It was Charles who alighted and turned to give Lady Babs his gloved hand and escort her to her front door, but it was the duke who managed to stay her with a soft remark. “This meeting has ended too quickly and with no promise for the future …” He meant it as a mild flirtation but was powerfully taken when she answered.

“The future itself is a promise, your grace, for it is ever full of surprises.” So saying, she turned and allowed Charles to take her up the walk and front steps to her father’s front door.


Babs knew Maudly would open the door at any moment, and she hurriedly tugged at her friend’s finger and asked, “Has he sold out, Chuck—your cousin? And what was a duke doing in Wellington’s army? That doesn’t make any sense. How is it he isn’t married? He seems quite old enough … he looks as though he might be nearing thirty?”

Charles laughed out loud. “Mind your manners, brat, and he is not for you, so don’t worry your head over those questions.”

“Oh ho! And you have decided that? Well, as a matter of fact I don’t want him, but I am curious.”

“He only recently inherited his father’s title and estate. He is not married, and although he is old enough he had no wish to be. You may not want him now, but he has a way about him—he could steal your heart off before you are even aware he wants it.”

“And yet, you like him a great deal?”

“And yet, I do …” Chuck smiled at her as the door opened wide. Maudly appeared, curtsied, and ushered her charge within, but not before Lady Babs managed to throw over her shoulder, “Will I see you at Southby’s soirée tomorrow night?”

“Indeed. I am looking forward to it.” His eyebrow went up, and he added, “You seem somewhat overjoyed to hear it—I hope it is not because you think my cousin will be there. Don’t think he means to make an appearance …”

Her smile didn’t fade. “Why should I care about that?” However, she was acutely aware that she did care—she cared more than she could understand. For goodness sake, she had only just met the man … but he was ever so handsome. She sighed to herself.

Charles stepped inside and said, “A moment please, Lady Babs …”

She turned, and her eyebrow arched. Both were aware that Maudly hovered a few feet away.

Charles seemed to choose his words as he said, “Lady Babs, I feel it incumbent upon myself to caution you …”

She took a step back to him. “Yes?” she said sweetly. She rather thought Chuck liked her, and she had taken pains to show him as carefully as she could that she only cared for him as a friend.

He sighed and wagged a finger. “The duke is his own man and goes where he chooses and has been out and about while you were still in the schoolroom.”

She stamped her foot at him playfully and said, “Do not be wagging fingers at me and warning me off that which I do not want!” She giggled and added just before she gave him a little wave, “And you do not need to er … father me, I have enough of a father doing that all the time.” So saying she allowed Maudly to show him out and watched as her housekeeper rolled her eyes and closed the door.


Charles returned to the coach and sighed heavily as he climbed inside. “Sorry. Your day at the fair was ruined, and I did so want you to lose yourself for a bit in some harmless devilry.”

The duke snorted. “My dear Charles … or is it Chuck?” he teased and then proceeded before his friend could reply. “I did in fact, enjoy myself immensely, but tell me, are you courting the chit?”

Charles sighed sadly. “I … no, she is immune at the moment to all suitors. I wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“Then you are smitten?” the duke asked curiously.

“Nonsense.” Charles released a short laugh. “Me—smitten by a minx of a girl … utter nonsense.”

However, the duke thought he rather knew better. He gazed at his cousin. “I must admit, she is not in your usual style.”

“And what the deuce do you think is my usual style?”

“Serene and lovely, soft and elegant, gentle and demure,” said his grace at once.

“Rubbish.” Charles laughed.

“So then, you do want her—this rough-and-tumble vixen?”

“I suppose I fancied I did … but though she hasn’t said so, I can see that she thinks we wouldn’t suit,” Charles answered and sighed heavily. A fist went to his mouth, and he turned towards the window. However, he suddenly returned his attention to his cousin, and his eyes narrowed. “But may I also say that she is most definitely not in your style, Nick.”

“You may say it, and as it happens, I agree with you. She is not the sort of female I intend to dally with. I don’t break hearts … at least not innocent hearts, and since when have I ever played with virgins?”