I looked beautiful tonight, though. Although I knew how to do my own make-up, most days, I would just really focus on my eyeliner, foundation, and my lips. I went all out tonight, giving myself a light beat that I probably didn’t even need because with or without the make-up, I was going to love what looked back at me in the mirror. Self-love was so important to me now because, for the longest, like I said, I wasn’t appreciative of this skin that looked like it had been kissed by the sun.

My gray eyes danced around the mirror as I took myself in. One of the things I loved about myself was all the hair on my head. My coils were absolutely beautiful. Baby hair decorated my hairline, and I even had them in the back, so they hung loosely in the ponytail that my hair was pulled up in with curls spilling to the front. Almost three years of wearing braces in middle school had my teeth looking like pricey veneers that a lot of people were spending their money on these days. Twice a year, I went to my dentist, Doctor Maggie, to get my teeth whitened. Because I maintained my teeth, I didn’t mind smiling and showing them off. Deep dimples were engraved in my cheeks. It looked like someone had pressed their thumbs in my cheeks for hours because my dimples would often show without me even smiling.

I mentioned already that I was 4’9”, and years later, I was still smaller than most women, but again, I accepted these things about me that God had blessed me with. I weighed only a good 110 pounds with breasts that were finally fitting a B cup bra, little hips, a super tiny waist, and if I wore the right kind of jeans, my butt would poke out a little bit. One of the things that I was happy about was the fact that I did have a little booty on this small body. When it came to size, I took after my mother because at forty-six years old, she weighed in at 130 pounds.

I was still in my robe because I was waiting to go through the bags of clothes that Twinkle brought over for me. Although I smelled and looked good, I didn’t want to do anything but order take-out, climb in my bed, and find a good movie to watch until the movie was watching me. I was accustomed to a certain lifestyle that a lot of people my age would probably find boring, but I loved boring.

I left my massive bathroom and rushed down the stairs to get the front door for Twinkle. My two-bedroom townhouse had more than enough space for me. Two years ago, I became a homeowner, adding that as another accomplishment. No need for a big house like my parents had because it was only me living there to fill all the space. It got a little lonely from time to time, but that was cool. My two-car garage was nice and spacious enough to house both of my cars. I pushed a beautiful, custom colored, hot pink Mercedes Benz G550. The pink was the color of my sorority, letting everyone know how seriously I took that title in my life. My other car was my white Mercedes CLA class that I mostly drove every day. I mainly brought out Barbie on the weekends.

“Girl, I thought you were going to leave me out here and pretend like you were sleeping. You look cute. I love your make-up and hair. Oooh, I know exactly what you should wear out of this bag. Come on, let’s go up to your room,” Twinkle said, looking really cute herself.

This woman was a true fashionista. She wore a daring black outfit—probably something that I would never wear—but it was cute. The jumpsuit was made of lace, so there was literally nothing left for the imagination. I could see her nipples, and I was sure when she turned around, I would probably see her behind too. She wore high pumps that made her look taller than she was, her make-up was done as nicely as mine, and instead of her long tresses being straight like it was at work a few hours ago, it was in wand curls.

“Whatever is in this bag, I hope it isn’t as revealing as your outfit. You look cute, nonetheless, but not for me,” I said once she and I were in my bedroom.

Twinkle laughed at what I said, and then she started pouring out different outfits from the bag and matching them with accessories. She had everything in the bag, from different heels to go with each outfit, purses, jewelry, you name it.

“Why is everything that you’re taking out black? You don’t have anything with some color in it?” I asked, picking up one of the dresses off the bed and holding it up.

“Billionaire’s favorite color is black. Everyone is wearing black tonight, that’s why. I was thinking about this for you. You like this?” she asked, holding up a latex outfit that looked like a catsuit.

There was a deep dip in the front that would show off everything. I looked at her in astonishment because I couldn’t even picture myself wearing something like that.

“No, I don’t. Way too daring. Twinkle, I want something simple. Show me something simple out of this lineup,” I said because I really didn’t see anything on the bed that I would want to wear.

Don’t get me wrong, I saw some cute outfits, but there wasn’t anything that I could see myself rocking. If she didn’t pull out something quick, I was just going to go in my closet and find something in there. I didn’t want to wear black anyway. I liked yellows, oranges, and pinks. Those colors went well with my skin tone.

“Try this one. This is simple. I have a bad leather jacket in here for you to rock with it too,” she said, holding up a cute, strapless black dress that I knew would more than likely cling to my little body; I could tell from how small the dress was.

I didn’t want to keep complaining, so although this still wasn’t what I wanted to wear, I stood up from the bed and took the dress from her. Quickly, I removed my robe and stepped into the dress, being extra careful not to mess up my hair in the process.

“Turn to the side,” Twinkle told me, and I did.

“Yessss, Normani! You actually look like you have some cake back there,” she said, followed by a laugh.

“Seriously, though, this dress looks amazing on you! I love it. You don’t even need the jacket,” she said and was about to put the very fashionable jacket back in the bag, but I took it from her, making her laugh again.

“I don’t think so. I already feel so exposed,” I said, putting the jacket on, which went perfectly with the dress.

The dress was short, but it wasn’t dramatically short. It was short enough for my daddy to probably disown me if he saw me in it, though. I put on the accessories that Twinkle had laid out for me on the bed, and I even stepped into the thigh-high boots that she brought over as well.

There was a floor-length mirror in my bedroom, and I walked over to it. I couldn’t even lie; I looked really good. I didn’t look like Sis. Davidson, and neither did I look like Doctor Davidson. Man, I hoped that no one from the church or my job saw me out.

After doing a once over and spraying a little bit more Chanel perfume, we finally walked out of my bedroom and to the garage. I was driving tonight, just in case I wasn’t enjoying myself and wanted to leave. We hopped in my Mercedes coupe, and Marvin Sapp’s Here I Am album was still playing from when I was listening to it earlier.

“Girl, no! I love God, Lord knows I do, but unt uh, put on something else,” Twinkle said, already messing with the radio.

I didn’t pay her any attention as I put on my seatbelt and then slowly pulled out of the parking space. According to my navigation system, we would get there in thirty-three minutes. Twinkle and I talked about a little bit of everything on the ride over, and when we had about ten minutes left, her phone started ringing.

It was resting in her lap, and judging from the loving emojis that were used as a contact name, I knew it had to have been her boyfriend, Monterius, calling. The two of them were literally something else. The stories that she would tell me about them… all I could say was whew, and that man was something else.

“Hey, bae,” she answered.

“Twink, where you and your girl at, yo? My nigga working the door, and I told him to hit me when you get outside. Don’t stand in the line. Walk right up to the front like I told you to,” I heard his deep voice say through the phone.

I had met Monterius on several occasions. He would often send flowers to the job for Twinkle, and she usually took her lunch break with him. I would never judge anyone’s relations

hip because it wasn’t my place, but from what I had witnessed about love, it wasn’t supposed to hurt the way that it was hurting her. Let’s just say that her man hasn’t matured yet in the way that she wanted him to, and he was giving his attention to other women.