After they finished, Anika crawled back into my lap and tried to kiss me, but I curved her.

Anika was the shorty who spoke to me when I was walking Twinkle’s stuck up ass doctor friend to her car. That woman was so damn beautiful, but nah... I was good. I’d ruin her fuckin’ life, man. Plus, she gave me stuck up vibes, and I ain’t like no stuck-up ass bitch. It’s okay to be confident in yourself and feel like you’re the prettiest female in the world. I personally feel like a woman is supposed to have that type of confidence, but nah, I could tell that we didn’t have shit in common. Shorty proba

bly didn’t have an inkling of what the hood even looked like. I liked for a female to be able to relate to me. I ain’t really want to come from two different parts of the world like that.

“Watch out. I gotta go piss,” I said to them.

They both stood up and moved out of the way.

With my dick swinging, I walked into the bathroom, making sure I closed the door behind me. I took my piss and then walked over to the sink to wash my hands and throw some water on my face. Looking in the mirror, I started mentally telling myself that this year had to be the best year of my fuckin’ life. I had to get my shit in order so I could have partial custody of my kids because I needed to be there. I needed to stay my black ass out of jail, and I didn’t need to get lost in fuckin’ these bitches. This was probably going to be the last of fuckin’ hoes anyway. I would jack my dick from now on.

I knew I was fucked up in the head and that I lacked trust when I had to take these bitches’ phones from them and do a strip search the second we made it to the hotel. When they started sucking my dick the first time, I was clutching my gun that rested in a strap on my ankle more than I was touching their ass and titties. The only way I was going to be trusting around a bitch was if I got me an ole lady. I wanted to be so trusting of a bitch that I could sit under her for hours, and not even worry about her trying to set a nigga up or niggas busting through my shit, trying to rob me. I wanted to be able to give money to my ole lady and not have to worry about her doing a nigga dirty by giving some of the money to another nigga that she had on the side.

The shit I went through with Trucks mentally fucked me up. I ain’t want no new people around me. Tonight, all types of niggas that I went to grade school with and shit were trying to get up in my section, but I wouldn’t allow the shit to happen. Them niggas could have come with a good heart, just wanting to kick it with me, but I was fucked up. They probably thought I was acting funny, and after tonight, a few of them were probably going to say that I changed. In all seriousness, I did change, but for the better.

Any niggas kicking it with me in my section tonight were there because, in the five years that I was sitting down, they were writing me, putting money on my books, and making sure that both my mama and my ole boy were straight. That alone got them a seat at the table.

My baby mamas were in the section because they made it possible for me to have these beautiful ass kids, so that got them a spot regardless. Twinkle’s doctor friend, her ass better be lucky that she was the prettiest shit that I had ever seen in my life. Otherwise, she would have been on the main floor with the rest of the party-goers, just looking up at us and wishing she could come and party with us.

2:00 P.M.

“So, what do you think?” Lenny asked as we left the last home for the day.

Today was just a bunch of information, to the point that I had a fuckin’ headache. Granted, I ain’t think this shit was going to be easy, but damn. I sat in a meeting with four other people earlier today. They basically just further explained precisely what it meant to flip houses, the proper way to do it, the risk vs. the reward, credit, all types of shit. I felt like I was in a business class or some shit. The thing is, I was smart. When it came to some shit that I found an interest in, I was going to pay close attention. I never wanted anyone to be able to use fuck up and my name in the same sentence.

Lenny was a real estate agent, and he was really good friends with Mr. Pride. He stood before me in a plain white tee, some jeans, and black sneakers. Want to know what, though? His ass was a fuckin’ millionaire. Filthy ass rich, and he was going to school me, so I could be rich in this industry as well. Then he was going to school me in the stock market, so I could have money coming in from that too.

Lenny just reminded me of a cool, nerdy ass big brother. He wasn’t the type of person that I would cool it with and pass a blunt back and forth with, but that was cool because sometimes we needed change and to step outside of the box.

“Say I want to go with this house right here, right? The asking price is $150,000. It needs a hell of a lot in terms of renovations and shit. It’s in a good ass area, and the view of that lake is fuckin’ beautiful. I would want to stay in some shit like this. It’s obvious that the owners before just let the shit go to pieces. One of the things they were talking about in the meeting this morning was comparables, so when I pulled up, I googled both of the neighbor’s houses, and one sold for $250,000, while the other sold for $275,000. For a four-bedroom home, in a gated community, with security and a pool in the back, I feel that if I put at least $100,000 worth of renovations into this shit, I can sell this for like $300,000. Shit, if not, $350,000,” I said, rubbing my hands together, knowing that I could easily do it.

Lenny smiled as he brought his fist out. The shit was lame as fuck, but I ended up laughing and banged my fist with his.

“Now you sound like a professional! You sound like an agent. I have faith in you. I know you will go far in this. I do have one little recommendation,” he said.

I folded my arms across my chest and looked down at him in anticipation.

“Your appearance. The gold teeth, the jeans sagging, the tattoos, it’s a lot. I mean this in no type of gay way, but you’re a handsome man, so all you need to do is put on a suit. My colleagues saw you today, and each of them told me that they thought this was a joke. But when you started speaking, and they saw how intelligent you were, you were able to convince all of them, and you pretty much won them all over. This is a business world, and I don’t want you to meet with different investors, and they don’t take you seriously because they might think that you are a… umm, how should I put this? A thug,” he told me.

I let out a sarcastic laugh and then pinched the bridge of my nose to keep from spazzing.

“All money spends the same, right? Whether I flip a house in a three-thousand-dollar suit or some Levi jeans hanging off my ass, the motha fucka is still going to get flipped, right? I appreciate the suggestion, but I ain’t changing shit. I look forward to doing business with you, Lenny. Watch how quickly I make my first million,” I said with so much confidence as I patted him on his back, and then I jumped into my black Charger.

This was my old car. A car that I bought in cash before I went in. This shit had all kinds of horsepower, and I could clearly be heard coming down the street. I quickly pulled out of the driveway and turned up the music, which was connected to my phone via Bluetooth. I was put onto Rod Wave when I was in prison, and I swear, this nigga’s music will take you through some shit. He was like a preacher for all the hood niggas who had been through some shit.

I blasted one of my favorite songs, “Cuban Links,” as I pushed it to my mama’s house. She’d been hitting a nigga up all morning, trying to see if I was going to come over and kick it with her. I swear, she didn’t even want a nigga to breathe without being in her sight. I understood it, though; she went five years without me, so I could see why she would want me around. That was my baby, so I was going to head over, especially since she said she was doing a seafood boil and inviting over a few family members to chill. I loved some seafood, so that was all she had to say for me to come running.

I texted her on the drive over to ask if she needed me to pick up anything, and she told me to hit the liquor store and bring some bottles over. I should have known her drinking ass was going to tell me to pick up some liquor. My mama loved 1738, so I made sure to pick up a bottle of that, some Patron, and because I was a Henny kind of guy, I picked up some Henny for me. I wasn’t going to overdo the shit because I drank a lot last night, and my fuckin’ head was still hurting.

After getting the drinks, I pulled into the gated community where my mama resided. Knowing that my mama ain’t have to live smack dab in the middle of the projects anymore caused me to smile as I drove through a neighborhood where the grass was so green that the shit looked fake. You ain’t see crackheads walking up and down the street, begging for money, or little kids outside with their noses all running and shit with no shoes on. And you damn sure ain’t see a nigga standing in the stairwell, getting his dick sucked. Nah, none of that shit was going on over here.

My mama was a fuckin’ queen, and she deserved to live in some shit like this. As a little ass boy, I used to always tell her that I was going to take care of her when God allowed me the chance to, and I made good on that promise. This house was paid for before I went in, and I’d gotten her the nail salon that she’d always dreamed of having.

My mama used to do nails in my grandma’s kitchen. The way women would be sitting on our porch, waiting for their turn, you would have thought that my grandma was inside selling fish dinners. Due to my mama having me at an early age, I always felt like she missed out on so much shit. So, when I went over and beyond for her, the shit was for a reason.

I pulled my car into the massive driveway, and there were plenty of cars parked. I saw Nesha’s X5 and Denim’s Range Rover. For them to be in attendance, I hoped they came with my damn kids. They were the first two people that I wanted to see once I touched down, and I gave both of my baby mamas direct orders to have them waiting for me at my mama’s house. Surprisingly, their hardheaded asses followed a nigga’s directions.

I got out of the car and let my clean Air Force Ones hit the pavement as I carried the bag of liquor in my hands. Since I still had my mama’s key on my key chain, I used it to let myself in. I could hear the music playing, the laughter, all of that. The shit kind of fucked me up a little bit because back when I was in that 4x4 prison cell, I was willing to sell my fuckin’ soul to be able to have some moments like this. I had a big family, so to speak, and we were big on family shit.