Page 2 of Mandy

However, he smiled and gently said, “Sally, you know this has to stop.” He saw that she was shocked by the way her mouth dropped. He used that moment to hurry toward his bedroom door, saying just as he closed it at his back, “As I said, get dressed, my dear, and I shall await you downstairs and see you safely into the hack.”

He heard her stomp her foot on the Oriental rug behind the door he had just closed and grinned to himself. He was picking himself out of a sticky tangle not one moment too soon! Perhaps, he would just give some serious thought to a trip to Yorkshire to visit with his wards?

Chapter One

“COME ON NED, let’s wind it!” shouted a bright-eyed lady astride a fine looking gelding. “I do so need this run, don’t you?” She knew that she looked like a hoyden as she brushed a wild strand of yellow hair away from her face and saw from the look on her brother’s face, that he was about to lecture her both about the manner in which she was dressed and the fact that she refused to ride anyway but astride.

She pressed her horse lightly with the heal of her boot and the well-mannered gelding bounded forward, quite able to give his lady what she wanted.

“Ho there, Mandy!” her brother called with a frown as he caught up to her and indicated for her to slow down.

She eased her horse into a trot and then a walk as she allowed her brother to fall in step with her and sighed. She could see from his drawn brows that he was in what she called Friday-faced. “What ever is the matter?”

“I’m in no fit mood to take m’fences flying this morn. Want to talk to you,” he said shifting in his saddle to level a ‘look’ at her as he reined in his bay gelding.

She glanced sideways at his angular profile, so much like her own. She arched one fine brow slightly but slowed her horse to accommodate him.

“Time has come to give you a season, sis. You have been kept kicking your heels here in the Dales and it isn’t right. Want you to know that I

mean to apply to our guardian, the Duke and demand that he attend to the matter. After all, it is his duty to take care of such arrangements.”

“I do not think he will bother with us, one bit Ned.” She shook her head, “If he hasn’t yet, why should he when there is little more than a couple of months left and we will be of age to conduct our own affairs,” she answered reasonably. She frowned as she gave the matter some additional thought and added, “You know, we must not blame him entirely for his neglect. He may be just too old to journey here.”

“Mandy, isn’t that just like you? Always defending everyone. I daresay you would defend the devil himself!” He grimaced at her, “No, he can’t be old, as I tell you that I didn’t get that impression from m’cronies at school. Heard tell he is something of a rogue, in fact. Goes about stealing and breaking hearts.”

“Really?” Mandy was surprised but not shocked. Her friends had always said that stealing hearts was the pastime of the most dashing of the haute ton Corinthians. She considered the matter and objected, “But, I thought because he was Grandpapa’s friend he had to be an older man. Your friends can not be right in this. Maybe they misunderstood what they had been told…maybe they didn’t hear the name correctly?”

He frowned, but waved this off, “Doesn’t matter. Going to apply to him. You must have a season.”

She met his dark eyes questioningly, but did not object at this point. Something else troubled him. He hadn’t been himself lately and she was worried about it. He was her twin and more often than not, they didn’t need many words. They understood one another completely. They had always been close and then more so, when they lost their parents and their beloved grandfather had taken on the job of raising them. Their harmony was deep-rooted, gentle and understanding in nature and quite unassailable. Mandy was very certain he was worried about another matter.

“Something else is festering in that head of yours, Ned,” she said on a serious note. “You have not been yourself lately and don’t try to fob me off.” She gave him a penetrating look and added, “Because I am quite thoroughly aware that matters between you and Celia have done a complete turnabout.”

He shot her a sharp look and moved his gloved hand through his waves of uncovered yellow hair. “Yes, you are right. ‘Tis Celia. Certes, Mandy, she has me fairly noddled,” he groaned on this last pronouncement.

“Ah,” smiled his sister. “The wiles of a woman.” Mandy chuckled and added, “It can’t be all that bad, Neddy?” She had slowed her horse to a walk and looked across at him encouragingly.

“It can’t. But it is,” he said moaning. “And it is my fault. I thought that… well… I thought that she was an angel. Then I saw she was casting lures elsewhere and I put my notions to rest. Told myself I am too young and came to see that I am, too young to settle down with my first…infatuation, so to speak.”

“Well that is good, isn’t it?” She arched a look at him, “And Ned…I don’t want to be harsh about it, but I am glad you have seen the situation for what it is. I don’t mean to speak poorly about our cousin Celia, but I too have noticed that lately she seems intent on having you, whereas last week she did not even know you were alive.” Mandy laughed, “Bantling that you are, I didn’t think you were up to snuff about it.”

Her brother cast her a withering look, “I don’t appreciate being called a bantling.”

“Come Neddy, you are too sensitive. I do apologize. You evidently are not a bantling for you have seen for yourself what the situation is.” He didn’t appear to be placated and she added, “Don’t be in a miff, Ned.”

“I ain’t in a miff. What I am, is surprised. Surprised by your lack of faith in my judgment. As though, well as though I’d let any skirt charm me into believing she cares for me if she doesn’t. And I have come to see that the fair Celia is a shocking flirt. She doesn’t care for me at all.”

“Agreed. So what is the problem?”

“She seems to think I have led her on,” Ned said totally dejected. “I would never do that. Did I do that? I had no idea I was doing that.”

“Ned, you did no such thing. Granted you followed her about like a puppy dog at first, but it was obvious that she wanted someone else. I wish I could have discovered who it was, for I saw her forever sending off notes to him with her maid. No, if she has made a roundabout it is because he has not come up to scratch and she means to marry well…so she has her sights now on you, brother.”

“Indeed, as mortifying as that is,” Ned said grimacing, “it certainly seems to be true, and I tell you what sis, it does nothing for my fragile ego.” He pulled a face at her.

“Fragile ego? Ha! Where is it this fragile ego?” His sister laughed and told him with a wag of her gloved finger, “Next week you shall be in love again.” As she then thought of Celia trying to ensnare her brother she said, “She is outrageous. After all, she is five years older than you and while if both your hearts were engaged, that wouldn’t matter, it does when it is obvious she is trying to take advantage of your inexperience with women.”

“Hold on, what do you know about any experiences I may have had or not had?”