“From the pictures that you showed me of his wife, she’s fuckin’ beautiful. That man got him a whole fuckin’ black barbie doll over there, with some pretty ass eyes. On top of that, she got her shit together because you did tell me that she’s a doctor. She’s carrying a baby for that nigga too. Billion ain’t thinking about my ass, and I ain’t thinking about him either. Girl, the way my husband’s dick be knocking in the back of my tonsils, I wish the fuck I would sit back and worry about another nigga,” she said, making me laugh.

We must have spoken Normani up because her ass was just now calling me back after I called her hours ago. She was calling me through Facetime, and while I answered the phone for her, Mia pulled out her phone and entertained herself.

Normani popped up on the screen, and I could see it in her eyes that she had just woken up. Her facial expression alone screamed that she wasn’t in the best of moods.

“What’s wrong with you? Billion said you over there driving him crazy,” I joked, as I watched Normani through the screen. From her background, I could tell she was in the bathroom. She had to have the phone propped up on something because I could see the entire upper part of her body. As she fixed the bun in her hair, Hennessy sucked her teeth at what I had just said to her.

“More like he’s driving me crazy. I wasn’t ignoring your calls. I was sleeping when you called me. Now, watch, I’m going to be up all night. What’s up? Where are you on your way to? You look cute,” she said, which made me smile.

“I’m going to Truth’s game tonight. Make sure you watch, so you can see me sitting courtside,” I told her, and she laughed.

“I’m going to put it on. I caught it the other night, and you were looking bomb then as well. I’m so happy for you, Twinkle. You have this glow in your eyes, and it just shows how happy you are. I remember when me and you were coming from having brunch, and we ran into Truth. It was something about the way the two of you were looking at each other, and I just knew y’all had some unfinished business. The only thing I hate is that you’re not here in Miami with me. I’m going to have to start dragging your annoying cousin with me to our ritual Saturday brunches,” she said, followed by a groan.

I laughed and then rolled my eyes at her because I knew they would kiss and make up by tomorrow. Shit, if anything, by tonight, since her birthday was coming up in just a few hours.

“Normani, please! You’ll be fuckin’ him by tonight. It can’t be all that bad in paradise,” I told her.

I looked out of the window because we were about to pull up to the arena in a few.

“Girl, I highly doubt it. Who are you with? Are you by yourself?” she asked.

I thought about if I should tell her who I was with. Damn, this shit just made me feel like I was doing something wrong. Normani and I were best friends, and now that she and Billion were married, I considered her my family, although I’ve always looked at her like a big sister. Just so I wouldn’t feel like I was keeping shit from her, I would tell her who Mia was, but it wouldn’t be tonight. Then again, I would let my cousin handle it because I knew the type of nigga he was, and he would get mad that I told his wife something about him before he had a chance to say something.

“I’m with Mia. I told you about her,” I said to Normani.

Just as she was getting ready to respond, I heard the bathroom door open. She took her eyes off the screen and focused them on whoever was standing by the door.

“I thought you was about to get in the shower,” I heard Billion’s deep voice boom from Normani’s side of the phone.

“I am, but I needed to call Twinkle back. You need me?” she asked Billion.

“Normani, I’ll just call you back in the morning,” I said.

“Girl, no. This is just your cousin’s way of trying to bully me into getting off the phone,” she said, and I laughed. I was about to hang up on her ass because when they started going at it, I wanted no parts of their shit.

“Shorty, I’ll take that fuckin’ phone from you and make you hang that bitch up. Show out in front of Twinkle all you want to, ma, and I’ll give her a fuckin’ show. I got you them nasty ass strawberries and syrup and shit that you like to eat on the dresser. I was just coming in here to let you know that. I should take all that shit and throw it in the fuckin’ trash since you want to act crazy,” he said.

I was dying on the other end of the phone. Although I was trying so hard not to laugh, I was laughing so damn hard that I couldn’t even make out what Normani was saying back to him. Suddenly, the phone just hung up. I wouldn’t even bother calling back. I would just let the two

of them handle their issues.

“From the sound of things, it looks like the nigga has finally met his match,” Mia told me, and I nodded, knowing he did.

“Girl, yes! Normani ain’t but so big, but I swear she knows how to keep up with his ass,” I told her.

There was a long line for us to get dropped off in front of the arena, so while we waited, I went to my social media app. One thing that I liked to do when I got on Instagram is to look through the pictures that were trending at the time. There was one specific picture that stood out to me. Shit, the picture had me actually freezing in place with my hands over my mouth as I stared down at it.

Although I no longer followed Monterius on any social media networks, a picture he had just posted a couple of hours ago had been trending, so it popped up. It was Trinity and their daughter. Trinity was lying on the couch while holding one of the most beautiful babies that I’ve ever seen in my entire life. The baby was sleeping too, and I used my fingers to zoom into the picture. All I could see was how that baby was the exact replica of Monterius. I mean, she literally had his entire face. She was sleeping on her mother, and she was dressed in a little onesie. I was just in awe at the amount of hair on her head, although she was so small.

The pictures had over twenty thousand likes. Everyone, I mean everyone, was commenting on how beautiful the picture was. The caption on the pictures was my sleeping beauties. I knew I shouldn’t have even given a fuck when I saw the picture, but I did. This was a nigga who swore up and down that there was absolutely no chance this little girl could have been his. This was the same man who would always say that Trinity was just a fuck. I’ve known about Trinity for a couple of years. He always made it seem like she was just a piece of pussy that he went chasing after whenever he and I weren’t on the best of terms. I know I had moved on, but I had every right because of what this nigga had done to pretty much end of our relationship, but for him to just jump headfirst into a relationship with a bitch who he talked down on to me on plenty of occasions was fuckin’ wild.

Mia must have seen what I was looking at because she snatched the phone out of my hands and tossed it onto her lap.

“To be honest with you, Twink, you shouldn’t even care. If you love Truth like you say you do, and if you’re happy like everyone thinks you are, then you shouldn’t give a fuck what your ex has going on. Remember that the way you get them is the way you lose them, so if he’s over there playing house with her, then it’s only a matter of time before her chance at hurt comes. Not to persuade you or anything, but you are engaged to one of the hottest niggas out right now in the NBA. Girl, you have a nigga who shows you off in front of the whole fuckin’ world, making it clear that he’s not afraid to show his love to you in public.

“You and Monterius didn’t just break up because he had a baby on you. From the stuff that you told me about your relationship with him, y’all broke up because your heart was finally tired, and you finally had the strength to walk away. Sis, I know you believe in God. He brought Truth back to you for a reason. Fuck Monterius,” she said and tossed me back my phone.

I nodded my head because she was right. Still, it didn’t make the shit any easier to take this all in.