I’ll admit that I sometimes found love weird to understand. Men can have a beautiful woman with a good head on her shoulders, working, independent, and they’ll still treat her like a second runner up. Twinkle had come into work on plenty of occasions, and she simply wasn’t herself, all because she had allowed a man to have so much control over her feelings. She simply felt inadequate, or that she lacked something, which was causing him to step out on her.

I couldn’t imagine loving a man with every piece of me, only to continually get cheated on. I tell Twinkle all the time how beautiful she is and how she deserves better, but this was one of those things that she would have to figure out on her own.

“We’re on the way now, baby. Is Billion there yet? I can’t wait to see him,” Twinkle said, cooing over her big cousin.

I won’t even lie. Part of me was kind of ready to see who this infamous Billionaire person was. To have a name like that, I expected top of the line. That was a very bold name. I liked it, though. It was unique, something that I had never even heard before.

From what I knew, Twinkle was very close to her cousin. During our little outings, I would actually be around when she accepted some of his collect calls from prison. I never pried into their conversations, though, so I really didn’t know much about him.

Twinkle never told me what he was in for, and I never asked because I didn’t feel like it was my business to know. I had seen the way that prison was portrayed on TV shows and movies. If he had to endure even half of that while he was locked away, then I only hoped that he would use his second chance at life wisely and change his ways.

“He’s here. Nigga got all these fuckin’ muscles on him, looking like the fuckin’ Hulk around this bitch. He keeps asking about you too. How far are y’all, bae? I want to see your beautiful face. I miss the fuck out of you. I haven’t seen you in two days,” he said so mannishly to Twinkle.

She smiled at his words while I laughed on the inside because it was so hood, but I guess it was cute in a way.

“We’re less than ten minutes. I’ll see you when I get there. You better be waiting for me at the door, since you miss me so much,” she told him.

“I’m already standing by this motha fucka. Tell your girl to drive safely. I’ll see you when you get here. I love you,” he said.

“I love you too,” she told him and then hung up the phone.

Like she said, in less than ten minutes, we were pulling up to the famous strip club, King of Diamonds. The line was literally wrapped around the corner. I knew that if I hadn’t heard Monterius over the phone tell Twinkle that we could just skip the line, then this would probably have been the part where I decided to head back home. So many cars were parked in the lot, and after circling for at least five minutes, I was finally able to find a spot. Before getting out, I did a once over of my face in the mirror.

As Twinkle and I walked to the entrance, I tried to be confident because I didn’t want to look like I didn’t belong. I could smell the marijuana smoke from the parking lot. I couldn’t help rolling my eyes because I could imagine how the smell was going to linger in my hair.

Twinkle made her way to the front of the line with me right behind her. When the security saw us, he instantly nodded and waved for us to come. Two men were working the door. They both were huge and staring at me like I was lunch. The looks creeped me out so badly that I ended up looking away. The whole time, I could feel eyes on me from both the men and the women who were standing in the line. I was so scared because I thought that maybe one of them was going to say something about us skipping, but no one uttered a word.

“You are fuckin’ gorgeous. Damn, shorty,” one of the security guards said as we walked through.

Twinkle grabbed my hand, pulling me into the club with her.

I chuckled because she had to have heard the remark from the security.

Once inside, I wanted to just crawl under a table and hide. There was way too much going on. My mouth was literally hanging open as I watched so many strippers on the stage and parading around like they weren’t nude. I mean, I thought they would at least have on a bra and panties, but no, they didn’t have on anything.

So much money filled the floor that I couldn’t even see the stage; it was literally just money. The music was loud, blaring a whole bunch of curse words. The weed smoke that I was literally just mentally complaining about outside didn’t have anything on what was going on inside. I instantly felt like I was going to get high from just the secondhand smoke.

Just as I was about to tell Twinkle that I was going to leave because this just wasn’t for me, she was swept off her feet. I looked over and saw Monterius holding her up. Twinkle was staring at Monterius with googly eyes, so I probably no longer even existed to her.

Monterius was very handsome. He had a caramel skin tone, and one of the things that made him overly handsome was his green eyes. I learned from Twinkle that his mother was Hispanic and black, which explained his beautiful hair. He rocked a curly tapered cut, and he had a very full beard. He was super tall, coming off like a giant when he stood next to Twinkle.

As Monterius looked at Twinkle, he smiled big, showing off dimples and perfect white teeth. He rocked an old school black and red Bulls jersey, so every tattoo on his arms, neck, and hands was on display. His black jeans sagged on him, and a pair of black and red Jordan 11s were on his feet. He wore crazy jewelry around his neck, and a gold Rolex on his wrist, with a huge pinky ring on his finger. He honestly looked like a rapper with all his jewelry.

I thought I knew what he did, but I didn’t want to put that stigma on another black man. However, the things that Twinkle told me indicated that he was in the pharmaceutical business, if you can catch my drift.

They literally freaked each other right there on the floor. As they kissed, Monterius’ hands were on Twinkle’s behind as he slowly bounced her up and down in his arms. I turned my head and noticed three women standing behind them. They were looking at Twinkle and Monterius in disgust. I wasn’t sure what that was about, so I turned in another direction.

The overhead lights shined against the club’s main wall, projecting the words, Welcome Home Billion. The DJ was spinning what could only be described as a first day out song. I felt like I was living in the twilight zone as I watched what was going on before me. There was a lot of commotion in one of the huge, private sections. When my eyes fell on who I knew had to be the infamous Billionaire, I had to do a double take. There was just no possible way that something so beautiful was right in front of me. I mean, he was a farrrr stretch from what I would even go after, but still, he had a presence that commanded attention.

He stood in the crowded section with about ten men surrounding him, holding two bottles of Hennessy as he rapped, “You ever been inside a Federal courtroom and fought for your life?” as the first day out song continued to play.

Even with so many other men and women in that section with him, he seemed to be the only thing I could clearly see. It was that chocolate skin that I just couldn’t get over. Beautiful chocolate skin like you would see on black art that had all types of tweaks, glosses, and enhancements, but I was standing right there watching him, so there was no filter. His skin was amazing.

I had heard Monterius say over the phone that Billionaire was huge, and he was right. He was buff out of this world. I thought Monterius was tall, but this Billionaire stood high. If I had to guess, I would say at least 6’7”. He wore a black, short-sleeved dress shirt with four of the buttons undone. Because the spotlight was right on him, I could see that the top half of his chest was decorated in tattoos. Although he had dark skin, the tattoos still showed. He wore black jeans that were sagging low, showing off his Gucci belt and the band of his Gucci boxers. S

imple Gucci low top sneakers were on his feet, and just like Monterius, he wore two flashy Cuban link chains around his neck, a gold AP watch, and ugh… I could go on and on.

He had perfect hair that was cut low and in waves. The most perfect waves that I’d ever seen in my life, and I had always thought my daddy had the best waves. His mustache and long, thick, full beard that was enough to put into a ponytail was just too much to take in. Again, I had never in my life seen a man this gorgeous. As he rapped each word, I noticed the gold teeth in his mouth.