As if taking the cue from her husband, Bronte loops her free arm through mine and says, “Come on, let me introduce you to some of the ladies.”

She leads me away from Doc and Jack to join two ladies at the table nearest the clubhouse. Their names are Candi and Brandi, and they’re club girls. But they’re not like any club girls I’ve ever seen.

In the Inferno, club girls hold the lowest echelon in the club hierarchy. They’re there for one purpose and one purpose only, and that’s to satisfy an Inferno member in exchange for shelter and meth. They’re usually young and toothless with scraggy hair and bad personal hygiene.

But these girls look like they have stepped off a Playboy shoot. They’re sweet and kind and don’t appear to have a mean bone in their bombshell bodies.

Immediately, they embrace me like I’ve been here my entire life and chat with me while Jack keeps Doc caught in conversation. When Bronte disappears to put Rhett down for a nap, Candi and Brandi point out who is who in the club.

Then the conversation turns to Doc.

“That boy is smitten,” Candi says, watching him over her beer.

“I say! I’ve never seen Doc look sideways at a girl.” Brandi’s glazed eyes sparkle as she talks. “But honey, that boy can’t keep his eyes off you.”

“You’ve never seen Doc with a girl?” I ask.

I think back to the hotel when he told me about his nonexistent sex life.

“Never. But I’ve seen a lot of girls try,” Brandi replies.

“And he turns every single one of them down,” Candi adds. “He’s a real mystery around here. But that only adds to his appeal, you know? He’s the code everybody wants to crack.”

Brandi leans closer and lowers her voice, “Gambit says Doc is a born-again virgin or something like that. Said there’s a story there, something about his past he just won’t talk about.” She leans back again. “But you know, that’s pillow talk. I probably shouldn’t have said anything.”

I raise my eyebrows, surprised because I thought she was a club girl. “Oh, you’re Gambit’s old lady?”

But Brandi laughs and shakes her head. “Oh, honey, I ain’t no old lady.” She winks at me. “I just like to suck his cock.”

Across the lawn, Jack still has Doc cornered, and they’re talking animatedly. It looks heated. Obviously, they’re talking about me, and it doesn’t take a genius to work out Jack doesn’t want me here.

He doesn’t trust me, and I don’t blame him.

My family is the enemy. I could be here to spy on them and report back to Max.

But he has nothing to worry about.

My hand slides over my belly.

I’m only here for one reason.

And it has nothing to do with Max Stonecypher.


“Are you fucking crazy? The fucking Inferno torched one of our farms two days ago, and now you’ve invited Max fucking Stonecypher’s daughter into our clubhouse?”

“You know it’s not like that, Jack. She’s not involved.”

“How can you be so sure? She vanishes like a goddamn puff of smoke after they kidnap you, then suddenly, she reappears after four months. Where has she been all this fucking time? If you both had something so goddamn special, Doc, why the hell didn’t she come and find you.”

“She had no choice. Max kept her imprisoned in their compound—”

“And she miraculously escapes the day we hold our Fourth of July celebrations. How fucking lucky. Wake up, Doc. She’s trouble for us. The Inferno is going to make a big move soon. They’re itching for battle. Torching the farms is only the start. We can’t let our guard down and having her here is one big fuck you to protecting ourselves. She can’t stay.”

“She stays, or I go with her.”

“You don’t even know her.”

“I know enough. Those days I spent with her… I know her, Jack. I can’t explain it to you without sounding like a fucking Hallmark card, but I trust her. You weren’t there. You didn’t see how she had my back. She saved my life.”

He lets out a rough breath, then shakes his head and finally says, “Fine! She stays tonight, but this isn’t the end of it.”

“I’m not kidding when I say I’ll go,” I tell him. He needs to know just how far I’m willing to go to protect Lily.

“And I won’t have you hold that over me, Doc. You’re family. You're a King. But the club and everyone in it comes before her and your feelings for her.”

“Have I ever let you down? You have to trust me on this.”

“That’s the only reason she’s still sitting in the middle of our goddamn clubhouse party.” His jaw ticks as he thinks. “Don’t let her out of your sight.”

Without another word, he walks away angry, but I shake it off.

This afternoon, my life flipped on its ass again when my prayers were answered, and Lily showed up. I’m not going to let Jack’s reaction dampen my happiness.