The ecstasy slowly fades, but I don’t stop kissing her until our hearts slow and our pulses ease.

I drop my forehead to hers. “Sorry, I had all these plans to make this amazing. Lasting three minutes wasn’t one of them,” I finally say.

Her lips curl into a grin against mine. “You made me come. I think that was a damn good outcome.” She clenches, and I tremble, the head of my cock sensitive inside her.

Rolling off, I gather her in my arms and hold her against my chest, drunk on the heady afterglow of making love for the first time in years.

Lily settles against me and curls her body closer to press her face against my chest. A slight, relaxed murmur falls between us, and I feel something I haven’t felt in my heart for a long time. Happiness. I can’t remember the last time I felt it. But now, holding Lily and feeling the gentle brush of her breath against my skin, I feel happier than I’ve ever been in my life.

Ironic, considering I’m being held captive.

“It’s been a while since I’ve done that,” she murmurs against my skin.

Surprised, I pull back to look at her. “How long?”

“Three years.”

Searching her eyes, I see only the truth looking back at me.

I smile. “Rookie.”

“You mean… it’s been longer for you?”

“A lot longer.”

“How long?”

“More than six years.”

She studies my face for a moment but then cocks an eyebrow. “Nice try, Doc, but I didn’t come down in the last sun shower. Guys like you don’t go long without some hottie wanting to bounce up and down on your balls.”

I can’t help but laugh. This woman. “I swear to God.”

Lily’s luscious lips spread into a smile, and I can’t help myself. I claim her mouth with mine and kiss her deeply. It was only meant to be brief, but arousal sweeps through both of us, and the kiss grows deeper, needier. I feel my cock begin to harden again.

It seems I’ve fallen off the no-sex wagon and want more than the taste I’ve just had.

When our kissing turns frantic, she slides onto me and kisses me as she eases down on my cock and begins to rock against me.

This time, I last longer. Losing myself in every touch and brush of skin against skin as she rides me, using my hands to guide her hips over my pelvis as her wet pussy milks my cock.

Before I come again, I flip her on her back and give her two more orgasms before I free-fall into my own well of ecstasy and wonder how the hell I’ve gone this long without this amazing woman in my life.


My eyes blink open, and it takes me a moment to work out where the hell I am and why I feel so warm and safe.

But within seconds, reality hits me like a punch in the face.

I’m not safe.

In fact, I’m the complete opposite of safe.

I’m being held captive in some weird-ass hotel in the middle of nowhere by my psychopathic father and an obsessed ex-boyfriend who is just itching for a reason to put a bullet in Doc’s skull.

How could I have fallen asleep?

If my father catches us, he’ll shoot Doc without thinking. Because it’s one thing to skip out on the MC, but it’s another to fuck someone from a rival club.

I should wake Doc, but he’s barely slept in two days, and he looks too peaceful to disturb. So I quietly slip from his arms and redress, shivering as the cool night air hits my skin. We’re lucky my father hasn’t come looking for us, or Otto for that matter.

Ignoring the little tingle of fear at the base of my spine when I think about my ex, I leave the room and quietly close the door behind me. It’s ten after midnight, and the hotel is quiet as I move down the hall toward Odin’s room, taking purposeful steps so I don’t wake anyone up.

Odin is out cold thanks to the heavy doses of morphine. His breathing is shallow, and I’m not sure how much longer he will be able to hold on. In a hospital, he might have survived, but we’ll never know.

I sit with him for a while, watching his shallow breaths as I wonder how the hell Doc and I will get out of this mess. I hear a noise and look up to see Otto standing in the doorway watching me. His arms are folded across his chest as he leans against the doorjamb.

“What are you doing?” I ask, startled. I thought he was still at the Inferno clubhouse with Max.

“Watching you,” he says with a lascivious gleam in his eyes. “Thinking. Observing. Remembering.” He lets his arms fall to his side as he walks in, and fear prickles across my skin as he comes closer.