We all drew in a collective breath of shock. Abernathy Sinclair was a professional model/ballroom dancer from two seasons ago. Her hair looked like threads of gold. Her waist was so tiny that she had used another girl’s necklace as a belly chain when hers got stuck in the pool grate. Her eyes were purple. She spoke six languages and had a drink named after her at a nightclub in New York that I wouldn’t even have the guts to stand in line at.

“Please, please try to get along,” Vanessa said to Shar and Jessica.

“It’s really up to her,” said Jessica.

“There has been a change of plans,” said a producer, scurrying forward from an impromptu huddle they’d been having, looking nervous. “Shar, you will be staying here today. Emma, you will be attending on the group date in Shar’s place. You ladies had better get ready now.”

“What?” yelled Shar. “Why is that little bitch going instead of me?”

“We’re doing you a favor by keeping you and Jessica separated,” said the producer.

“This is bullshit,” said Shar. She went outside, stripped naked, and jumped in the pool.

“Look at her! I mean, don’t look at her. Eww. What a mess,” said Deb. “In Duluth, people do not get naked. This is really hard for me. It’s, like, culture shock.”

I went off to change my clothes, praying we would not be jumping out of an airplane. While I was getting ready I heard Alanna Rutherford come home from her date. Her fan club, headed up by Deb and Amy, descended upon her to hear all the juicy details. When I came out into the living room, everyone except for Shar, who was still doing naked laps in the pool, was gathered around Alanna. She sat on the sofa while everyone else semi-circled her on the floor, looking up like eager puppies.

“Our brunch was divine. We had eggs benedict and freshly squeezed orange juice…”

“Ooh, I love freshly squeezed orange juice,” Deb interrupted.

“And there was fresh lemon marmalade on raisin scones.”

“Mmm! Raisins,” said Deb.

“We were outside, overlooking the whole city. It was so pretty.”

“You’re so pretty,” said Deb.

“Oh, stop,” said Alanna, smiling and trying to look embarrassed.

“I love your outfit,” said Amy. “Is it Banana Republic?”

“No. It’s um, a designer named, hmm, I forget his name. He made it just for me.”

“Seriously? Like, just for you? No way. You are so cool,” said Amy.

“It’s nothing,” said Alanna. “Honestly, if one of you ended up with your own show after this, like I just had, there would be some unexpected perks for you too.”

“Alanna, what happened with you and Antonio?” I asked.

“Emma! How could you? Have a little respect,” Deb said, protectively resting her hand on Alanna’s arm. “Alanna is not ready to talk about that! It is all too fresh.” Then she turned to Alanna and said in a stage whisper, “I cannot believe she asked you that.”

“It’s fine,” whispered Alanna, blotting at her eyes to show it was not fine.

“Tell us more about your fabulous brunch,” said Amy.

“Did I mention the berries? There were strawberries,” said Alanna.

“No way! Strawberries? I positively, absolutely, am bonkers about strawberries,” said Deb.

“What happened with Mylar? Why did he send her home?” asked Vanessa.

“Aside from the obvious reason that you’re more awesome,” said Deb.

“Well,” Alanna sighed, appearing heavy-hearted. “She kept talking about her little boy, and I think Bellamy realized he was not ready to be father. Well, wa

it a minute. I don’t mean that he’s not ready to be a father, but he’s not ready to be a father to a child other than his own.”