Page 115 of Bellamy's Redemption

Alanna leaned over me to peer out the window. “I love it here. The last time I met Bellamy’s family, in case you forgot that I’ve met them, they were so amazing. I really could imagine being a part of their family. I mean, you did see me meeting them, right? Remember how much they liked me? I think they’re going to be really happy to see me again. I know I’ve missed them a ton, so I assume they’ve missed me too. I hate to say it, but they loved me.”

“I saw that episode, and I remember it differently,” said Klassie.

“Differently how?” asked Alanna.

“Just, um, less intense. Less love.”

“I guess you had to be there,” said Alanna.

“And now we all will be,” said Klassie.

“Are you trying to start a fight with me?” Alanna asked Klassie.

Klassie shook her head. Then nodded it when Alanna was no longer looking.

“We all remember that episode,” said Deb. “Of course we do! After all, it just happened. You wore the peach and turquoise strapless sundress, right?”

“Yes. It’s Michael Kors.”

“It’s what?” asked Deb.

“Never mind. Forget it,” said Alanna. Her lips began to tremble and her eyes grew moist.

“There, there. I know who Michael Kors is,” I said, patting her arm. She shoved me away and shook her head.

“I remember that they served corn on the cob and you ate it so delicately,” Deb continued, squinting a little as she recalled details of Alanna and Bellamy’s previous Meet-the-Fam date. “Like a little rabbit. Not one kernel got lodged in your teeth. And you totally clicked with Bellamy’s family, Alanna. They adored you. The rest of us might as well not even bother meeting them.”

“I did click with them. Thanks for backing me up, Debbie,” said Alanna. She glared at Klassie and then at me; I was guilty too, since I hadn’t stuck up for her.

“Do you think it’s a little odd that we’re going to Denver instead of to Arizona? I’d like to see Bellamy’s place instead of his parents’ house. What if he lives in a shack, or an efficiency apartment? I’m on to something here, right?” asked Klassie. She adjusted her neck brace and twisted her white-yellow hair.

“The point is to meet the fam,” said Alanna. “Meet the fam. Not the roommates. Not the co-workers. Not the frat boys. Not the skanky ex-girlfriends. Not the neighbors. The fam-i-ly. That’s what ‘fam’ stands for. Seriously Klassie, did you ever watch the show before you came here?”

“Yes Alanna. God! Back off. You’re such a piranha. Anyhoo, what do you girls think of my hair? It’s blah, right? Not at all me, right? I think I’m going to dye it back to red. Don’t you all think so? I just don’t feel like myself right now without my red hair.” She twisted a chunk of it around her fingers over and over and made a face. Ever since she’d fallen off the balcony, she seemed to be experiencing bouts of skittishness I hadn’t noticed before.

“Alanna, tell us more about his family. Are they amazing?” asked Deb.

“Yeah, Debbie. They’re really great. You know what the best thing about them was? I mean, besides their general awesomeness? They’d heard of the band I was in! Isn’t that so sweet of them?”

“You were in a band?” asked Deb.

“Sure! Chipmunk Super Highway. I mean, this was years ago, back when I was a kid. We were über-famous in Saskatchewan. That’s where I lived when I was little. Never mind. I mean, now I’m blabbing about nothing, just like you, right Debbie?”

“I don’t know,” said Deb.

“So,” Alanna continued, “his parents are really nice and normal, and he has a younger sister who seems really sweet and sporty, and an older brother who also seems cool. I’m not so sure about the brother’s wife, she seemed a little off, like 2007 Britney Spears, or Sylvia Plath or something, but otherwise they’re a great bunch. I hope they don’t have any hard feelings towards me, you know, for not picking Bellamy last time. It’s just, I was confused, you know?”

“Sure,” said Deb. “Who’s Sylvia Plath?”

“Oh Debbie, you poor little fool,” said Alanna.

“Are you for serious?” asked Deb.

I was so annoyed that Alanna had been in Chipmunk Super Highway. I wondered now how I hadn’t realized it sooner. Chipmunk Super Highway had been a band made up of five adorable little girls with chic bobbed haircuts and shiny yellow raincoat themed clothing. They’d had their own television show that played on Sunday afternoons after Saved by the Bell reruns. They had even had a somewhat-known song that got a little radio air time called School Blues. I bit my lip to keep from humming it.

“So,” said Deb, already having forgiven Alanna, “do you think they’re still mad at you, or have they gotten over it? I’ll bet they’re over it.”

“Yeah, Debbie, I think they’ve had enough time to heal. If I can heal, so can they, right? Honestly, I was the victim in the whole ordeal. More than Bellamy and certainly more than his parents. None of them had to deal with Antonio and his lies. But like I’ve said, I’m over all that and ready to move on. Time heals all wounds. Yeah, I’m sure they’re over it. Case closed,” said Alanna. Then she turned to me and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “You know, Emma, you’re being awfully quiet.”