“Tell him to be careful.”

“I will. He’s not going to listen though.”

“Guess what?” I said.


“There’s a new show that’s going to be filmed soon called Bellamy’s Redemption, and I’m going to be on it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m going to be a contestant on it.”

“Oh. A game show? Like Jeopardy? That’s great, Honey. What kind of questions are they going to ask you?”

“Not that kind of show. It’s a reality show about finding love.”

“You’re going on a reality show? Why would you want to do that?” she asked. I could tell I was in trouble.

“It’s a show about finding love,” I repeated weakly.


“Yes. Love.”

“I didn’t think you were interested in love.”

“Everyone is interested in love!”

“Those shows don’t work.”

“They sometimes


“It’s not one of those shows where young people are getting busy with strangers, is it?”

“No! No way, Mom. Nothing like that. It’s not about, you know, sex. It’s all about love. I’m probably going to end up married once it’s over.”

“Oh. Well that would be nice.” She’s been worried about my marriageability ever since I hit twenty-four. “When is this going to happen?”

“Um,” I pressed my phone against my neck and quietly said, “in a couple of days.”

“I didn’t hear that,” she said.

“I leave on Wednesday,” I admitted.

“This Wednesday?”


“Why didn’t you mention this sooner?”

“I just found out.”

“What about your job?”

“I am going to take a leave of absence,” I said.