Page 117 of Bellamy's Redemption

“Doesn’t your family understand that you’re on a mission to find love?” asked Deb.

“Yeah. But still, I’d like to call home for a minute or two.”

“I’m starting to think you’re not strong enough for this competition,” said Alanna.

“I’m strong enough,” I said.

“Just hold on a little longer,” said Deb. “If things go well with Bellamy’s family, you’ll get to be back with your family soon, during part two of the Meet-the-Fam dates when he meets yours.”

“And if things go badly, you’ll still be home with your family soon,” said Alanna, smiling benevolently.

I ignored her intentions. “You’re all right,” I said. “I don’t know why I’m having such a hard time. I’m overreacting. I think I’ll just take a little nap now.”

I closed my eyes and pulled my eye pillow down into place to signify that we were done talking, but Alanna pushed it back up. “I think there’s something you’re not telling us,” she said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“I have Debbie and Klassie all figured out,” she said; neither seemed the least annoyed by this statement, “but I’m not so sure about you.”

“There’s nothing to figure out,” I said.

“Really? How do you really feel about Bellamy?”

“How do you really feel about Bellamy? Better than you felt when you told him that you didn’t want to marry him, but that you did want to marry Antonio?” I asked her back.

“I’ve explained that I was confused, and that now I’ve realized I made the wrong decision picking Antonio. I have done plenty of explaining about that. But we’re talking about you now.”

“Not if I don’t feel like talking,” I said, yanking my eye pillow back into place.

“Explain to me why you have a ‘princess’ eye pillow that looks like it’s from the dollar store, but your dresses are all super expensive,” she said, pushing the eye pillow back up on top of my head.

“Hmm,” said Deb, nodding.

“Easy with the eye pillow. And my hair! This eye pillow was in my Christmas stocking. Are you saying my parents have bad taste? Because that would be very rude of you.”

“Explain why you’re so quiet,” said Alanna.

“I’m talking right now,” I said.

“You do kind of keep to yourself,” Klassie said accusingly.

“You’re all being ridiculous,” I said.

“Explain why your surprise visitor was so gross,” Alanna continued. “It’s like, they totally let you off the hook. Did you really even go out with that guy? Did you even know him? Or was he some fake guy they brought in so they could try to frame me and Vanessa, and make it look like you were also getting tested?”

“He was real,” I said. “Though I have no idea why they chose him. I seriously have way better ex-boyfriends than that. Honestly, I’m still embarrassed about it. If anything, you should take that whole mess as a sign of my authenticity.”

Alanna picked at small zit on her chin and glared at me. “I’m just… ugh,” she said, shaking her head.

“What?” I asked.

“Never mind,” she said, moving on to pick at her fingernails.

“Fine,” I said. I pulled my eye pillow back down.

“Don’t hide behind your dumb eye pillow when we’re in the middle of a conversation.”

I took it off and stuffed it into my pocket.