Not tonight, anyway.

Tomorrow, I’ll face the music.

But tonight, it’s all about her.

I cross the lawn to where she’s sitting with the Fenway cousins. Taking her hand, I help her to her feet.

“Where are we going?” she asks with a smile.

“Creep” by Radiohead is playing, and it’s a perfect opportunity to hold Lily in my arms again without it being weird or like I’m rushing her. I lead her over to the parking lot where some of my Kings of Mayhem brothers are slow dancing with their old ladies.

My hands go to her waist, and when I pull her against me, she smiles up at me and winds her arms around my neck. We move slowly, our bodies pressed together, and suddenly, I’m back at the UFO Hotel with her in my arms, dancing beneath the sky dome with its billions of stars as my heart began its free-fall toward hers.

I’m so lost in her, I don’t even notice when the song ends and the fireworks begin.

They dance across the night sky in bursts of bright color, and around me, my Kings of Mayhem family celebrate the explosions of light with cheers and wolf whistles. Yet, all I can see is Lily as she gazes up at the blasts of color streaking across the night sky, mesmerized by the way the lights from skyrockets reflect in her beautiful eyes.

Intimately, I reach for her face. She turns her head to look at me, and I know at this moment, I’ve fallen in love with her. I have never believed in love at first sight or any of that fairy-tale shit. But now, as I hold her in my arms, there is no hesitation that what I feel for Lily is more than lust. It’s love. And I don’t have a single doubt about it. Tilting my head, I kiss her, a slow and languid kiss, and the world around us drops away.

I’m not sure I’m ready for this, but I want it.

I want it badly.

Letting the kiss go, she leans even closer, and the swell of her breasts brushes against my chest. “You know what happened the last time we danced,” she whispers in my ear.

I do.

Very well.

I spent the rest of the night making love to her under a galaxy of stars.

When she pulls back to look up at me, a soft smile twitches seductively at the corner of her mouth, and lust floods my veins when I see the sparkle in her sea-green eyes.

Suddenly, getting her to my room seems like the most important thing in the world.

Grabbing her hand, we run across the parking lot and into the clubhouse, where we rush past the pool tables and down the hallway toward the bedrooms. Thank God my room is the closest because after months of wet dreams and jerking off, I don’t think I can wait much longer to feel her under me.

We burst through the door, and I kick it shut behind me as she jumps into my arms and kisses me ferociously. Despite making myself come twice already today, my cock is so hard, it’s painful.

Our jeans and underwear come off in a flurry of hands and desperate moans, and we fall onto the bed. I want to go slow, to take my time and savor all this crazy emotion, but the way she grabs at my cock and guides it toward her wet pussy tells me slow is not what she wants.

And holy hell, she’s wet.

I don’t wait.

I push into her, and dear God, thrusting into her almost shatters my mind.

“Oh, Lily…” I let out a ragged breath.

So much sensation rushes at me, I can’t think straight.

I can’t believe she’s here.

That I’m inside her.

We fuck hard and fast, and I know we’re both trying to forget the past four months as we do.

Before I come, I kiss Lily through her orgasm as she falls apart beneath me, dragging her nails down my back and clenching my cock with her pulsating pussy.

When it’s my turn, it is such a powerful release it makes me dizzy. I grip the sheet beneath her and ride out the pleasure, my heart galloping like a racehorse as I disappear into a haze of bliss.

Gasping for breath, I fall beside her on the bed and drag her into my arms, pressing a kiss to her temple.

I’m panting and warm and so fucking delirious with happiness that the girl of my dreams has come back to me.


I wake up to the soft touch of Doc’s fingers brushing across my skin and his breath coming in soft restless bursts against the back of my neck. Whispering fingertips lead a trail down my body to my hip and across to my belly.

I sigh beneath his touch, feeling achy between my thighs.

His fingers drift lower, and I open my legs, wanting him to touch me there. The moment he does, his breath hitches as he feels just how wet and ready I am. After a night of lovemaking and barely two hours of sleep, neither of us are spent.