Fuck me.



I hate everything and everyone today. Sunshine, puppies, butterflies, and rainbows. All of it can get tossed in a blender.

I’m ready to post a craigslist ad: Uterus for sale.

The only good thing about having my period is that I know I’m not pregnant with Quinton’s child. Jesus, just the thought of the shitstorm that would set loose has a shiver running down my spine.

The things he’s done to me and made me do are something that I want to forget, not something I want to build a life on, and it’s definitely not anything I want to bring another innocent life into.

Even the people in the hallway seem to pick up on my murderous mood since no one accidentally runs into me on my way back to my room. I swipe my key card and push the door open, ready to curl up on my bed, when I find another bag sitting on my mattress.

This time I handle it less carefully, knowing that it’s from Quinton and trusting him a tiny bit more now. Pulling it open, I find a bottle of shampoo as well as a bottle of conditioner inside. On the bottom, I discover a bunch of granola bars and even a few candy bars mixed between.

I’m not even that surprised he brought this. What is surprising is the note pinned at the top of the bag.

This one is for free.

Don’t get used to it.


Free? Nothing is free. I know that better than anyone. My brain tells me not to touch any of this stuff, but my stomach tells me to eat everything in sight before someone takes it away from me.

My mouth waters just looking at the candy bars, and I already know there is no way I’m giving this back. Especially not today out of all days. Opening the bottle of water, I dig out some Advil from my nightstand drawer and swallow three pills. While I let them kick in, I curl up on my bed and unwrap one of the chocolate caramel bars.

The first bite is the best. Closing my eyes, I moan as the chocolate goodness hits my taste buds. The gooey caramel sticks to the roof of my mouth, and I want it to stay glued on there forever. I don’t even chew. I just let it dissolve in my mouth, sucking on the chocolate, wanting to draw out the taste.


“That good, huh?”

My eyes fly open in shock as I realize someone is in the room. I sit up straight and hold on to the candy bar like I’m about to use it as a weapon.

“Calm down, killer.” Quinton chuckles, flopping down on the bed beside me like he owns the place. “What’s in that chocolate that makes you moan like that?”

My heart is still racing from the shock of him appearing out of nowhere when he grabs the bar from my hand and takes a bite.

He takes a fucking bite out of MY candy bar!

“What’s the big deal? Tastes normal.” He shrugs, inspecting the bar like he is trying to solve a puzzle.

I don’t think. I simply act.

“You fucking asshole!” I scream at him seconds before I swing my fist into his upper arm as hard as I can manage. My hope was to hurt him, even if it’s just a little bit. Instead, pain shoots from my knuckles all the way up my forearm. “Ow!” I yelp, cradling my hand.

What the hell is his arm made of? Fortified steel?

We both pause, staring at each other in shock.

“Did you just hit me?” he asks like he can’t believe his eyes.

“You took my chocolate!” I defend.

His eyebrows pinch together, and his gaze bounces from me to the candy in his hand to the Advil on my nightstand.

“Ahhh, makes sense now. You’re on your period.” He hands me back the chocolate, and I snatch it from his hold. “I’ll give you this one pass, but if you hit me again, I’ll hit you back. I don’t care if you’re a girl. Don’t fucking hit me.”

I’m not even scared of his threat today. It’s not that I don’t believe him. I just don’t care about anything right now. “Don’t take my food, and I won’t have a reason to use violence. Now, please leave. As you already guessed right, I’m on my period. I’m grumpy and in pain. I don’t have a heating pad or a bathtub to soak in, and the Advil hasn’t kicked in yet, so please, for the love of everything, get out and let me eat my chocolate in peace.”


“No? I’m not having sex with you.”

“I didn’t say I was here for sex, did I?”

“That’s literally the only reason you come to my room. Why else would you be here?”

“Okay, you’ve got a point there. I did come for sex, but I’m not interested in making a mess or hearing you whine the entire time.”