Page 22 of Courting Kit

He knew he had a charming smile and that his disposition was considered amiable. He was, he believed, quite good-looking as well.

Right. He clicked his tongue and gave Harry a regretful eye. “Sorry, ol’ boy, can’t. Another time.”

“Can’t? Why?” Harry was surprised.

Clayton saw the curiosity in his friend’s eyes, so he added, “Not today.”

“Why so secretive, Clay? What the devil are you at?”

“Ah … look there, is that Kitty?” Clay pointed out, hoping to divert Harry’s mind. “Yes, by Jove, that is, Kitty! My word, I have never seen her looking so fetching.”

Harry turned and exclaimed, “Aye, but look at that stunning lovely with her. Henrietta is absolutely lovely!”

“Henrietta, stunning?” Clay said on a frown. “Do you think so?”

“I do, but damn, if they aren’t both dressed to the nines. Wherever are they going?” Harry exclaimed as he went forward, waving.

* * *

Kitty had dragged her friend to town and went to the only dress shop housed in the village, Mrs. Sarah’s Emporium.

It didn’t take much time for Henrietta to choose just what she thought would suit Kitty, and before long Mrs. Sarah went to work to hem up the skirt.

The riding ensemble of royal blue with black frogging was not only fashionable, it was absolutely lovely on Kitty. In fact, Henrietta told her, the ensemble looked as though it had been designed for her. Its fit was excellent, but it did hang a few inches too long on Kitty’s petite frame.

While the hem was being altered by Mrs. Sarah, her helper, Gladys, went to work on Kitty’s long golden hair. Kitty watched as both Gladys and Ree fussed over her hair, and when they picked up the scissors and trimmed a few locks over her ears, Kitty laughed and said, “Why, I like that.”

“Yes, they will curl and bounce beneath the ensemble’s matching top hat,” Henrietta said, clapping her hands together before placing the hat on top of Kitty’s head.

Henrietta stood back and said, “Wait … it needs something …”

Mrs. Sarah came forward with a soft, sheer piece of black material, tied a band around the hat, and set a bow at its back.

“Perfect,” Henrietta said with a satisfied smile. “Just perfect.”

Kitty was, for a moment, speechless. She stared at herself in disbelief, amazed that clothes could make such a difference.

When she and Henrietta finally stepped out of the shop, they were in high spirits, jesting and laughing happily, well pleased with one another.

“KIT!” Harry shouted from across the avenue. “Zounds, Kit …” He went forward, weaving between a farmer’s wagon and a high-stepping pair of horses pulling a cumbersome coach. He arrived to look over the ladies with obvious admiration. “Miss Henrietta?” He tipped his hat to her, and for a moment their gazes met.

Clayton smiled and greeted the ladies warmly, and as he engaged Kitty in conversation, Kitty idly watched Harry and Henrietta.

The two seemed ‘taken’ with one another. She had seen this happen between the two once before, and this now confirmed in her mind that her two dearest friends seemed to ‘like’ each other. She was well pleased and smiled widely.

“Were you and Harry at the boxing match?” Kitty asked as she continued to watch Harry and Henrietta.

“Yes, yes, but dash it, girl … look at you!” Clayton said. “Where has our lovely hoyden vanished to? What have you done with her?”

Harry chimed in, “Aye … but I have never seen two more lovely women.”

“Why? Do you prefer the hoyden to this …?” Kitty’s banter was glittering in her eyes.

“In truth, I like both, my hoyden and this … but, Miss Henrietta, may I say, it has been too long since I saw you last,” Clayton said.

Kitty saw Harry frown.

“Has it?” Ree said demurely.