“We should start swimming back. They’re going to get suspicious about what we’re talking about.”

“Okay. But wait. You could tell I wasn’t the one for you? I mean, how did you know I would be okay with this?”

Bellamy spun me around and kissed me on the lips. “This is just for show,” he said smiling.

“Of course,” I said, wishing the unexpected onslaught of butterflies in my stomach would migrate away forever.

“I could just tell. But you’re still the coolest girl here. Forget what I said about the lipstick. You remind me exactly of my sister.”

“Got it,” I said. We swam back to shore and got dressed, pretending for the cameras that we were falling love.

Chapter 18

“I’ll be teaching a yoga class at ten o’clock if anyone would like to sign up,” said Klassie. She stuck a sheet of paper onto the fridge with a magnet, and stood waiting to see what would happen. I was at the sink rinsing a glass, so I took a look. The sheet was labeled Yoga Sign Up with the numbers one through five beneath it.

“Sure,” I said, scrawling Emma in spot number one.

“Why not,” said Jessica. She added her name in spot number two. “Do you actually know anything about yoga?” she asked Klassie.

“A little. I have been in yoga classes. I imagine I can teach it.”

“No worries. I was just asking you, mate,” said Jessica.

No one else seemed interested, so the three of us went outside for our class.

“Okay, I guess there are no mats, so we’ll sit on the grass,” said Klassie. “Let’s start by stretching. Just do what I do.”

“Do you think there is any chance Mylar will be back?” asked Jessica as she twisted to the left, twisted to the right, following Klassie’s lead.

“I doubt it,” I said. Alanna and Mylar were off with Bellamy on a two-on-one brunch date. Only one would be returning.

“I heard tonight’s the night,” said Klassie, standing up. “Now do this,” she said, reaching for the sky.

“Tonight’s the night?” asked Jessica.

“Time for us to start traveling,” said Klassie.

“Seriously?” I said. I jumped up and down. “I can’t wait! Where do you think we’re going?”

“I might have heard wrong, but I think Brazil.”

“Oh no,” said Jessica. “Those women from Brazil are beautiful.”

“So are we,” said Klassie. “Okay, enough yoga. I just wanted to be able to add it to my résumé when I get home. Would you two mind being references for me?”

“Of course not,” we said.

“Cool,” said Klassie. “See you later. I’m going to take a nap.”

Jessica and I were still sitting in the grass when a white van pulled up, a dumpy little man got out, and Mylar’s luggage was taken away. As we suspected, she was going home while Alanna remained.

“Oh shit. We’re doomed,” said Jessica.

“If Alanna liked Bellamy so much, why did she choose Antonio?” I said. Now that I was a spy, I had to think about these things.

“Exactly,” said Jessica.

I leaned back, watching the clouds go by. Bellamy would, of course, end up with Alanna now that she was back. What guy wouldn’t choose Alanna Rutherford if given the chance? I considered who was really the best match for him. Shyla had been a good option. She was fun and genuinely interested in him. But she was gone. Of the girls who remained, maybe Jessica was the best choice…