That’s one thing that Monterius failed at when we were together, and one of the main things that had me falling out of love with him years ago. He had a way of making me feel like I was invisible. When he was in the streets, doing his thing, it’s like nothing else mattered. Half the time, the nigga would turn his phone off, so many times, I would just have to sit up and worry if he was okay or not.

Truth did little things like brought me along to some of his practices, so I wouldn’t be stuck in the house waiting for him. If he was working out or having a practice, he would hit me up and tell me to meet him somewhere for lunch. We met up at private locations, just to get a quick fuck session in, and those were things that were keeping me on my toes. It was keeping me in love with him.

I would love Monterius until the day I died, and one day, maybe we could get to a point where we could be cordial, but I was happy with who I was with. The way I loved him, and how I wanted him to be a better man, I would be happy if he eventually grew up and treated a woman in the way I desperately wanted him to treat me when we were together. That I even had this as my new mindset just let me know that I was over him for real.

I knew about him having the baby, and I knew about the baby being his because Normani told it once she found it out from Billion. I had a little moment; I won’t even lie and act like I didn’t get a little bit emotional over that news, but what is done is done. Of course, I didn’t accept the keys to the house that he had given me, even after going by the house to check it out and seeing how beautiful the home was. That house would forever just be a reminder of something that could have been, but it wasn’t.

“I got you tonight, Twink. It’s game day, baby. You know we don’t fuck on a game day. My head needs to be clear, and I need to be focused. Yo’ pussy ain’t sore yet? You take dick from me all day, ma,” he said, coming up and standing in the middle of my legs, then squeezing my thighs.

This nigga was so fuckin’ perfect. I got lost in his eyes. It was something about the way he was staring at me. Although he was telling me he would do me tonight, he had this look in his eyes, and it was screaming that he wanted to do me right now. Plus, the body never lied, and I could feel the way his dick was jumping in his sweats. He was getting ready to head to the arena because there was a big game tonight, where I would be meeting him. Mia was coming with me since Beatz was out of town on business, and she would just let her mother watch their children.

Mia and I were getting close again. It was basically how things were when we were little girls, back in Miami. I was actually happy that I knew somebody out there, other than Truth, because if not, I would have wanted to be stuck up under him all day. I not only had Mia, but there was also my business, which was keeping me busy. The main shop, where I would do my grand opening was in Miami, and that would take place within a couple of months. On top of that, I had been working to open a second shop in Cali because fashion was big out there, and the people weren’t afraid to spend money.

I didn’t want to get so lost in Truth’s world that I stopped doing my own thing because that’s what happened in my last relationship. I was the fiancée of an NBA player now, and I didn’t want to be like a lot of the other players’ girlfriends or wives, whose only job in life was for them to be a cheerleader for their partner. I actually wanted more.

“No, it’s not sore. I guess I can wait until tonight then,” I said before turning my legs loose from around his waist because I was holding him hostage.

His gym bag was already on his shoulders, and he was ready to head out the door, but I was slowing him down. He kissed me on my lips a couple of times, and then he backed away from me.

“Ain’t no better feeling in the world for me, Twinkle, than when I’m out there on that court, playing ball, and I look out and see you sitting courtside. Back in high school, I used to sit around and dream about this shit. I always pictured you in the arena, being the flyest person in the building. I knew I would have you dripping in some crazy ass diamonds while I would be out there playing for you. Playing for us. I can’t wait until the day you out there, and you got my baby sitting on your lap. Not even on no sucker shit, but baby, this shit feels like it’s a fuckin’ dream. I waited for this moment. I told myself that I wasn’t going to take no other woman seriously because I always had faith that you and I would one day get this shit right. I just want to let you know that I ain’t going to let you down. Aight?” he asked.

“I know, baby. I believe you. I’ll see you tonight,” I said and jumped down from the counter then kissed him on his lips one last time.

I followed him to the door, and once he was gone, I locked the door behind him and stood there, admiring the beautiful view of outside. Everything about this penthouse that

Truth owned was so fuckin’ beautiful. I loved when it was nighttime, and the whole city lit up, giving a nice little ambiance in the room. As beautiful as this ambiance was, I knew that I would have to either find something of my own or Truth would have to find something because the school year had about two more months, and once school was over, I planned to move Dream out there with me.

The only reason she wasn’t with me yet is that it would not have been right to pull her out of school, put her into something new, and take her away from her friends all of a sudden. My mama kept saying that she didn’t mind raising Dream for me, but I made a promise to my sister that I would raise her daughter in her absence, and I wanted to keep good on it. Plus, I was so used to having Dream around, that I actually didn’t mind her living with me.

I knew it would break her little heart once she found out that we were moving and that she would have to be apart from Khari because the two of them were best friends. Since I still had family in Miami, plus one of my businesses would be there, we would still be back and forth. The hardest thing, though, would be not seeing Loyal every other week like we’d always done in the past. I was just one person who could only be at one place at one time, but I would never stop taking Dream down to the prison to see her mother altogether.

Loyal and I really hadn’t talked ever since the day she cursed me out on the phone. I knew she was battling some shit, but she was the type of person who liked to bottle shit up and keep it to herself. Once she was ready, I knew she would let me know what was up, although I had a feeling that it concerned Chase. It’s like the nigga had just disappeared off the fuckin’ planet.

I walked into one of the extra bedrooms in Truth’s home, where I stored a lot of my clothes in the walk-in closet. It would take me a while to find something to wear tonight for the game, so while I looked for an outfit, I felt like now would be a good time to call Normani because sis had been MIA lately. I heard about what happened to her in Mexico, and that news had torn me up really bad. When Billion called me, I really hoped that he was just telling a sick ass joke, but he was dead serious. I didn’t talk to Normani until maybe a few days after it happened, and I remember hearing her voice that day, and she just didn’t sound herself.

Although that was the most fucked up news I could have ever received, it did make me happy when I learned that the two of them had snuck their asses off and got married. Was I shocked? Yes, but I expected nothing less from Billion because he loved the fuck out of that woman. I called Normani twice, and she didn’t pick up the phone. It was Friday evening in Miami, and a little bit after six, so I knew she should be home from work by now. I decided to Facetime Billion, and he answered on the third ring. When he picked up, I could see that he was in his home office.

“What’s good?” he answered, his gold teeth flashing on the screen.

“Where my girl at? I called her twice,” I said.

He sucked his teeth when I asked that, and I groaned, thinking that the two of them were more than likely having trouble in paradise.

“I think she’s in the room. You need to talk to your girl. She around here with a fucked-up attitude. It’s Friday, and she ain’t been fuckin’ with me since Wednesday,” he said, not even looking into the screen. His eyes were too busy focused on whatever was taking place on his computer screen.

“Well, nigga, what did you do? A woman ain’t going to just stop fuckin’ with her man just because,” I said.

“A crazy one will. I can take a woman PMS’ing, but this shit right here, Twink… man, Normani got me losing my motha fuckin’ mind, yo. She got a nigga standing on the porch, smoking mo’ weed than I ever smoked in my life. I’m spending mo’ money on Kush than I do on groceries, and I’m only smoking so much, so a nigga can stay sane and not spaz the fuck out.

“Normani got this special place in my heart, so I can’t handle her the way that I would handle anybody else, but at the same time, she’s pushing a nigga. Call her back and talk some sense into her because she ain’t trying to hear shit I’m saying. I’m putting her house on the market tomorrow because she thinks she’s supposed to have a little something on the side to run to when shit don’t go her way. Fuckin’ around with me, you better go run and sit yo’ ass on the porch if you need some space,” he said.

I laughed because this nigga was fuckin’ crazy.

“You still not telling me what happened. Why are the two of y’all beefing with each other? Y’all just got fuckin’ married. This is still supposed to be the honeymoon stage,” I said to him.

“I don’t be telling Normani certain shit that I be doing, and she gets mad when I do that. I don’t even be doing that shit on some sneaky shit, but my wife has not been emotionally okay ever since we got back from Mexico. Twink, if I even say something about Mexico, she starts crying because all things tie right back to her getting thrown into the back of that van. Sometimes, I regret that I rushed us to get married in Mexico. Whenever I bring up our wedding day, she ain’t going to have no choice but to think about the fucked up shit that happened.

“I should have just waited and did it once we made it back home, but I was trying to be on some romantic shit that day, and I wanted her to be my wife right then and there. I ain’t want to ride out that fiancée shit much longer. Anyway, to make a long story short, her pops paid somebody from the church to take me out. I didn’t tell Normani about it when I got home. She saw blood on my shoes and started jumping down my throat. Fast forward to the next day, I go and pay her pops a visit, and I didn’t tell her in the time frame that she wanted me to tell her, so she’s just beefing with me over that. If doing that is wrong, then I apologize for that, but I ain’t trying to be causing her pain all the fuckin’ time,” Billion said.