And I would know because I know a thing or two about guilt.

Inside the sheriff’s office, Jack’s fury disappears behind a blank mask like he’s flipped a switch, effectively turning his emotions off.

Pinkwater meets us outside the cell block. “He’s down here.” He leads us inside to where Max is sitting behind a glass barrier, his hands folded neatly on the table in front of him. When he sees us, he gives me that sinister smirk he has mastered, and I want to put my fist through it.

“Gentlemen… welcome.”

Jack doesn’t react, but I can’t help it. I underestimated how I would feel when I saw him again. My emotions flip on themselves, and the calmness I felt walking in here gives way to my fury.

I give him a dark look.

I’m not as good at keeping my anger in check as Jack. Don’t get me wrong, he’s boiling with rage inside, but he isn’t showing anything on the outside. Me, on the other hand, yeah, I’m failing miserably. Honestly, I thought I could do the same. Thought I could control the rage I feel toward Max for what he did to Lily, but I’m powerless against the wrath that washes over me.

I have to draw in a breath and tell myself not to give Max the satisfaction as we sit across from the stinking rotten asshole.

“I’m so pleased you could make it,” he says calmly as if he invited us over for fucking tea and biscuits.

“Cut the pleasantries, you psycho fuck,” Jack growls out. “I didn’t come here to play your fucking games.”

Max’s smirk doesn’t slip. “Yet here you are.”

Jack leans forward, his voice low and calm but thick with warning, “I came here to let you know that it’s on, motherfucker. You dare come into my home and attempt to hurt my family… I’m gonna gut you, you weird-ass fuck, and I’m going to enjoy doing it.”

Max laughs. “How very threatening of you, Mr. Dillinger.” He twists his head to look at the security camera in the corner of the room. “I’m sure our friends in law enforcement will make sure to keep that as evidence,” he says sarcastically. “Oh yes, I know all about your relationship with the local sheriff, and I don’t doubt I’m a sitting duck in this cell. But you’ll have to find another way to… how did you put it? Gut me? See, my lawyer is on his way here, and I’ll be walking out those doors in… oh let’s see…” he looks at the clock on the wall, “… the next hour or so.”

Jack’s is fuming. “You think you’re so smart, but you’re going down for this.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t be hedging any bets on that, Jack Dillinger.” A psychotic gleam enters his eyes. “See, there’s no proof that I was ever involved in that unfortunate incident at your clubhouse, nor is there any proof to tie me or any of my men to the unfortunate demise of that poor delivery driver. So, you see, I won’t be in here long.”

“That’s fine by me.” Jack burns holes in the glass between them. “Because either way, I’ll make sure you pay.”

Max looks smug but then his gaze shifts to me. “How’s my daughter.”

A prickle of heat roars up my spine. “You don’t get to speak about her, you son of a bitch.”

“You can’t blame me for asking how she is, considering her current condition.”

My gut clenches. He knows she’s pregnant.

“Oh, don’t look so shocked. Of course, I know about the baby. She thought she had hidden the pregnancy tests well enough, but we found them.” He doesn’t say how he found them, but I wouldn’t put it past him to have one of his minions go through her trash. “Tell me… do you know who the father is? I’m curious.”

Rage ignites inside me. I try not to react, but it’s hard not to when every part of my soul wants to break down the glass separating us and set the asshole on fire.

His eyes focus on me curiously, studying my body language, then light up with a nasty gleam. “Well, well, well… how about that. You don’t know who the father is, do you?”

“Shut up,” Jack growls.

Max ignores him and fixes his cold stare on me. “I’m right, aren’t I, Doc? No point lying now. I can tell how the sickly thought of her being pregnant with another man’s child curdles in your stomach by the look on your face.”

“I said… shut your goddamn mouth,” Jack hisses.

Max smiles. Crossing his legs, he grasps his knee with his handcuffed hands. “You know, she and Otto had quite the good time together while she was staying with us. Why, she couldn’t keep her legs closed whenever he walked in the room.”

“You fuck.” I launch at the glass, and it wobbles like rubber beneath my fists. “I’m going to fucking destroy you.”