He is such a jerk.

I slam the door behind me and head down the hallway.

I was hoping Doc might want to work together to escape this place when Max and Otto return to the Inferno clubhouse, but he’s too worried about who is to blame for all of this rather than actually fixing it. But time is running out, so he needs to get over it. Because I don’t believe for a second that Max will let either of us walk out that door, whether Odin lives or dies.

Nothing is ever how it seems when it comes to Max.

Surely, Doc can see that.

And if he can’t, well, it’s going to be up to me to show him, and I have a feeling it isn’t going to be easy.

It doesn’t help that he’s a bull-headed jerk who hates me.

Or that he has the most enticing mouth that sends excitement to all my lady bits.

Seriously, I can’t work out if I want to kiss that mouth or punch him in it for being such an asshole toward me.

I make my way to the kitchen for a glass of water but stop when I overhear Max and Otto talking in one of the bedrooms. Careful not to make a sound, I pause to listen.

“You told him you’d let him go,” Otto says.

“I told him what he wanted to hear, but he’s too valuable to the Inferno to let go.”

“He’s more trouble than he’s worth,” Otto says.

“He’s a doctor, and we need one.”

“What about Tiger Lily? She can replace Jerimiah.”

“She doesn’t have the same medical knowledge.”

“She knows enough.”

“I want a doctor. And I want that one down the hallway currently tending to Odin.”

“What if he doesn’t agree.”

“You’re a convincing guy. Convince him.”

“And if that doesn’t work?”

“Then we kill him.”

I gasp and have to cover my mouth to silence myself. Because despite already suspecting it, hearing Max say he’ll kill Doc sends a bolt of panic zipping up my spine.

“Either way, that cocksucker will do whatever the fuck I want him to do.”

“And Tiger Lily?”

“She comes with us either way.”

Again, I bite back my gasp. I have no intention of going anywhere with them.

“Does she know?” Otto asks.

“She doesn’t have a fucking choice.”

There’s a moment of silence, and I’m about to sneak away because I want to tell Doc what I’ve overheard and hopefully get him to go along with my plan, but then Otto speaks again.

“I know you got me set on being with Cherry Pie, but I don’t want her. I want Tiger Lily. I’ll take her as my wife and make sure she keeps in line. Give her to me, and I’ll make sure your legacy lives on through more grandchildren.”

“What makes you think I’d choose you over the doc?”

“The doc? You’re planning on giving her to that asshole?”

My stomach pulls tight, and I try to swallow down the panic rising up the back of my throat. They’re talking about me like I’m a fucking possession.

“When he joins the Inferno, yes, I was plannin—”

“No!” Otto growls. “Tiger Lily is mine. It was always meant to be her and me.”

My father laughs. “Says who?”

“You said so yourself. When we was growing up. Said we was a powerful union. We are a good match, and you know it.”

“Tiger Lily doesn’t think so.” Max is toying with Otto. He can’t help himself. He likes to be mean and gets great satisfaction over shredding someone’s feelings. “She looks at you like she wants to stab you.”

“She looks at you the same way,” Otto snaps back.

I feel the energy in the room change.

I picture Max’s face.

He doesn’t take kindly to being spoken to that way. I can’t see him, but I know his eyes will have sharpened, and his face will have tightened, and a new flood of venom will be coursing through his veins. He’ll want to slap Otto down a peg or two.

“Suck my cock, and I’ll consider it.”

His words send revulsion to the pit of my stomach. Yet, they don’t surprise me. For Max, it’s all about control.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” he taunts.

I hear him undo his belt buckle and lower the zipper of his jeans.

“I want your word,” Otto says.

Max chuckles. “And I want you to swallow my cock. Now, get on your knees and get sucking.”

I don’t know if Max is taunting him for his subordination or if Otto really is about to get on his knees. I don’t want to know. Hell, I don’t want to even think about it.

I back up and quickly make my way back to Odin’s room.

Doc needs to know what I’ve overheard.

That shit just got real.

That there’s no time to waste because we’re not getting out of here unless we do something.

When I walk in, he’s checking Odin’s pulse. His face is expressionless, but his eyes tell me there’s little hope. Odin will probably die tonight, and when he does, it will be too late for the both of us.