed for the shower. “I’ll just take a quick shower and be off.”

He followed me to the bathroom. “I dinnae want ye to leave me, Bobbie lass.” He took my shoulders. “If ye could stay here with me in Trinity…I wouldna care about ever leaving. ‘Tis ye I need…ye are all that I need.”

I threw my arms up and around his neck. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him, leaned my head back enough and kissed him hard and hungry before I whispered, “I feel the same, Devin.”

“Then stay,” he answered.

“I can’t. There are things I have to do,” I said, and dropped my legs and slid my feet to the ground. He allowed it, sighed, and walked away.

“Don’t be upset,” I said to his back.

“How can I be anything but, lass?”