Time earthquakes there all life that grows

And all your future darkness knows,

Take not these inner ruins to Rome,

A sad man wisely stays at home;

For if your melancholy goes

Where all is lost, then your loss grows

And all the dark that self employs

Will teem -so travel then with joys.

Or else in ruins consummate

A death that waited long and late,

And all the burning towns of blood

Will shake and fall from sane and good,

And you with ruined sight will see

A lost and ruined Rome. And thee?

Cracked statue mended by noon's light

Yet innerscaped with soul's midnight.

So go not traveling with mood

Or lack of sunlight in your blood,

Such traveling has double cost,

When you and empire both are lost.

When your mind storm-drains catacomb,

And all seems graveyard rock in RomeTourist, go not.

Stay home.

Stay home!


Poor world that does not know its doom, the day I die.

Two hundred million pass within my hour of passing,

I take this continent with me into the grave.

They are most brave, all-innocent, and do not know

That if I sink then they are next to go.