“Say something.”

“Are you sure? I mean, no offense, Emma, but are you sure?”


“Getting onto a show like that probably takes a huge amount of interviewing, paperwork, you know. All kinds of stuff. Do you mean you applied to be on it? Because if that’s what you mean, I already guessed you were going to.”

“Betsy, you’re not listening to me. I am on it. I leave Wednesday. We start filming Thursday. I’m serious. I thought you’d be excited for me.”

“Emma, do you remember when you joined that CD club and you thought that Jason Mraz was going to come to your house because he was in an ad that said ‘How would you like Jason Mraz in your living room for just one cent.’ Do you remember that?”

“Betsy! I was a kid! Please!”

“You were not a kid. You were, like, eighteen. You should have known better.”

“I wasn’t eighteen. Anyhow, that is irrelevant. You are ruining this for me. I really thought you’d be excited for me.”

“If it’s really happening, I’m happy for you.”

“I want to kill you right now.”

“Emma, you really shouldn’t say things like that.”

“Goodbye. I’m calling Rachel. Or Lauren. Or one of my other true friends.”

“Oh, Emma. Don’t be so pouty. Geez!”

“Bye, Betsy.”

I hung up. Instead of calling any other friends, I called my boss. To my slight disappointment and major relief, it went straight to voicemail. I took a deep breath and dove right in: “Hello. This is Emma Van Elson. I regret to inform you that I will need to take a leave of absence for personal reasons. I will be dropping off my portfolio regarding the Fillmore, Snell, Abernathy, and McCoy projects I’m currently working on, so that these projects may be completed in my absence. Oh, and there are notes on the Coolidge and Wu designs. I am pretty sure both of them will go with you if the bid is right. I regret that I was unable to give you notice of this departure, and I am sincerely sorry for the inconvenience it will cause you. I will submit a letter of temporary resignation when I drop off my portfolio. Later today. After hours. This evening, actually. Once you’re gone for the day. I hope I may return to my post when things get back to normal for me, but I understand if that is not possible. I could be back in as little as a week, or as long as ten weeks. I’m sorry I can’t give you any additional details. Um, thanks. Thanks for everything. Bye.”

I set my phone in the passenger seat. My hands were shaking. I probably shouldn’t have mentioned Coolidge and Wu. They could have been my first clients for my start-up company once I got kicked off the show and returned to find I had no job. Oh well, it was too late now. Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully things wouldn’t go so badly.

I really wanted to call Pete, but I didn’t. It suddenly occurred to me that I needed to get ready. I need to pack! I only had one full day to create a television-worthy version of myself!

Before leaving for work, I had printed a copy of Recommended Must-Brings for Potential Contestants on Bellamy’s Redemption, thinking I’d be able to sneak a peek at it while I was at Mrs. Fillmore’s house. I hadn’t had the chance though. So now I took it from my purse, reviewing it:

Welcome and best wishes, Finalist!

Are you ready for some fun? Are you ready for LOVE?

You may soon be embarking on the adventure of your lifetime, an adventure that may lead to love.

We wish you all the best.

A great, beautiful first impression is vitally important in winning a man’s heart. Bellamy, despite his kind heart and non-materialistic ways, is no exception to this rule!

Don’t let the beautiful backdrops of blue oceans, scenic mountains, and gorgeous landmarks upstage you!

Remember: If you are chosen as a contestant, you will be competing against many other beautiful women, and you will need to showcase your own natural beauty. Don’t let old, out of style clothing take away from your chances! Also, don’t be afraid to show your natural beauty with clothes that show off your figure!

We suggest if you are chosen as a contestant that you bring the following clothing and accessories along with you, as noted below. Please note, we are not responsible for purchases made in preparation for your appearance on Bellamy’s Redemption. You accept full responsibility for the wardrobe you bring, as well as the costs accrued in assembling said wardrobe. We suggest you borrow clothing from friends, family, or associates, whenever possible, in order to offset your expenses.

This holds true for shoes, jewelry and accessories.

Good luck!

You will be hearing more from us soon!