“Billionaire, no you weren’t! Do you not see why I’m uptight? Look at the dumb shit that you keep doing! I need to be on one accord with you! I need to know the moves that you are out here making. You just go and do these big ass moves without even telling me first—”

“Because, shorty, I don’t need your fuckin’ permission to do shit! I’m a grown ass fuckin’ man, yo!” I spat.

When I said that, her eyes popped damn near out of her sockets. She jumped off the counter, getting all in my face like she was about to fuck some shit up.

“Did I say that I had to give you my permission to do a damn thing? I said that I would just like to know what you’re doing! I don’t like the way you’re moving with me, Billionaire. You’re going out in the street and doing shit behind my back, and you pretend that nothing even happened. The way you just fucked me, I never would have even thought that you’d just gotten back from seeing my father! You have the nerve to say that we’re fine and that life is good when it’s not. I thought I knew you. Now that I think about it, the bitch, Suki, from New York was probably telling me the truth when she said that you and her speak frequently,” she said, taking this shit somewhere completely different.

I knew this shit was no laughing matter, but I laughed to keep from spazzing out on her ass. This shit was just feeling all too fuckin’ familiar to a nigga. Listening to Normani talk, I felt like I was dealing with my baby mama all over again. I could tell by the way Normani was talking that I had her mad because anybody who knew my wife knew that she ain’t even curse like that. Me personally, I knew that the only time she cursed was when I was fuckin’ her, and she was telling me that she could feel my dick in her chest.

“Yo, you all over the place right now. What is it that got you mad at me? Are you mad about a lying ass bitch from New York that’s still obsessed over my dick years later, or are you mad because I didn’t run down my schedule to you today? Which one is it, Normani, because a nigga is fuckin’ confused! My nut is still dripping down your thighs, and you’re choosing to argue about some minor ass shit before you even give a nigga a chance to talk! I came home and saw that something was wrong with you, so I handled that! I wasn’t about to tell you shit until I figured out what was wrong with you!” I barked at her. Real shit, she was pissing me off.

“You’re what’s wrong with me! I’m going home because I don’t want to be around you,” she said and was about to walk past me, but I grabbed her arm and backed her into the wall.

“What fuckin’ home, Normani? This the only home your ass got! We selling that shit this week because I’m tired of you throwing that shit in my face every time yo’ ass gets mad when shit don’t go your spoiled ass way! You my wife! Not a lil bitch I’m fuckin’ on the side, not a girlfriend, but my fuckin’ wife. Because that’s your title, you’re going to sleep under the same roof as me at all fuckin’ times. My whole fuckin’ baby is inside you right now, so you damn sure not going no fuckin’ where!

“I don’t know if the shit you got going on with your daddy got you paranoid or some shit, but shorty, I ain’t your enemy. In your eyes, I’m probably moving wrong, but to me, certain shit, I don’t want to keep throwing at you because yo’ emotions been all over the fuckin’ place since Mexico. I’m looking you in your eyes, and I’m telling you that last night, I had no desire to tell you that a nigga told me he was paid by your daddy to take me out. If you found that shit out, you were just going to find it out from somebody else, because I wasn’t about to stress you out with that shit. Now that you know the shit, I swear on my kids I was going to tell you that I went to the church this evening. I just was trying to make sure that my wife was good first. I can’t fuck my wife and make sure she’s straight?” I asked her, but she ignored me.

“Fix your fuckin’ attitude, yo,” I said and put my hands on the bottom of her chin, making her look at me because the whole time I was talking to her, her eyes were pointed toward the floor.

I stared into her eyes for a few seconds, and then I dropped her chin, prepared to walk away from her because I could tell she still wasn’t feeling me.

“I swear to God I’m serious about selling that house. You done got

too fuckin’ comfortable saying shit about going back home, when this is your fuckin’ home! My fuckin’ baby is growing inside of you, Normani, and you’re choosing to beef with your nigga—”

“Because you keep leaving me out of stuff, Billionaire! Just leave me alone! Go! Like you were getting ready to do!” she screamed with big tears falling from her eyes.

No, I ain’t like to see my wife crying, but she was tripping, and I would not stand there and baby her.

“Ima leave you alone because you about to get your fuckin’ feelings hurt in here,” I said, and then I walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

I could hear her crying on the other side of the door, but I kept on because I knew she needed a second to herself, versus me all up in her chest, trying to force her to calm down. I made it downstairs, so I could see what Khari was down there doing. She had managed to climb her ass up on the kitchen counter and get some cookies out of the cookie jar, which I had to hide on top of the refrigerator because her ass thought she was supposed to eat junk food all day. It was like pulling teeth to get this little girl to eat regular food.

“I only had one, Daddy. I promise,” she said and showed me the one cookie she had in her hands.

She had an Oreo cookie with the chocolate all around her mouth. She would not have all that leftover evidence from eating one damn cookie, so I knew she had to have more. Fuckin’ around with Normani, I let her piss a nigga off just that fuckin’ fast, so really, I would not get on my daughter for eating shit that she knew she was supposed to have asked for. I ended up wetting a couple of paper towels and wiped her face then helped her down from the kitchen counter.

“Is Normani going to be okay?” she asked.

Where we were standing, we couldn’t hear Normani’s cries, but she had more than likely heard us when we were upstairs arguing. I hated arguing in front of my kids. Nesha and I used to do that shit years ago in front of Lil Bill. The only thing is our shit used to be far worse because Nesha didn’t know how to keep her hands to herself, which would lead to me not knowing how to keep my hands to myself either.

“She straight. You better stop eating all this bullshit. Teeth gon’ fall right out yo’ mouth,” I told her, and she cracked up, thinking that was the funniest shit in the damn world.

While she cracked up laughing, I heard the doorbell ringing. I went to answer it, knowing that it was my son, and Khari was right behind me. I opened it and laughed when I saw Lil Bill standing on the other side of the door with his food in his hands that his mama talked all that shit about not going to get for him. I looked out into the driveway, and I saw Sidnesha getting Lil’ Bill’s things from out of the backseat.

“Boy, go help your mama get your shit from out the back,” I told him, and he took off running to the car with Khari’s little ass right on his heels. I followed them to the car. As I approached, Sidnesha was pulling Khari in and giving her a hug.

“You might as well let me keep him here for the rest of the week,” I told Sidnesha, once I was close enough to her.

“And have me come home to an empty house for the rest of the week? I think not. I’ll pick him up from school tomorrow and bring him back here on Friday. Where is the Mrs.? I want to tell her congrats,” Sidnesha said with a smile on her face.

“I’ll relay the message,” I told her.

I wasn’t opposed to having my wife and Sidnesha chop it up, but I knew Normani was upstairs in the bathroom, and she was fucked up, so now just wasn’t the best time to do that.

“What? You don’t want me around your wife? You think Ima talk bad about you?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.

“That’s the least of my worries, shorty. Enjoy your evening. Make sure that nigga pay for your food too. I gotta say that because y’all be fuckin’ with some corny ass niggas,” I said before grabbing my son by the back of his head and pulling him to me.