“How did they do it?” he cried. In so short a time. Nine hours, while he slept. Had they melted gold, fixed delicate watch springs, diamonds, glitter, confetti, rich rubies, liquid silver, copper thread? Had metal insects spun her hair? Had they poured yellow fire in molds and set it to freeze?

“No,” she said. “If you talk that way, I’ll go.”


“Come to business, then,” she said, coldly. “You want to talk to me about Leonard.”

“Give me time, I’ll get to it.”

“Now,” she insisted.

He knew no anger. It had washed out of him at her appearance. He felt childishly dirty.

“Why did you come to see me?” She was not smiling.


“I insist. Wasn’t it about Leonard? You know I love him, don’t you?”

“Stop it!” He put his hands to his ears.

She kept at him. “You know, I spend all of my time with him now. Where you and I used to go, now Leonard and I stay. Remember the picnic green on Mount Verde? We were there last week. We flew to Athens a month ago, with a case of champagne.”

He licked his lips. “You’re not guilty, you’re not.” He rose and held her wrists. “You’re fresh, you’re not her. She’s guilty, not you. You’re different!”

“On the contrary,” said the woman. “I am her. I can act only as she acts. No part of me is alien to her. For all intents and purposes we are one.”

“But you did not do what she has done!”


bsp; “I did all those things. I kissed him.”

“You can’t have, you’re just born!”

“Out of her past and from your mind.”

“Look,” he pleaded, shaking her to gain her attention. “Isn’t there some way, can’t I—pay more money? Take you away with me? We’ll go to Paris or Stockholm or any place you like!”

She laughed. “The marionettes only rent. They never sell.”

“But I’ve money!”

“It was tried, long ago. It leads to insanity. It’s not possible. Even this much is illegal, you know that. We exist only through governmental sufferance.”

“All I want is to live with you, Katie.”

“That can never be, because I am Katie, every bit of me is her. We do not want competition. Marionettes can’t leave the premises; dissection might reveal our secrets. Enough of this. I warned you, we mustn’t speak of these things. You’ll spoil the illusion. You’ll feel frustrated when you leave. You paid your money, now do what you came to do.”

“I don’t want to kill you.”

“One part of you does. You’re walling it in, you’re trying not to let it out.”

He took the gun from his pocket. “I’m an old fool. I should never have come. You’re so beautiful.”

“I’m going to see Leonard tonight.”

“Don’t talk.”