I felt warm fluids seeping out of me, and to be honest, I thought I was pissing on myself. I was still early in my pregnancy, so I felt like I was pissing every second of the day. The second I knew that pee was not coming out of me is when I felt warm, soft lips wrap around my clit. I let out a loud moan because I now knew what was going on.

It was my 27th birthday, and I was waking up to the most handsome man on this earth, and he was under the covers, feasting on my pussy like I was breakfast. As mad as I was with Billionaire, and as annoyed as I was with him, I couldn’t even front and act like what he was doing didn’t feel good because it did. I pulled the covers off us, my hands went into his hair, and I massaged his waves as I slowly grinded my pussy into his face. He was licking me up, but he kept his eyes on me the entire time.

“Hmmmmm,” I moaned, unable to hold back.

He sucked up so many of my juices and then spat them back onto my pussy, then he tugged on my clit with just his lips. I was going crazy on the bed, trying to keep up with the tongue tricks he was giving me this morning. It’s like he had been holding onto all these tricks, especially for this moment.

“Happy birthday, baby,” he groaned into my pussy.

My juices were on the corners of his mouth as he feasted on me, and I could even see some dripping down his beard.

“Thank you, babyyyyy… shittttttt… I’m cummminggggg,” I screeched, unable to hold onto my orgasm anymore.

Less than a second later, I released my first orgasm into his mouth. Once I finished, he pulled me up by my arms, and I threw my body on top of his as I hungrily kissed him. Billionaire was down on his back, and the only thing he had on was a pair of boxers. I could smell his Dove men’s body wash, which only meant that he had to have taken his shower while I was sleeping.

As we kissed like we hadn’t kissed in years, his hands softly massaged each of my butt cheeks. Billionaire then started trailing kisses toward my neck, sucking on my skin, and purposely trying to mark me up. With a pussy still dripping, I sat down on his chest, and he began to suck on my nipples. I didn’t know if it was because we didn’t have sex all day yesterday that I was so horny, but my body was going crazy. With my head thrown back, I moaned at the feel of getting my nipples serviced.

“Sit on my dick, ma,” Billionaire groaned.

I could feel his dick behind me, and it felt like it was about to burst through his boxers. My hands reached back, and I massaged it a little bit. He looked so handsome this morning. Last night, he had his barber come over and cut his hair, so his grooming was very much up to par.

“You going to make me ride dick on my big day?” I asked him once he had left my breast alone.

“Why not? Come on, bae. My shit is fuckin’ crying,” he groaned.

“Apologize to me first. You embarrassed me yesterday on the phone, so apologize,” I said with my arms folded across my chest, ready for him to apologize.

He sucked his teeth, just like I knew he would. I was ready to get it on and popping in there too, but not until he apologized first. I didn’t even remember how I got back in the bed with Billionaire. Last night, after he rudely hung up the phone while I was talking to Twinkle, I ended up taking my shower, then going down to the den and watching a couple of movies by myself. I fell asleep down there. Luckily, Khari had spent the night at Billionaire’s mother’s house, so she wasn’t there to witness the nasty argument that me and her father had.

Billionaire and I didn’t start going at each other’s throats like that until after we got married. I told him last night that I didn’t like the way he was handling me. He liked to blame my feelings on my pregnancy, but his ass was stressing me the hell out.

“I’ll apologize right after you,” he said, holding both of my small wrists in one of his hands as he felt around behind me to get his dick out. Like always, he got what he wanted as he lifted me by my waist and lowered me onto his dick. I couldn’t even fight with him if I wanted to because the feeling that came to the pit of my stomach… the feeling that came to my pussy once his dick was stuffed into me had me forgetting why I was even mad at him in the first place.

My nails went for his chest, and they raked his skin as I moved my body up and down. My little belly was now showing, so I couldn’t look down and watch his dick glide in and out of me. I lost control on top of my husband as I felt all types of goosebumps form on my body. He knew he had me because he had that sly smirk on his face that I wanted to knock right off.

“That dick good, ain’t it?” he asked.

His hands were on my hips as he guided my movements. I could hardly watch him because my eyes kept involuntarily rolling. The more I bounced on him, the more my juices spilled out of me, letting him know that he had me, and I was like putty in his hands. I never answered his question; I just kept nonstop moaning and stupidly telling him how much I loved him and his dick.

“Billionnnnnn… Billllionnnnn… babyyyyy,” I cried, knowing that another orgasm was on the way.

“I’m right here, ma. Cum. Cum for daddy,” he coached me.

This time, I exploded, and so did he. I crashed my body on top of his as I fought to catch my breath. His hands played around in my hair as I panted loudly into his chest.

“You called me Billion for the first-time, ma,” he said.

I got my breathing back in order, kissed him on his chest, and then I sat up in bed.

“What do you have planned for little ole me today? I hope the sex wasn’t my birthday present, although it was a good gift,” I said with a smile on my face.

“I got some shit planned. Go hop in the shower and meet me downstairs. You ain’t gotta get dressed yet. Just put on your robe,” he told me.

I quickly got up from his lap and made my way into the bathroom. Before my shower, I used the bathroom. Once I finished, I washed my hands, brushed my teeth, and did my daily skin routine. My shower lasted a good fifteen to twenty minutes because my prayer, thanking God for allowing me to see another year, took up a lot of my time. It was so crazy how your life could change so much in only one year.

Last year, my birthday fell on a Friday, and I remember verbatim what I’d done that day. I remember leaving the office a little later than usual and being just too tired to go out and do anything. Twinkle had been begging me to go out with her that night to celebrate my birthday, but I didn’t want to do anything. I came home, ordered some Chinese takeout, and ate a piece of the cake that some of the nurses had gotten for me at the office.

Look at me now. I have a whole husband, a baby growing inside of me, and I can’t forget that my father and I have a relationship now that’s nonexistent. So, yeah, life has definitely done a big change in a year, but I felt like my life had changed for the better for the most part. After showering and washing my hair, I stepped out, dried my body off, and