Page 23 of Courting Kit

Kitty’s brow went up. She had never seen her Ree ever behave so shyly.

Then Harry said, “Indeed, and I have been wanting to call … but did not wish to appear too forward.”

“Oh no, sir, I would find that … friendly, not forward,” Henrietta said, lifting her lashes and once again meeting Harry’s eyes.

Kitty, watching the two, was fascinated. She saw Clayton’s expression and was surprised by it. Did Clay have an interest in Henrietta?

He confirmed this by stepping forward, bowing to her friend, and saying, “Miss Henrietta. How wonderful to see you again. I was just now on my way to call on you.”

Kitty remembered that Henrietta had told her Clayton Bickwerth had met her on the road only yesterday and engaged her in what Ree thought was a most pointed conversation. She had been surprised by his flirtation, as he had never shown an interest in her before. Kitty saw Henrietta’s cheeks go pink and nearly burst out laughing as she silently nudged her friend.

Henrietta said, “How lovely, Mr. Bickwerth.”

“Clay … please. We are not, I hope, so formal here in the country,” Clayton said.

Harry frowned for a moment but then in his usual good-natured manner said to Henrietta, “I suppose we have you to thank for our Kitty’s metamorphosis?”

Kitty put her hands on her hips and wagged a finger. “Scoundrel! You compliment Ree but hand me an injury with the same hand.” She was in high spirits and a playful mood and eyed him to add, “Tread carefully, lad.”

He laughed and said, “Did I do that? What a paltry fellow I am.”

Kitty laughed and lifted onto her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. “No, you could never be that. You are the best of good fellows.”

It was Clayton’s turn to frown, and he did, Kitty noticed, nearly laughing out loud. What nonsense is going on here? But then something else got her attention, and she exclaimed with exasperation, “Oh no … he is early.”

“He? Who is early?” Harry said.

“The earl … oh, you don’t know what I have suffered since his arrival yesterday. We were supposed to ride here together for an appointment with Ree’s father at three, but I didn’t see the sense in riding home only to ride into town once more with him, so I had the groom at the livery take him a message that I would meet him at Mr. Harkins at three … and here he is already.”

All eyes turned to look at the rider on a handsome snowy gray gelding. The horse was prancing, restless, and clearly frightened by the new sounds and activity in the village. The rider’s hands, however, were quiet as he brought the spirited animal under him and managed him down the wide, sandy road towards the livery just down the avenue.

Kitty could not help but admire his horseman’s skills, and silently he took a step up in her estimation. Very few riders had that level of patience and skill combined. It took a very talented equestrian to manage a young and spirited horse with the sort of quiet finesse he had just displayed.

Harry released a low whistle. “Prime animal, and I suppose that is your Earl of Halloway on him?”

“Yes,” Kitty answered still staring at the earl in spite of the fact that she told herself

to look away.

Henrietta made an unintelligible sound under her breath, and Kitty rounded on her. “What?”

“Er … um … only that he is quite good-looking,” Ree said, her hazel eyes bright.

“You know, if you dress like you are now, and have the earl to show you about, you will take on the London ton with style,” Harry said.

“Oh … fie on you! I don’t need the earl to take me about,” snapped Kitty.

“Oh take a damper,” Harry said on a laugh. “I only meant that if you could see your way to behaving yourself—”

“Behaving myself?” Kitty rounded on her friend playfully. “Miserable dolt!”

“Shhh … Kit … you wretched girl, remember you are in public, and Harry … you goaded her on purpose.”

“Did I?”

“I think you did,” Clayton said on a chuckle and inched closer to Henrietta.

“Well, I feel for the old gent having to deal with this headstrong chit,” Harry continued to tease.