Page 65 of Courting Kit

Hell and fire! He was damn well going to make her his bride, but first he had to make certain she returned his ardor.

The vision of Kitty in Harry’s arms slapped him in the heart. All at once he knew the time had come. He loved Kitty to distraction, and he dashed well was going to break every rule in creation as a guardian and make her his own in every imaginable way!

The two pulled guiltily apart. It was a quick, sharp movement. Harry stumbled over a few words of explanation, but Kitty, Kitty didn’t stumble at all.

She met his eyes and laughed.

That was his Kitty … facing the world in her own inestimable fashion, and he bloody well meant to step up very soon and make her his own.

~ Twenty-Seven ~

JEALOUS! KITTY ALMOST gasped out loud and clapped her hands with glee. She could see it written all over the earl’s handsome face. He didn’t want any other man hugging her, friend or not.

“I could not find my grandmother anywhere and thought in her absence I should stand chaperone.” The earl’s tone was frigid.

Harry blustered uncomfortably and finally got out the words. “My lord, I do apologize. The fault was mine … not

Kitty’s. You see, we are used to … well, we have been left to ourselves most of our lives and … well, what I mean is …”

“Harry,” Kitty said and chuckled as she cast the earl a playful look. “There is no need to explain. The earl already knows and understands our easy friendship.”

“Do I?” The earl’s brow was up, but she could see by the warm light of his blue eyes that he was already softening. The moment was saved.

The dowager appeared then and said with a thankful sound, “Ah, there it is …” She went to and picked up a jeweled case. “I have been looking for this for some time. I must have left it here this morning.” She then spied Harry and said, “Oh … here is another one. Who are you?”

Harry blushed, and Kitty laughed before introducing them, telling the dowager he was her very dear Harry, whom she had met at the theatre the other evening. She reminded Minnie that she and Harry had been friends since infancy.

“Very well, then, most unseemly calling this late in the day, but I shall allow it. Sit down, young man, and I shall call for refreshments … ah, my staff has read my mind. Here it is now.”

Harry inclined his head worriedly but managed a squeaking, “Thank you.”

Kitty roared and said, “Harry, don’t allow Minnie to make you cower. She is all bark and very little bite.”

The dowager preened. She adored Kitty and allowed her much license. “Indeed, young man, but do anything untoward, and my bite might just take you by surprise.” She then laughed with deep felt mirth and poured the tea.

The butler arrived and announced, “Lord Magdalen.”

The dowager’s brows drew together, and she leveled a look at Kitty. “Zounds, darling. Morning callers and now late afternoon callers?” She shook her head and clucked her tongue, but Magdalen came in like a storm embellished with sunshine, and they all fell into easy and light-hearted discourse.

* * *

First thing the next morning, Kitty made her way to Henrietta’s in the Halloway coach. She had told Nanny not to concern herself, that she wouldn’t go flitting about town on her own, and as Nanny had made plans to help Cook in the kitchen and was comfortable with Kitty’s destination, she allowed her charge to travel the short distance unattended.

Thus, Kitty rushed Henrietta in the morning room. After the first bout of hugging and screaming the two ladies sat together, and Ree asked, “Kitty, how did you know where to find me?”

“Harry told me.” Kitty watched her friend for a reaction and was astounded to see her friend pale.

“Harry? Are you saying that Harry is in town?” Ree asked in a small voice. “When did he arrive in London?”

“The night before last,” Kitty said, still studying her and wondering just what was wrong.

“Oh, well,” Ree’s hand fluttered as her lashes brushed her fine cheeks. “No doubt his father sent him here on some business. Why else would he have come? I am sure he must be distressed to have torn himself away …”

“Torn himself away? From what, you madcap, from what?” She studied her friend and said, “Ree, what is it? No use trying to bamboozle me. Something is wrong.”

“Wrong? And bamboozle, indeed.” Henrietta released a shaky laugh. “Naught, and I am sure Harry was too busy with the hounds to want to go to London.”

Kitty saw her friend’s attempt at sangfroid and almost burst out laughing. Had her friend not looked so miserable, she would have indeed given over to mirth.