“Nice to meet you, Shar,” I said.

“What’s your name?”


“How old are you?” she asked, followed by an unselfconscious belch.


“I’m twenty-three. I’ll be twenty-four in a few weeks. I figure if filming starts soon I can celebrate my birthday on-air. That would be cool.”

I nodded, unsure what to say to that.

“Whatever,” she said, taking a swig of champagne right out of the bottle. Unfortunately, she was the prettiest woman in the room.

“Hello, ladies,” said a deep male voice. I spun around to see a buff, tan man in a pink polo shirt. “Grab a drink, ladies. Then come join me in the conference room.”

I took a flute of champagne and followed him into yet another wing of the spacious suite. Freddie sat beside me and a brunette I had not met yet sat on my other side.

“Mylar,” she said quietly, holding out her hand.

“Emma,” I said as I shook her hand.

“Like the balloon,” she added.

“Okay,” I said.

Shar, Shyla, and the others joined us as Mr. Ken doll waited patiently with his palms resting on the table and his mouth constantly smiling a large, white smile. When we were all seated he cleared his throat and began to speak: “Ladies, I’m Mark Jones. I am very pleased to see you all. I want you to know that you’re all doing a great job and have gotten quite far in this rigorous process. But we’re just beginning! We feel great about the seven of you seated here today. I’m going to be upfront with you: Fifteen girls have already been selected, and we hope the seven of you seated here will be our final five and two alternates. So knock me out today! Okie dokie? Now, let’s get to know one another.” He smiled at the woman seated to his left and she took the cue to begin.

“I’m Angie,” she said, twisting a finger in her long, black curls. Her voice was whiny and she sounded like she might begin to cry at any moment. “I’m an administrative assistant for a law firm in Wichita. I just turned twenty-four. I come from a big family. There are nine of us kids. This is my first time being outside of Kansas. Except for Missouri. I have been there a few times.”

I could recall announcing my age back when I was a kid, but it had been years since it was part of normal introductions. To me, it seemed strange. Didn’t we all have some better way to explain who we were than to tell how many years we’d been on the planet? I decided I was going to civilly disobey the trend when it was my turn.

“I have a funny story to share with you…” Angie continued.

Mark shook his head. “Thanks, Angie. Moving along,” he said. But he said it so brightly and charmingly that it wasn’t offensive.

“Hi y’all! I’m Vanessa,” said the next contestant. I instantly sensed that she was the one to beat. She was super pretty with light brown hair and wide blue eyes. She seemed graceful in a way none of the others had so far. “I’m twenty-nine and I’m a pediatrician. I’m from Atlanta. I like running marathons, going to karaoke bars, and dancing. I’m a Meals on Wheels volunteer. Also, I have several utility patents pending. Oh, and I read to homeless people on Sundays after church. I can’t wait to meet Bellamy!”

Shar was next. She stood up, despite that neither Angie nor Vanessa had done so. “I’m Shar Shallahan. I’m twenty-three. I’m gonna have an on-air birthday party that is going to make you all sick. Just wait and see. I’m from Louisville, Kentucky. I say ‘Go big or go home.’ I am not afraid of anything. I have gone skiing down mountains that are so tall. Utah mountains. Like Vanessa said, I like to karaoke. Pat Benatar, Stevie Nicks. I tried to get on American Idol a couple of years ago but that show is rigged and they didn’t pick me. I think they just go with people they know. Mark, I hope we get the opportunity to karaoke. Like I said, I am not afraid. I hope you’re going to pick me because I think I am what this show needs. These other girls aren’t going to be memorable television. Especially her,” she said, pointing at me. “But I will jump in a pool with my clothes off, or go white water rafting. Like I said, I’m from Kentucky, so I can ride a horse really fast, if you need someone to do that. It doesn’t get any better than me.” Satisfied with herself, she sat back down and popped a petit four into her mouth.

“Let’s all get along now,” said Mark, smiling jovially. “You’re up,” he said, winking at the woman next to me.

“I’m Mylar,” she said before clearing her throat in a treacherous gasp and then recovering in nervous enthusiasm. “I know what you’re thinking, like the balloon, right? Yes, I get that all the time. I’m Mylar like the balloon. I’m twenty-six and I’m from Rochester, New York. I have a two year old little boy named Cason. Right now I’m just staying home with him, taking care of him. I hope Bellamy’s ready to be a daddy!”

“Are you divorced or what?” asked Shar.

“Uh, no. I was never married.”

Shar looked at Mark and shook her head in disgust.

“I guess I’m next,” I said. “I’m Emma Van Elson. I live in Chicago and I work as an interior designer. I really fell in love with Bellamy when I watched him and Alanna, and I think he’s a very special guy. I am thrilled to be here.”

Shar yawned loudly.

“How old are you?” asked Angie.

“Twenty-seven,” I said.