“If you are, knock it off,” said Shar.

“We’re not,” said Deb.

I closed my eyes, thinking about Pete. We’d practically spoken today! And he’d covered for me. And sent me a secret, coded message. I sighed happily. Everything between us was okay. All I had to do was collect my Deluxe jewels, spy a little, travel the world, and before I knew it, I would be back with him and all of this would be nothing more than a distant memory.

“You probably think you’ve had enough adventure for one day,” said Bellamy when we were almost back to the mansion, “but I have another surprise in store for all of you.”

“Ooh, what’s that?” said Vanessa.

“Will we stop at home so I can change my clothes first?” asked Shar.

“Yes,” said Bellamy. “We’re making a special trip so you can do that. The rest of you can wait in the car with me while she is changing.”

“What’s our big surprise?” asked Jessica.

“You’ll see,” said Bellamy. He poured us all more champagne as the car pulled up to our house and Shar dashed inside, returning moments later in a tinsel-covered royal blue mini-dress.

“Not fair,” said Amy. “Can we all go inside and change into cute little cocktail dresses?”

“No. You all look great just as you are. Let’s just get on our way,” said Bellamy.

“Whatevs,” said Amy, picking at her cuticles.

“Okay, we’re here already,” said Bellamy a few moments later. “Hop out, my sky jumping damn cells.”

“What’s he talking about?” whispered Deb.

“I think he means damsels,” I said. “He’s just pronouncing it funny. Accidentally, I imagine.”

“Oh! Cute,” she said.

We were up on top of a big hill and there were picnic tables set up beneath strings of white lights. I could smell hotdogs cooking. “Are you girls ready for a hotdog eating contest?” he asked us. “The winner of this contest will be safe from elimination.”

“Are we on Fear Factor?” asked Vanessa, unsnuggling herself from him in disgust. “I don’t want to be part of a hotdog eating contest!”

“I don’t eat meat,” I pointed out.

“We thought of that, Emma,” said Bellamy. He went over to a big vat of hot water, removed the metal lid, and showed me piles and piles of hotdogs bobbing in hot water. “See how some of these are kind of light and squarish compared to the rest? Those are vegan hotdogs. Just for you, Emma.”

“But they’re all in the same water,” I said.

“Sure, they look wet now, but they get grilled at the last minute for that fresh-off-the-coals flavor,” he said, pointing over to a band of chefs wearing aprons beside grills. They all had on tall white hats. One of them waved his tongs at us and winked.

“That’s not the point. They’re all, you know, stewing together in the same water,” I said. No one was listening.

“I’m gonna do this,” said Shar, plunking down at a picnic table, ready to prove her fun-ness.

“Aren’t you all hungry?” asked Bellamy. “I’m starving! I’m gonna do it too, if that changes anyone’s mind.”

Deb and Jessica sat down at the picnic tables, ready to get started. Amy, Vanessa, and I stayed near the limo. I knew that skipping two challenges in a row was not going to be a good thing, but I just couldn’t do it.

“No one has to do anything they don’t want to do,” said Bellamy, “but I’m looking for a wife who likes fun and adventure. Someone who isn’t afraid to make a fool out of herself. You know? I’m not exactly keeping score, but I am trying to see who is compatible with my interests. And I like hotdogs.”

“Let’s get this party started,” said Shar, loosening the zipper on the side of her dress.

“I will eat a hotdog,” said Amy, “but I’m not going to participate in the contest.” She took a seat at the picnic table and primly placed a square of paper towel in her lap.

“Count me out,” said Vanessa. She poured herself some more champagne, kicked off her shoes, and settled back to watch.