Page 81 of Mandy

e duke’s arms, her own pistol against his chest and he looked at it and then her and shook his head. “I suppose I had nothing to worry about…you would have shot him dead, yourself if you had to.”

She burst into tears as she wailed, “Brock…oh Brock.”

Chapter Twenty

MANDY STOOD RIGIDLY before her Uncle Bevis. Her eyes scanned his face, but she was filled with sympathy for him. Alfred had been his only son.

A part of her would never forgive him for his actions against her brother, but even so she felt for him in this instance.

It had been a week since Alfred’s death.

The gold had been recovered and Ned had been totally cleared of all charges. The gossipmongers were in their glory for this was the biggest piece of meat they had had to chew in some years.

Her uncle had decided to take an extended tour of the Highlands in Scotland, but had stopped by Sherborne Halls to make his peace with his niece and nephew.

“I…I can only say, I did what I thought was right,” He spoke sadly and Mandy thought he looked older suddenly and certainly broken.

“I know,” Mandy replied gently. If she had wanted to point out his wrongs, she had gotten over it, for he had already lost so much. She turned to her twin and said, “Come Neddy, wish Uncle Bevis a safe journey.”

Ned glanced sharply at her, for he had told her that this was one relation he wanted to exclude from his memory. He was, however, a kind soul and said good-bye, then Uncle, safe journey.”

Elly came into the parlor at that moment to place a tray of tea and sweet-cakes on the table. Mandy smiled warmly at her. She had been allowed to keep some of the money Jack had changed into currency as a reward, but her plans to leave for America had been put off. Instead, she remained at Sherborne where she was held in great affection.

Their uncle left and Ned drank down his tea and swallowed another small cake before he said, “Damn pleased not to have Aunt Agatha here anymore. That duke, smart as a whip. Knew just how to get rid of her, didn’t he?”

“Hmmm,” Mandy said dreamily.

“He has a surprise for you,” Ned said on a grin.

She perked up, “Does he? What? Tell me at once, you odious boy.”

The duke said on a low note as he came through the door and stood near Mandy, “The odious boy will go meet Chauncey outside for I need them to get a few things done before we leave in the morning.”

Ned grinned, got to his feet, plopped another small cake into his mouth, rubbed his hands, winked at his sister and left her to the duke.

Brock and Mandy smiled at this performance and then he took her into his arms, “You know, my love, I am a cad.”

“Yes, of course you are, but why do you say so?”

He chuckled, “Because you are still my ward and shall be for another few weeks.”

“Ah, yes indeed, I agree, quite a cad.”

“So, we leave for London, where you and Ned will be installed in m’godmother’s house. She means to present you to the haute ton, you see.”

Her face dropped ludicrously; “Oh…” she took a step away from him.

“What? What have I said? Don’t you wish a London Season?” he looked at her with great concern.

“Why, yes…but…”

“Mandy, my dear, my only love, you do see that I can not beg you to marry me, until you have had your choice of London beaus and when I am no longer your guardian…you do see that?”

She brightened, “Will you be jealous, if I take London by storm and men flirt with me?”

“I shall, I think have to dispose of them if they get in my way,” he answered as he scooped her into his arms. “But, tell me love, does my plan not suit you?”

“Well, I am not sure. Are you saying that you plan to ask me to marry you?”