so fat, man.” He tried to stick one into my ear and poked me in the cheek instead.

“I got it,” I said, taking care of it myself. I guessed this was a lot like how sex with Bellamy would be.

“These earrings mean I’d like you to continue on your journey with me towards true love. Do you accept that?” he asked.

“Yep,” I said, hating myself a little.

“Good deal. Ready to go back and join the crowd?”

“Sure,” I said. We turned around and were greeted by Shar.

“Have you been following us?” asked Bellamy.

“No. I just caught up with you. Have you got a minute?” she asked Bellamy.

“Sure,” he said. “Do you mind, Emma?”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll see you later.” I walked back alone. Even though I had a mic on, no camera people were following me, so I paused and removed an earring so I could take a closer look. It was gorgeous! I put it back on and found myself starting to skip. It was exciting to be a favorite! Even if Bellamy was really Dirky Wiedenbueller. The competitive part of me enjoyed this simply because I seemed to be one of the front-runners. Not to mention that the prizes were amazing.

If only everything with Pete could have just waited until after I got back home. Why was I so impulsive? “Because you love him, that’s why,” I said to myself. I pictured Pete’s face, his body, the way he said my name, and I got very sad. “Why are you squandering love?” I asked myself. “True love is very rare. Very hard to find!”

This was all wrong. I needed to get away from it all and back to Pete as fast as I could. I realized that the alcohol, cameras, and constant interaction were confusing me. Only now, alone without cameras and people, was I myself again. Another couple of steps and I’d be back with all the girls. I sat down on a rock behind a tree, trying to hide, trying to think. Suddenly, Shyla was standing over me.

“Emma, you’re back! Get up! You aren’t going to believe it. There’s a television here. Come and see. Whoa! What are those? Oh my God! He gave you earrings. No way! You are the luckiest person ever. Anyhow, come inside and watch TV with me.”

So I did. She was hanging out in the producers’ trailer with Deb from Duluth, watching old music videos.

“We’re not allowed to watch TV,” I said.

“How can they get mad at us when they’re the ones who brought it?” asked Shyla.

“Good point,” I said, sitting down with them.

“Deb,” said Shyla, “did you see that Emma is safe from elimination for another day?”

“It figures,” said Deb. Her eyes were glued to the screen. Sarah McLachlan’s Building a Mystery video was on.

“I always wanted a total dipshit boyfriend like that,” said Shyla.

“Me too,” said Deb.

“Even the sandals in the snow and the tantrums?” I asked.

“Yes,” said Shyla.

The video ended and Deb started flipping through the channels.

“Stop! Stop! Go back,” I said.

“Why? What did you see?” she asked, clicking back a few channels.

“There. Stop there,” I said. And there he was. My man. My Pete. My uterus started beating like a drum. I wanted to have his baby!

“Do you like this guy?” asked Deb.

“No! Of course not! I just love that vegetable slicer dicer! Look at the way it juliennes!”

“Let’s find one of those court room shows,” said Deb. “You know what I mean? I love those shows! Especially Judge Judy. Do they have those where you guys come from or are they just in Duluth?”