“You’re so pretty,” Star gushes.

All of a sudden, the air seems to leave the room and everything stops as Doc walks in, and everyone turns to stare at him. The girls’ faces light up, and their eyes brighten with interest as they rake their lustful gazes up and down the enemy. Star runs her tongue over her lips while Cherry Pie’s red pout curves into a sexy smirk that reeks of mischief.

They like what they see.

Of course, they do, Doc is hot as fuck.

Not that I’d ever admit it.

But even I can’t deny how attractive the enigmatic biker is.

Even Grunt grunts.

“Well now, ain’t you some eye candy,” Cherry Pie purrs, sliding her gaze up and down Doc’s muscular form.

A weird sensation tingles in the bottom of my stomach. I don’t like the way she’s looking at him, and it confuses the hell out of me.

Because he’s not mine.

But you wouldn’t mind if he was, even if it was for just one night.

Inwardly, I eyeroll at myself.

I am not interested in Doc.

No matter how gorgeous he is.

Or muscular.

Or inked up.

Or smart.

Oh, good Lord, girl, don’t just stand there eye-fucking him like those Inferno incubuses are doing right now. Say something. Anything.

“You’re awake.” Is the awesomeness I come up with.

Doc’s eyes dart from an incoming Cherry Pie to me. “I checked in on Sunshine and the baby.”

Star’s hands go to her hips. “Sunshine had the baby already? Shoot, I thought we would make it in time.” She pouts, but then her face brightens. “Oooh… can we see the baby?”

“Yeah,” Cherry Pie adds as she reaches Doc and curls her body against his. Her hand slides up his chest. “Can we come look?”

Doc backs away from Cherry’s anaconda arms, making Max chuckle. “Cherry Pie, leave the good doctor alone.”

Cherry Pie pouts but does as he says and unwraps herself from Doc’s body, but not before she slides her tongue over her lips and gives him a wink. Sauntering over to Max, she proceeds to kiss him fully on the mouth and make an over-the-top moan. “Hi, Daddy.”

“Hey, baby,” he whispers huskily.

Acid coats the back of my throat at the nauseating exchange.

“The situation we spoke about on the phone… is it sorted?” he asks her.

She pouts. “Cook is being difficult. He won’t listen to me. Only Otto.” She looks unimpressed. “I even offered to blow him, but it’s going to take more than a blow job to get him to stop breaking one apprentice after another.”

Cook is Otto’s brother. At the ripe old age of fifteen, he was taught how to cook meth by one of Max’s men. Now, he’s apparently the Michelin-star chef of methamphetamine and renowned for his ability to make grade-A blow-your-mind meth.

From the sound of it, he’s also causing some havoc in the Inferno compound with his demands.

“He said he’s not doing it.” Cherry Pie looks at Otto. “Seems your brother doesn’t want to share his secrets. He’s being a dick. No one wants to work with him, and he’s already broken Bo-Boy’s nose. Said he ain’t cooking another batch until he speaks to you and Max.”

Otto shakes his head. “I’ll kill the fucker.”

“You’ll do no such thing,” Max says. “Your brother… as crazy as he is, just needs a little persuasion to come on board with the idea of having an apprentice. You’ll accompany Sunshine and me back to the clubhouse today and tend to the matter. I want it rectified by the morning before we come back here. Am I understood?”

Otto turns his head as if to keep what he is saying hidden from us. “You think leaving here is such a good idea, Prez?”

Max smiles, but it’s cold because Otto is questioning his decision in front of people, which is usually a punishable offense. But with an audience watching, Max remains calm and keeps his temper in check. Although, I’m sure Otto will pay for it later.

“I wouldn’t be saying it if I didn’t think it was right,” he says coolly. “We have so much firepower surrounding these walls, an escape would be a ridiculous notion.” Max’s icy eyes find Doc. “Aren’t I right, Doc?”

Doc is just as expressionless as he always is. He shrugs, seemingly unperturbed. I swear, he has nerves of steel while mine are frayed at the edges. “You’re the boss.”

Max laughs. “You’re a fast learner, my friend.”

Doc doesn’t react and keeps his poker face firmly intact.

Max turns his attention back to Otto. “We leave at sundown.”

Doc and I look at each other.

This is good news for us.

Not only will it give Doc and me a reprieve from Max and Otto constantly looking over our shoulders, but it will also give us the chance to work out an escape plan.

Hope surges through me. This might all be over in a couple of hours.

Max claps his hands together, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Come on, let’s eat. Grunt, take those bags into the kitchen, and we’ll eat at the table like a real family.”