That explains the wooziness.

Assholes probably pumped me full of ketamine and gave me a concussion.

I look around the room to gather my bearings. I’m still wearing my cut, so I quickly check the pocket for my cell, but it’s gone.

“I apologize for the way you were brought here,” Max says with a sinister smirk. “Lucien can be overly enthusiastic when it comes to executing my plans. He was instructed to bring you here, not to give you a concussion or put you to sleep like a baby. He can be heavy-handed sometimes. I blame his mother. The woman had no finesse. But I digress… it was not my intention to harm you.”

Despite my nausea, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand. “Great! Then we’ll just call this a big misunderstanding, and I’ll be on my way. Give me my phone back and we’ll forget this ever—”

Stonecypher takes a step forward, a sinister smirk still in place. “You misunderstand me, doctor. While I don’t particularly like the way you were brought here, this is where you will most definitely stay until you have completed the task for which I summoned you.”

I stare at him.

Summoned me?

Who the hell does this guy think he is?

I’ve heard he’s batshit crazy—a charismatic leader who runs his club like a cult. But his reputation doesn’t do him justice. In the two minutes I’ve been with him, I can see he’s even more insane than they say.

Things aren’t looking too good for me right now.

Max clasps his hands together like he’s about to namaste me. “It’s not the way I like to conduct business.”

“This is business?”

“In a sense. I brought you here for professional reasons. We need a doctor, and you’re a doctor. You help us with this particular medical matter, and I will personally escort you to the front door.”

“You need a doctor, then go to the hospital.”

“Unfortunately, that is not an option. Hence, why you were brought here.”

The raging pain in my head gives me little patience.

“Let’s get a couple of things straight. I wasn’t brought here. I was forced here against my will. Secondly, I won’t do a goddamn thing until you give me my phone back, and I make a few calls.”

Max smiles calmly. Well, his lips do, but his eyes tell a different story. There’s nothing but bad news in them.

“I’m amused that you think you’re in such a position to make any kind of negotiation because you’re not, doctor. Not by a long shot. Now, shall we move on from this chit-chat and get to the matter at hand? Sunshine is waiting.”

Sunshine? I look at Lily. Who the fuck is Sunshine?

Max also looks at Lily. “You’ve got five minutes to make sure he’s up to doing the job.”

“He’s got a possible concussion, and the effects of the drugs haven’t worn off,” she says.

“Then you’d better get him something to help him get over it.”

“That involves time.”

“Which we don’t have. Now, get him ready.”

“He needs—”

“I don’t give a fuck what he needs. Sunshine is—”

I interrupt them, “Hello, kidnapped person right here. How about someone tells me what the fuck is going on? And who the hell is Sunshine?”

Lily glares at Max before she disappears out of the room, and he watches her leave.

“It will all make sense soon. In the meantime, you’ll have to forgive my daughter. She can be fucking combative when she wants to be.” His eyes darken. “Gets it from her cunt of a mother.”

I press my fingers into my temple. Goddamn! This situation is the gift that just keeps on giving, and I’m not in the mood for Max Stonecypher and his games.

Wait! What? Lily is his daughter?

I look up. “You’re Lily’s father?”

“You can’t see the resemblance?”

No, I can’t.

“Let Lily help you get your bearings. Now, you’ll have to excuse me. I’ve already left Sunshine waiting long enough.”

Without another word, he turns and leaves, just as Lily walks back in.

She offers me some pills and a glass of water.

“If you think I’m taking them, then you’re crazier than your father,” I snap at her.

For a moment, she looks surprised by my abruptness but quickly regains her cool. “They’re painkillers.”

“Sure, they are.”

“You think I’m going to give you something to hurt you or to knock you out? Kind of defeats the purpose of bringing you here, doesn’t it?”

“Your argument sucks, sweetheart. Because those exact two things have already happened to me.”

“You heard what Max said. It wasn’t meant to happen that way. Lucien was instructed otherwise.”

I rub the back of my neck. “Did he know?”

She sighs. “Do you want the drugs or not?”

“Or not.”

She inhales, frustrated. “Fine. If you’re going to be a baby about it.” She places them and the glass of water on the bedside table.

I side-eye them, desperate to ease the pounding in my skull. But they could be anything, so I’m prepared to put up with the jackhammer pounding in my head. Besides, my stomach still feels queasy from whatever they gave me, and anything that goes in might come right back out again.