Page 26 of Out of the Blue

Tom chuckles. “He’s around fifteen, and I’ll do my best. If we can get him through the night, our chances look better.”

Tom is the kind of guy that every woman dreams about marrying: handsome, kind, a natural healer with a sense of humor. Unfortunately for me, Tom is about as sexually appealing as a pair of hand-knitted acrylic mittens. Otherwise, I’d be campaigning hard for him right now. There’s something seriously wrong with me. I blame Simply Sinful.

We spend some time giving Legend love and affection and promising him a great life from here on out if he can just hang on. I take pictures of the physical state we found him in. It’s to protect the animals in case the owners change their minds and decide they want them back. One threatened to sue us until I sent him the vet bill and a few pictures of the fresh wounds the vet found. Then I threatened to get the cops involved.

I post all the pictures on our social media accounts for two reasons: education and education. People need to be made aware of what’s happening and learn how to help stop it.

We head home and pull into the driveway around six. Shane’s car is gone and the lights in Aidan’s trailer are on. It’s weird, but I’m starting to like having them here. Even if they are still strangers.

I park the pickup and head straight to the barn. The day’s not over yet; the animals need to be fed dinner. Loud brays and nickers greet me at the door. Without fail, they always manage to lift my mood.

“You guys have a new brother to welcome soon. I want you to be extra nice to him.”

The very loud greeting continues. I pet every velvety nose poking outside the stalls as I make my way down the aisle to the feed room. All in a normal day’s work. And I wouldn’t do anything differently.

Later in the evening, after I let Mona stuff me with her delicious meatloaf and a baked potato, I drag my tired ass up the stairs to my bedroom and pull out the binoculars. It’s become a nightly ritual of sorts––taking stock of the paddocks and barn, making sure all is quiet.

I put them to my face, adjust the focus, scan the property. My line of sight moves left, and then keeps scanning until I reach the guesthouse. The lights are on, the drapes pulled aside.

In the back of my mind, where the healthy conscience I used to possess now lives, I know I shouldn’t be lingering. That I would be appalled to learn someone was spying on me. And yet I don’t stop. Not even when Shane Hughes moves across the window completely naked.

Holy helloooo. What in the cheeseandnuts is this?

Instead of stopping, I lean in. Yep, I lean in. Because this man is worthy of crazy behavior. Jaime had an impressive body, but nothing like this. Every muscle on Shane Hughes’ body is honed to perfection. All the way from his pectorals to his butt. Nothing like his brother’s––which is more flash than substance. Those muscles are not a vanity project. They come from hard work and necessity.

He turns and I get a full-frontal view. Do I stop? No. I’m going full pervert tonight. He has girth and length. Of course. Of course, he would have a perfect dick. Why couldn’t he have an ugly one with a kink in it? Because I’m not that lucky and the universe has a sick sense of humor. Now I’m going to picture him naked, that perfect dick of his swinging in my mind’s eye every time I see him. Damn you, Mona and these binoculars.

Shane closes the drapes and saves me from further debasing myself. I take a shower thinking about him. I get into bed thinking about him. I find my relax-her thinking about him. I feel guilty for about a whole minute. Why let a good fantasy go to waste, right?

Chapter 7

“Best I can do is deliver by two tomorrow,” the sales clerk informs me, his cheek stuffed with dip.

It’s already past 6 p.m. when I make it to the feed store. Mice got into the bags we had left and I need to replace them ASAP now that we have one more mouth to feed.

I went to visit Legend first thing in the morning. With the meds and nutrition he’s getting at the clinic, he’s already looking so much better and more alert. Tom says he’s making remarkable progress and should be able to go home by the end of the week. That’s when the hard road to recovery really starts.

It didn’t escape my notice that the Cobra is parked not too far from the supply store. I can only wonder what he’s in town for. And I do wonder. It takes up way too much of my time. It’s been days, and that dick of his is still never far from my thoughts. This is what happens when you have a complete lack of a social life. Maybe Jess was right; this man-fast is making me as thirsty as a fifteen-year-old incel.