“Did I look good enough? Should we try it again with a different outfit?”

“You look beautiful.”

“Should we add footage of me at work?”

“No, I don’t think you need it.”

I sighed. “I need to pick up my sweaters before I have a heart attack.”

Pete laughed. “Wildly knocking those sweaters over was definitely the most shocking move you made. Even more than the fireplace comment. So… I will put this on a disk for you. Be right back,” he said, exiting my apartment and leaving the door wide open.

Instantly, as I followed him to close it, the thought occurred to me: “He’s a slob. This is why we could never be a couple.” As if I needed a reason.

Chapter 4

Despite my status as “snowed in” I braved the blizzard to meet Betsy and Rachel for drinks when they got done with work. I didn’t have time to change clothes so I threw on winter boots and my ankle length, all-business, no-style winter coat over my cocktail dress. When I approached the bar, I saw that they were already seated at a tall table by the front window. Rachel with her long, red hair and pale blue eyes, made me think of ghosts even when we were children. Betsy, because she looked exactly like the cover of my older sister’s book Heidi, always made me think of Switzerland and cows with bells tied around their necks.

Rachel still looks much the same as she did when she was a little girl: skinny, serious, haunted. She has her work persona and a softer home persona. It has always been that way. In school she was competitive and ruthless. The most likely to cheat off your paper, the least likely to need to. She was the only one of us whose mother had worked in the professional world, and she seemed advanced beyond the rest of us because of it. But if you went over to her house, back then or now, she’d be baking cookies and wearing her dog strapped to her in a cuddle pouch.

Betsy is buttery and blonde. Shiny like the sun. Sassy and fun. Brutally honest yet forgivable since there is never any real malice attached. Easy. I mean that in the good and bad ways. Uncomplicated. A little bit slutty. I love her dearly but wouldn’t want her hanging around any guy I liked if I wasn’t around.

They have both been prettier than me throughout our lives, but I finally feel like I’m in their league. Being skinny and a late bloomer has its advantages.

They waved to me and I went in to join them.

“We bought you a glass of wine since you’re in mourning,” said Rachel, gesturing to the empty chair and glass of Pinot Noir.

“Thank you,” I said, taking my place.

“Most people spend their day off in pajamas, but Emma likes to lounge around in a sequined mini dress,” said Betsy.

“Tell me you have some different shoes in your bag,” said Rachel.

“No, just these wooly things,” I said, holding my feet out in front of me.

“I haven’t told Rachel anything yet about your plan, but can I please tell her now?” Betsy said.

“You two aren’t supposed to have secrets without me,” said Rachel.

“Well, now you have to tell her or it would be rude,” I said. “Just kidding, Rachel; I’d have told you anyway. We don’t have any secrets from you.”

“Emma is thinking about trying to get on the show they’re doing about Bellamy getting a second chance at love,” said Betsy.

“Really?” asked Rachel. She wrinkled her nose in distaste.

“I’m just thinking about it,” I said, sipping my wine. In reality the copy of my audition had already been taken to the post office and was being overnighted to Hollywood.

“Would you actually want to be on television? I thought you, um… frowned upon that sort of thing.” said Rachel.

“Oh, please! Am I that stuck up? Anyhow, it’s not about going on television. I just really, really like Bellamy. We all thought he was amazing. Didn’t we?”

“Sure, Em. He was fine,” said Betsy.

“Just fine? Try adorable. He was adorable.”

“You’re talking about him like he’s a cupcake. I’ve never seen you this excited about anyone,” said Rachel.

“He’s special,” I said. Rachel and Betsy exchanged glances.