Again, I shrug it off and say nothing. My head still hurts, and I don’t know if it’s from the drugs, the head knock, or a distinct lack of caffeine.

“You disapprove,” Sunshine says.

The look I give her is apathetic. “No, I just don’t care.”

Which is true. Man on man. Woman on woman. Ain’t nothing wrong with loving who you want. But I don’t want to engage in a conversation with Sunshine about it because I don’t give a goddamn what they do. I just want to go home.

She shrugs. “Fair enough. But don’t worry, you’re not his type.”

“What does that mean?”

“When you join the club.”

“I already belong to a club.”

“Come on, Doc, stop being so naïve.” She fixes her pale blue eyes to mine. “You know Max is never going to let you go back to your Kings of Mayhem. Kidnapping is a felony. You really think he’s going to risk you going to the police and blabbing?”


A commotion outside the bedroom window awakes me.

Climbing out of bed, I peer outside and see an old Ford pickup skid to a stop out in front of the hotel.

Quickly putting on my boots, I make it out to the front desk, just in time to see the front door open and two incredibly sexy girls walk in, followed by one extremely unattractive man who trails behind carrying a bag of groceries.

One of the girls pushes the fur-lined hood of her winter coat off her head and calls out, “We’re here.”

Despite the cold, underneath her coat she’s only wearing a pair of cut-off denim shorts, knee-high combat boots, and a tight cotton shirt tied under her impressive boobs. Her long brunette hair is pulled into lazy pigtails, and her lips are thick with red lipstick.

Standing in the middle of the foyer, she glances around, oozing sex and confidence and every bad decision a man could ever make. She blows a bubble with her gum and lets it smack against her lips.

Beside her, a blonde girl in a pair of tight jeans and an even tighter Lynyrd Skynyrd T-shirt holds up the takeout bags she has in both hands. “Who wants to eat?”

Otto appears from out of nowhere, and the brunette’s eyes flash with appreciation.

“Well, there’s my big boy. I should’ve known you’d be the first to show your face, baby.”

Otto grins, and I feel my stomach lurch with revulsion. “Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes, Cherry Pie.”

The brunette–sorry, Cherry Pie—winks at Otto. “Don’t you know you it, big boy.”

He nods to the blonde girl. “Whatcha got in those bags, Star?”

Blondie looks like she’s about to drop to her knees on the spot. She oozes sex and temptation with every move made to entice. These girls are Inferno girls, born and bred into the club to satisfy the needs of the men until one of them claims her as their old lady. “Max Daddy told us to bring some food by.”

Max Daddy?

I didn’t think the situation could get any more ridiculous, but there you go.

“Good, I’m starving. Whatcha bring?”

“A little grits and sop. There are some biscuits too, and groceries in the bag Grunt’s got.” She looks at the older, unattractive man who is wearing coveralls and a greasy baseball cap. He towers over the girls like a hairy hillbilly giant. “Oh, and there’s some real coffee because Max Daddy said the big guy likes the stuff.”

Otto looks unimpressed by Star’s reference to the big guy, which I assume is Doc.

“You can chunk those bags over there.” He nods toward the empty reception counter, and his gaze lingers on Star’s ass as she swaggers past him.

Grunt—the hairy hillbilly giant—follows her and dumps the bag of groceries on the counter next to them.

I walk over, but before I can say anything, my father appears out of nowhere. He’s sweating and a little flushed, and his shirt looks hastily tucked into his jeans. He’s followed close behind by Lucien, who’s doing up his belt buckle as they walk in. His face is flushed too, and I pick up a weird vibe from them.

Has my father been with Lucien?

“Well now, you must be Tiger Lily.” Catching me off guard, Cherry Pie plants a wet kiss on my cheek and pulls me in for a hug. She squeezes me tight, squishing all the air from my lungs. When she releases me, I’m dizzy and a little unsteady on my feet.

“Okay, that doesn’t need to happen again,” I mumble.

She simply pops her gum and winks at me. “Hey, Star, come and meet Max Daddy’s daughter.”

Okay, I’m definitely not going to get used to the whole Max Daddy thing.

Star squeals, and anticipating another squeezy hug, I hold my hand out and say, “Nice to meet you.”

She looks surprised and then laughs. “Oh, don’t be silly.”


… the hug happens anyway.

“It’s so nice to meet you.” Cherry sighs. “We’ve heard everything about you.”