“Nah, we don’t. Billion’s fuckin’ her, not me. If he vouches for her, and if he trusts her around Khari, that’s all that matters. I don’t need to be introduced to nobody’s bitch. Besides, she and I already started off on the wrong foot, and I’m not about to sit up and apologize to her for shit that I said. I want to get my shit together, get better, and be up out of Miami. I want to be far, far away from this shit,” Denim spoke.

I had to be gentle with her because, with the state she was in, I knew that her emotions were all over the place, but I felt like she was talking from a place of anger. Almost as if she was playing tit for tat with Billion and wanting to move just because he’d moved on.

“Move where? Did you tell that to Billion?” I asked, and she sucked her teeth.

“Tell Billion that I want to move from Miami? No. I didn’t think that I would have to consult with him about that. Khari lives with me. I’m the primary guardian, and the only reason she’s been staying with him is that I was incapable of doing it at the time, and—”

“And because he took her from you once your secret came out! Denim, woman to woman, you tripping. You got every reason to want to get the fuck up out of Miami. Personally, I’ve often thought about moving, but when you got kids with a nigga, you gotta think about how your actions will hurt the other party. Billion ain’t leaving Miami ever, and I know my son don’t want to leave here because this is where the rest of his family is, his friends, and his school.

“Not to say that I wouldn’t move, but it would be something that is talked about before I just make a drastic decision like that. If I move, it would be for a better business opportunity or something like that. You moving because you want to get back at Billion for moving on, and I don’t think it’s right. Ima head out, and I hope you are in a much better mood tomorrow. Just in case nobody told you this today, Denim, you got a second chance at life. Everybody don’t get to tell that same story. Be better than what you were before you ended up in this hospital,” I said, keeping it real with her.

She didn’t respond, but it didn’t matter because at least she’d heard me. I motioned for my son to come on, and before he walked to the door, he went over to Denim and gave her a hug. His headphones had been in his ears the entire time because he was playing a game on his phone, so I doubt he’d heard anything that had taken place.

Once we made it back to the car, I looked at the clock, and I still had some time to make it to the mall. I wanted to find my son a suit to wear on Saturd

ay, so he could attend his great uncle Malcom’s funeral, and I needed to find a dress as well. I heard the news from my cousin Roheem, and that was one thing that I hoped my gossiping ass cousin had his news all wrong about, but it was confirmed once I called Billion’s mother and talked to her. Of course, I tried reaching out to my baby daddy, so I could send him my condolences, but the second I tried to bring it up, he stopped me from even saying it.

The relationship that Billion had with his uncle was a beautiful one. Whenever the two of them were around each other, I swear it was always shits and giggles. The funeral was this weekend, and it was only right that I went to pay my respects. I was cool with Malcom too, although he was always talking shit whenever I came around.

As I was pulling out of the hospital parking lot, my phone buzzed in the cupholder. A smile formed on my face when I looked down and saw that it was Chris calling me. Listen, a bitch went on one date with this nigga and I told myself that I would take it slow because I wanted him to wrap up whatever old dealings he had with any hoes he was still fuckin’, although he claimed that he didn’t have hoes. Yet, I still jumped headfirst into a relationship with him.

I took him up on his offer when he approached me at the club, and we went on a date that weekend. It was all about me that night. Although Chris and I had entertained each other in the past, we didn’t really know much about each other. He went out of his way to find out my favorite restaurant and flowers from my cousin Roheem, so that night, I was wined and dined with all my favorites.

We came back to my spot, and my pussy was crying for him. A bitch hadn’t been touched in so damn long that I would have been a fool to not let the nigga fuck. I needed those back to back orgasms he had given me right there on the couch, in my bedroom, and in my bathroom. For the first time in years, I was in a relationship, and I knew that I didn’t have to worry about him playing me because, for whatever reason, I just trusted him. I already told him that if he fucked around on me, I had a bullet waiting with his name on it. I had been through so much shit with a nigga cheat on me that I knew all the red flags of him fuckin’ up.

“Hey, baby,” I answered with the phone to my ear.

“Where you going?” he asked, getting right to the point.

“About to go to the mall right quick. Are you still at the shop? I thought you were leaving early today,” I said.

I could tell that he was in the shop from the loud trap music that was playing in the background.

“I’m about to leave in a minute. I have your location on my phone, and I was just calling to see where you was headed. I thought you were coming over tonight. You gave any thought to what I told you?” he asked.

“I’m going to the mall. Me and my son have to find something for the funeral this weekend. I did give it some thought, but I have to talk to my son about it. I want to know how he feels about it too. It would have been simpler if I didn’t have kids, but I do, so certain things, I gotta think about a little further, especially when my son is involved. I don’t want to move so fast, and then shit don’t go right, and I gotta pack up all our shit and leave yo’ ass,” I vented.

Chris had asked me to move in with him about a week ago. He had a nice, spacious home that was actually big enough to accommodate the three of us, but it had only been a few months since we had seriously started dating, and I didn’t want to rush into things, and shit didn’t work out. I loved Chris. Like, really, really loved Chris, but this was one time that I had to be a little selfish with my actions because I wanted my son to be comfortable with this decision too. My son loved Chris, though. He even told me the other day that he was happy I was dating because he thought I would die lonely.

“See how I feel about what?” Lil Bill asked from the back seat.

I laughed because I didn’t even know his ass was listening to my conversation.

“Moving in with Chris,” I said. I wanted to see where he stood with this.

He shrugged like he didn’t even care.

“As long as I get to have my own room, then I don’t care. I like Chris’ house anyway. He got the gaming room that I keep telling you I want,” my son answered.

I groaned at his answer because now he had put me in a position where it was just up to me to answer, and I could no longer use the excuse of needing to check in with my son anymore on Chris. The idea of living with a nigga just scared me shitless. My baby daddy had scarred a bitch for life. When he and I were together, I felt like a lot of our problems didn’t really start until we moved in. That’s when I found empty condom wrappers in his pockets, text messages in his phone from other bitches and a bunch of other shit.

These niggas took you for granted once you moved in too early, and you didn’t have some type of commitment as far as marriage. All it took was one slip up for the nigga to knock me up, and I would just become another nigga’s live-in baby mama. I wanted more from a nigga this time around.

“You already told me all the shit that you’re worried about. Give a nigga a chance. Let’s do this. Move in with me, but keep your apartment. I’ll pay the rent. We’re going to give it two months, and if I live up to my word, you move in with me for good. I ain’t gonna break your heart, shorty. Give me less than a year, and I swear to God, I plan to make you my wife. Although I don’t have kids of my own yet, you got Lil Bill, and me and him are real close. Therefore, I got a little boy that’s looking at me, and I gotta show him the correct way that a man is supposed to treat his lady. I know he sees that shit when he goes around his father, but I want him to see it from me too. I’m trying to do some shit with you that I ain’t never do with another woman before,” he said.

I was blushing so damn hard that it felt like my damn cheeks would break. He was winning me over, though.

“After we leave the mall, I’m going home and pack a bag for the two of us, and then we’ll come over. We’ll finish this conversation tonight. Okay?” I asked.