“Nah, because I’m not shocked. When you started talking about being a preacher’s kid, then you said you ain’t kiss nobody before, my mind went into overdrive. So, I was able to conclude that on my own. I ain’t about to pressure no woman into having sex with me. That’s lame as fuck. When a woman is ready to cross that line, then we can go there,” I told her.

For about ten minutes, she continued to tell me little things about herself.

“I have questions that I want to ask you now,” she spoke.

Slouched down in the seat, I put my hands behind my head, ready for whatever. I was an open book when it came to my life. I swear, I wasn’t going to hold out on shit.

“Twinkle pretty much already gave me the scoop on you, so I really know a few things about you. One of the things that I’m curious about, and I’m not sure if this makes me a little naïve to the dating world, but I’m just curious as to why you aren’t with either of your children’s mother? Twinkle showed them to me, and both of them are beautiful. My daddy told me that he’s always been deeply in love with my mother, but his love for her grew both times he watched her give birth to my sister and me. How is it that a woman can go through the pain of having your child, and you no longer be with either one of them?” she questioned.

It was a good question, though.

“It doesn’t make you naïve for asking that. My son’s mother is Sidnesha. I’m not sure what all Twinkle told you, but I used to be heavy in the streets. We come from different worlds, so while you were studying medicine, I was selling the shit. Ten years ago, I wanted to be the biggest dope boy to ever come out of Miami. That was the type of goal I had. Sidnesha loved the perks that came with being a dope boy’s woman, so she encouraged the shit. She ain’t ever put it into my head to have a plan B or to get out of the streets. Sometimes, a nigga be needing that shit in his life. Those down bitches be good and all, but they don’t be trying to steer a nigga in the right direction.

“On top of that, me and Sidnesha were toxic as fuck. I’ll always love her, though. She gave me a son, and at one point in time, that was my girl, but we just can’t be together. Then, my other baby mama, Denim, that was just somebody who I was fuckin’ on the side when me and Sidnesha broke up. I done had both of them already. I know what type of drama they come with, and I don’t need that shit in my life. I’m liable to be back in prison for fuckin’ with either one of them, and I vowed to never go back. How you feel about dating a nigga who has kids?” I questioned, just throwing that shit out there because I really wanted to know.

“I’m going to be honest with you. I said that I’ll never date a man with kids. Two kids, from two different women…. Um no. I’m not even judging you, but this is one of those things I’ll pass on. I wouldn’t mind being friends, though,” she said, and I sucked my teeth.

“I don’t have female friends. I’ll end up fuckin’ them,” I told her in all honesty.

“Is your mouth always this vulgar?” she questioned.

“You don’t like me cursing?” I wanted to know.

“I’m not here to try and change the way anyone talks. I don’t curse,” she said.

“You said bitches not too long ago.”

She laughed and then rolled her eyes at me.

“And when I go home tonight and pray before closing my eyes, I’m going to ask forgiveness for doing that. I only said that because I was repeating what you said,” she told me.

Before I got to say anything else, she jumped to the next question.

“Now that you’re home, what are you doing now? I hope not the same thing that you were doing before. You have children. I’m sure it meant the world to them when you came back home,” she told me.

That shit made me smile because, for real, I ain’t ever have no woman in my life preach this shit to me besides my mama, my grandma, and Twinkle. As far as a woman that I’m entertaining… nah, they weren’t pushing for a nigga to go legit, so I liked this. It let me know that she didn’t see the money, and she could give a fuck about the lifestyle that came with dating a dope boy.

“I’m in the process of learning how to flip houses. I got three houses right now that are in the process of being renovated. My kids mean the world to me, and I know I mean just as much to them, so yeah, they were crying and shit when I made it back home. I ain’t putting my kids through no shit like that again. I missed out on too much. I’m changing. I just need somebody to stay on top of a nigga. I need somebody that’s going to put their fuckin’ foot down and steer me right when I go left,” I vented.

“I’m sure you won’t have any problem finding that,” she spoke.

“Shit, I probably already done found it. Put your number in my phone,” I said, taking my phone out of my pocket and passing it to her.

“I’ll put my office number in here,” she said.

I sucked my teeth while looking over at her pretty ass.

“Put your cell. You are so fuckin’ scary. What you think I’m going to do? It’s cool. I’ll get the shit anyway,” I let her know.

“You actually won’t because I’m going to make sure that I tell Twinkle not to give it to you. Come on. My car should be ready now. It’s been over an hour and a half. I have to be up early in the morning,” she said before sliding out of the seat and standing up.

I ain’t want our conversation to end. Initially, I brought her over there with me to get something to eat because I ain’t want to be rude and leave her at the car shop by herself. Now, all of a sudden, I wanted to sit in that bitch and talk with her until the restaurant closed, and they told us to get out.

“Who are you in here on the phone with? I thought I told you to go bathe,” I said, walking into my ten-year-old son’s room.

It was a little bit after nine at night, and I’d just finished ironing his clothes for school tomorrow. It was picture day, and I was excited as hell. Two days ago, Billion came over and had taken our son to the barbershop, so he could get a lineup. Billion was so damn serious about me no longer taking our son to the barber because ever since he’s been home, I haven’t been. Yeah, Billion was back, and because he was the man, I got that he would want to be the one to take Lil Bill to the barber because that’s how it was before he went to prison. I also thought that he wanted to take him because of the way I was bragging on Chris, my son’s barber, who I had been taking him to the last five years.

I guess by me saying that Chris was the best barber out, Billion took it as me fuckin’ him. I couldn’t say that the nigga was wrong, though, but at the same time, he wasn’t all the way right because Chris and I hadn’t fucked in a while. This may sound a little crazy, but I was trying to keep it tight, just in case Billion decided to slide in. I wanted him to think that I was untouched.