“We can do Trolls. What you want to do, Rylo?” I asked my oldest daughter, who had come and sat down next to me.

Rylo was so good with her little sisters. She’d always been good with Khari, but I was surprised by how well she was with Kelsey too. She changed diapers like a pro, knew how to put her to sleep, warm up bottles, etc. When she sat next to me, I leaned in and kissed her on her cheek.

“Simple. You can just paint it pink,” she told me.

Rylo has always been my cool, calm child, but ever since her father was sent to prison, I could hardly get this little girl to talk. She was hurting; I knew she was, and a lot of that hurt came from seeing Khari have Billion in her life. Although Billion took care of his daughter, he looked out for Rylo as well, but a child just knows when they are getting loved on less than, which is why I made sure that I didn’t go a day without lovi

ng on Rylo.

“Mama, when is Kelsey going to meet Prosper? They need to be best friends like Dream and me, although Dream moved to California with Auntie Twinkle,” Khari said, and I groaned at her question.

My daughter had it in her mind that everybody was supposed to be this big, happy family, but that wasn’t ever going to happen.

“Soon,” I said, lying to her. I wasn’t even sure why I said that to her because she would hold me to it.

She did a little happy dance, while I just sat back, admiring this beautiful home that I couldn’t wait to fill with so many memories with my children. Just me and my children because I wasn’t looking for a man. It would take a strong man to deal with me anyway because I was too much to handle on my own, so imagine me coming to the table, toting three children with me too.

Sidnesha Roy

“Nice, strong heartbeat. Look at that lil fella in there flipping,” my doctor said as he showed me, my husband, and Lil Bill my overly active son who was growing inside of me and getting bigger by the day.

Yes, my husband. Chris proposed months ago on my birthday, and we tied the knot exactly a month ago. I couldn’t be happier. For the first time in my life, I finally felt like I had it right. This was no longer a test or a trial. This was the real thing this time around, and it was perfect. I had the perfect man, the perfect son, and in a couple of more months, I would bring in another perfect son.

My hair business was just getting bigger and bigger by the day, and every month, I was outdoing myself with what I made in sales. My husband was doing his thing, running multiple barbershops, and we were getting a home built together from the ground up.

“This explains the crazy kicking that I’m always getting. It feels like he be in there rearranging furniture,” I said, making everyone laugh.

When Lil Bill was growing inside of me, he was active too, but he wasn’t this damn active.

“He’s just a hyper little one. It’s not a bad thing. Everything looks good, mom. When we’re done, just go up front and make your next appointment for two weeks,” my doctor told me after he cleaned the gel off my stomach.

He eventually left the room, and Chris came over to help me down from the table. He wrapped me in his arms, kissing me a couple of times on my lips.

“I swear I can’t believe I’m pregnant again. I swore I was done having kids,” I truthfully told him.

“You just needed the right nigga to come around and shift your mindset. This ain’t it, though. I want some more,” he said, referring to kids.

All I could do was grunt because whatever this nigga asked for, he would get. Like I was saying, though, life was good. Normani and I weren’t best friends, but we were cool. She and Billion even attended my wedding last month. Shit like this could work, but everybody had to be mature. Billion and I did the co-parenting thing, where we alternated with Lil Bill sleeping at my house for a week, then his for a week. That’s how it went, and we hadn’t butted heads yet.

Roheem was still around. He’d graduated from culinary school and was working at a big-time restaurant here in Miami. He was stacking his money, so he could get his own restaurant one day. I knew it would come because I didn’t know a soul who cooked better than Roheem. Denim was around too, handling her business with three kids. She never brought up leaving Miami again, but I knew she wouldn’t because, like I said back then, it was just something that she said out of spite.

Monterius Jordan

“Come here, ma-ma,” Trinity said as she ran after Tegan.

Tegan was only nine months, and this little girl was already walking all over the place, getting into so much shit. I laughed as I watched my daughter move those chubby legs around as she hysterically laughed, trying to get away from her mama. We were at Monty’s, which was set to have its grand opening this weekend. I just wanted to bring my girl and my daughter there, so they could get a first look.

Trinity and I were doing this relationship thing, and so far, shit was perfect. I was realizing more and more that if I kept my dick in my pants, a relationship could work. I wasn’t fuckin’ around on Trinity. I respected her out of this world because this woman had my daughter. She held shit down for Tegan when I wasn’t around, and I loved her for that. She was still going strong with her dance studio, and sometimes, she would even bring Tegan to some of her sessions.

I finally had Trinity in a place where she wasn’t constantly questioning me about Twinkle because she knew that her spot in my life was solidified. I was happy, I was out the streets, and life was great. I sold that house that I had built for Twinkle and me. I ain’t want to put my girl and my child in something that was originally for me and someone else. So, with the help of Billion, I got it on the market and made a pretty penny off that shit too.

When Trinity’s lease was up a couple of months ago, I had her and Tegan move in with me, and I had my own little family that I came home to every night.

“Here, go to Daddy. You got me out of breath,” Trinity said, holding Tegan in her arms and then handing her over to me.

I took my daughter, kissed her on her cheeks, and then I kissed Trinity on her lips.

“This is beautiful, baby. I can’t wait to be on the second floor, shaking my ass. Your office is nice too. Ooohh, the things I want you to do to me in there,” she purred.