I hoped Shyla was going to be safe from elimination. She was the most fun of all the girls. I hoped Marissa would be sent home. She whined and complained ceaselessly. Even Shar was less annoying.

I watched as Bellamy kept both of them around, and made a mental note that he’d had special clip-on earrings prepared for Marissa who didn’t have pierced ears. Was it possible he really liked her? Vanessa raised an eyebrow at me, having caught this detail as well.

“I wish I would have gotten clip-ons,” said Tamika, rubbing her inflamed earlobe.

Eventually Bellamy narrowed it down to Chloe and Eve. They were both rather boho-chic and only had time for each other. Even during the cupcake free-for-all they had sat outside wrapped in hemp sarongs by the pool, playing with tarot cards and Chloe’s belt loom. Now they were holding hands and crying, probably over the idea of separating. I hoped he sent Eve home instead of Chloe. I really wanted her to make me a hippie belt. Well, I decided, whoever is left is going to be my new best friend here.

“Eve,” Bellamy was saying, “will you accept these Deluxe sapphire and diamond earrings, and continue on this journey towards finding love with me?”

“Are they blood diamonds?” asked Eve.

“I don’t know,” said Bellamy.

Eve looked at Chloe. “Should I?”

“Can she continue on with you without taking those tainted earrings?” asked Chloe.

Bellamy looked at the producers. One of them came forward. “This is a two part deal. You get Bellamy and you get the Deluxe jewelry, and you need to seem happy about both. It was in the contract you signed.”

“Maybe I can’t,” said Eve.

“If she can’t, I can,” said Chloe.

“Fair enough,” said Bellamy. “Chloe, would you accept these Deluxe sapphire and diamond earrings, and continue on in a journey towards finding love with me?”

“I will,” she said, stepping forward.

“Bellamy, are you happy with this?” Catalina Cartwright interrupted.

“Um, yes?” Bellamy asked.

“Okay,” said Catalina. “Sorry, Eve. That means you have been eliminated.”

“I’ll walk you out,” said Bellamy, gallantly holding out his arm to her.

The camera crew started wrapping up so I found Shyla and we made our way back to the bus that was waiting to take us home. We took seats across from each other, kicked off our shoes, and waited. I knew how this would go from the way previous nights had played out: About half of us would be here right away and the other half would stay around Bellamy’s mansion trying to get face time with him. It was three o’clock in the morning and I was ready to go to sleep.

“Can you take us home now and come back for the rest of them?” Shyla asked the bus driver. His name was Philippe and he seemed unimpressed with us evening gown-clad, supposedly desirable young women.

“No can do,” he said.

“Did this used to be a school bus?” asked Shyla.

“Don’t ask me,” said Philippe.

“Take us home. Pleassse,” whined Marissa.

“Rules is rules,” said Philippe.

“Did you happen to notice how many people Bellamy kissed tonight?” Shyla whispered to me.

“No. I didn’t realize we’d already moved on to that step.”

“Seriously? Yes, Emma, there was a ton of kissing. First I saw him and Klassie kissing, then…”

“Who?” I interrupted. “Which one is Klassie?”

“You remember her! Rollergirl. The one with super huge, puffy red hair who showed up wearing roller skates the first night.”