My titties were out, and he was staring at them for a while. They were much different than the last time he saw them, which is why I felt like he was drooling over them. After having my son, my breasts sagged a little bit due to me breastfeeding for six months. I didn’t do anything crazy; I just had a minor enhancement and got them lifted. I went up a size, so now I was a 36C. My breasts were perfect now.

Billion was a tittie man, so I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was dying to lean his head in and suck on my nipples. I felt like I had him right where I wanted him, but then he stopped me. It was so crazy because I felt that big ass dick on my ass, and it was jumping. It knew that mommy was home, but this nigga was fuckin’ playing. I wondered if he fucked that bitch from the restaurant, which is why he was holding out on giving me the dick. Then again, I didn’t think he fucked her. The way I was in tune with this nigga, I would just know, and right now, my crazy radar was telling me that he hadn’t fucked her.

“Nesha, stop, yo. I said when we ain’t doing this. I ain’t about to even fuck with your head like that,” he spat, pissing me the fuck off.

I put my shirt back on, and then I shoved the shit out of him, damn near hurting my hand when I did it because this nigga was solid. It felt like I’d slapped my hand against concrete. He grabbed me by both of my arms and flipped us. I was now in the chair, and he was on top of me with his face right in front of mine.

“See why I ain’t doing this shit with you? My initial reaction was to punch you in yo’ shit! You be bringing out the worst in a nigga, and I’ll never change as long as I’m fuckin’ with you. Get yourself together, yo. I’m about to kiss my son, and I’m out,” he spat and then lifted himself off me.

He opened the sliding door and then slammed it closed. I wasn’t even an emotional person, but a couple tears spilled out when this nigga told me that I brought out the worst in him. That was some fucked up shit to say. He made it seem like I never brought good shit out of him like I was just some toxic bitch who he mistakenly knocked up.

“Are you okay? You have been throwing up since you walked through the door. What did you eat, or are you pregnant? My God, Twinkle,” Normani complained as she stood behind me, holding my hair up, so it wouldn’t get into her toilet bowl as I sat on my knees and emptied my guts into the toilet.

I hated everything that came with throwing up; I swear, it just creeped me out. I’d been over there for at least thirty minutes. Initially, I came over to pick her up for brunch and to run some other errands this morning, but the second I pulled up, I got that salty feeling again in my mouth. My stomach started turning like it had been doing for the past few days.

I was pregnant. I broke down and took a test the day after I visited my sister at the prison. Nobody knew. Then again, I’d been staying at my mother’s house since the day I came back home from seeing Loyal, and she had been looking at me funny. She probably k

new something and was more than likely not going to say anything until I brought it to her attention. After I finished having sex with Monterius that day, I ended up passing out right in the bed afterward. I woke up to him gone, but he did leave me a text message, letting me know that he was meeting up with Billion and that he would be back home later. Yeah, the sex was phenomenal, but when I woke up from the two-hour nap that I had taken that day, I found my common sense, then packed my bags and left.

That was three days ago, and I had been hiding out at my mama’s house ever since with Monterius blocked from my cell phone and all my social media accounts. I even called out of work this whole week because I knew that would be the first place he would look for me. He’d been over my mama’s house, but my mama’s loyalty was to me, so of course, she lied and told him that she didn’t have a clue where I was.

Monterius knew that my mama would lie for me, so he came into the house and did a sweep, but I was hiding in the basement. Because he was fuckin’ crazy, he would pop up at my mama’s house at crazy times of the day, thinking he would catch me slipping, but he always came up short because I wasn’t dumb enough to leave the house. The fact that I had been sick as a dog for the past few days made it easier to stay put. My car wasn’t even at my mama’s house; it had been in Normani’s garage for days.

Funny how the silly nigga suddenly had all of this fuckin’ time on his hands to look for me, but when I needed him, he was nowhere to be fuckin’ found. Some might say that what I was doing was petty, but a real woman would see that I had to do this shit. I had to put my foot down and let this nigga go because if I didn’t, he was going to continue to run all over me. I had no solid proof that Monterius had fucked around me on me with a bitch the night he didn’t come home, but my woman’s intuition told me that he had. Why else would he fuck me to sleep like that? The nigga was guilty of something.

“I’m pregnant,” I said, confiding in someone for the first time since I found out.

There was an awkward silence in the room when I said that. Normani knew bits and pieces of what was going on because I needed to leave my car in her garage and have her drop me off to my mother’s house a few days ago. Of course, she asked a million and one questions about what was going on. I didn’t really go into detail because I didn’t want to sound foolish, so I just told her that Monterius and I had broken up. Of course, it went into one ear and out of the other because we were always breaking up, but I was for real this time.

“I don’t know if you want me to say congrats or not. Why are you disappointed?” she asked, letting my hair go and then looking down at me.

I reached up and flushed the toilet then put the toilet seat down. Once I felt slightly stable, I crawled over to the matte black, freestanding tub, which was big enough to fit at least three people and put my back against it. I pulled my knees up to my chest, buried my head in my hands, and burst into tears.

Before I could get really hysterical, Normani was on the floor with me, and she pulled me into her. She didn’t even understand what was going on, but she just started praying for me. She prayed a good prayer over me, my baby, my mind, my sanity, my thoughts, and my decision. Right now, I really didn’t even know if I was going to keep this baby. By the time she finished, I was still crying, but I wasn’t as bad as I was five minutes ago.

“Does Monterius know?” she asked, and I just shook my head.

“Well, are you going to tell him?”

I shrugged because I honestly didn’t know.

“I get that it’s your decision, but Twinkle, you should know that I’m not going to sit here and encourage any talks about you having an abortion. I’m not sure what problems you and Monterius are battling right now, but this is a life that we’re talking about. A life that was made between two consenting adults. A life that deserves to live. If you don’t want to keep the baby, that’s fine, but consider adoption before you just terminate a life,” Normani told me as she reached up and wiped my face.

I honestly didn’t expect anything else from her. When I got my first abortion a couple of years ago, I didn’t know Normani, so she didn’t know about that one, and I didn’t plan to ever tell her. I loved Normani like a big sister, and she gave the best advice, so I often wondered if I would have gone through with the abortion had I known her at the time of my first pregnancy.

“I don’t want to mess up the day. Let me clean myself up, and we can still go. I think I let it all out for this morning,” I voiced after neither of us said anything for at least five minutes.

“You sure? I don’t mind ordering breakfast and having it delivered to the house. I’m free until tonight. I’m writing tonight. You know I have my book signing coming up next month, so these days, I’ve been wrapping up the last couple of chapters in my latest book,” she told me, and I smiled.

“I know. It’s stamped and saved in my calendar. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m also sure about going to breakfast. I’ve been cooped up in the house all week. Let’s go out, and I also want to show you the property that I’m thinking about getting for my boutique,” I told her, and she smiled.

We both stood up from the floor. Normani left first while I stayed behind and cleaned myself up, mainly washing my mouth out. Five minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom. Today I was dressed simply. I wore a black and white YSL shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans, and YSL sandals were on my feet. My black Chanel purse was in Normani’s room, and I had my hair under a full, thirty-inch wig that I stood in front of the mirror for almost an hour this morning, straightening to perfection. I wore only a little bit of make-up because since I wasn’t really feeling myself, I didn’t even try to go all out.

I took the stairs and found Normani in the kitchen, sitting at the dining room table with the phone glued to her ear. From what she was saying and how she was talking, I knew that her phone call was business-related. I swear, that girl worked even on her day off. Sometimes, I wanted to just snatch that damn phone from her. She worked too hard.

Normani deserved to be somewhere on an island with her feet kicked up, drinking margaritas like it was water. Her attire for the day was cute, though. Normani was always dressed nicely. She was one of those women who didn’t reveal anything but still looked good. Today, her attire was a pair of light blue skinny jeans with the strings hanging at the bottoms. She wore a fashionable V-neck top with a yellow, dressy blazer and nude red bottom heels on her feet. Her beautiful coils were pulled up in a high ponytail, and like me, she wore light make-up with nude lip gloss on her lips. The yellow Birkin bag that she was carrying with her outfit rested on the dining room table.

All I could think about was the fact that my cousin was a damn fool because Normani was fuckin’ beautiful and would make one hell of a wife. While she finished up her phone call, I went into her refrigerator and grabbed myself a bottle of water.