I raise an eyebrow.

Is she kidding me, right now?

“You’re seeing things,” I say. “The only thing I’m interested in is getting this baby out of you safely and getting back to my club without catching a bullet in my skull.”

She scoffs, then smiles mischievously. “Say what you like, but you ain’t fooling no one, Doc. You got eyes for that girl.”

Focusing on the task at hand, I check the position of her baby. “The only thing I’ve got eyes for is getting out of here.”

When Lily returns, this time Max is with her. She looks pale and tired like she’d rather be anywhere than here. She hands me another mug of water which I down quickly.

“There wasn’t any coffee, but here…” She hands me a vegetable burrito still in its wrapper. “It’s not much, just a microwaved burrito, but it should do.”

Max gives me another one of his creepy smirks.

“I apologize for my lack of hospitality,” he says with fake remorse. “When I arranged for your arrival, I had little time to organize any creature comforts. I shall arrange for some provisions to be brought over in good time.”

Max talks like I’ve been kidnapped by the Four Seasons and can expect it to be a five-star experience, while Sunshine amuses herself with my supposed attraction to Lily.

Everyone around here is fucking delusional.

I accept the burrito and devour it in four bites. It tastes like cardboard and is hard to chew, but it’s fuel, and it is enough to stop the hunger pangs growling in my gut.

As I discard the wrapper in the bin, a rapid knock on the door makes Lily jump, and it suddenly occurs to me that she might not be here of her own free will either.

“I said not to disturb us,” Max growls when the door opens and a sweaty biker in an Appalachian Inferno cut appears in the doorway.

His eyes go straight to Lily, and I feel her tense beside me. Clearly, they know one another, and the tension between them is tight.

“We need you out here, Prez,” he says to Max.

Max looks to his wife, who nods at him through gritted teeth as she endures another contraction.

He turns to me. “I won’t be long.”

When he follows the biker out the door and closes it behind him, I turn to Lily, who’s still staring after her father. She’s gnawing on her lip, and damn, if the sight of her chewing on it doesn’t send something straight to my cock.

What the hell? It’s fine! You’ve had a head injury. Involuntary arousal can be a symptom.

Then again, so can a beautiful brunette with luscious lips and the body of a goddess.

When she turns to look at me, her beautiful eyes are bright in the dim light. They’re striking and mesmerizing, sending another unwelcome surge of arousal through me.

“Can you do without me for a moment?” she asks, distracted.

She knows something major is happening and wants to find out what it is.

“Do you know what that was about?”

“No, but I have a feeling we’ll both want to know.”

I want to ask what she means, but Sunshine screams out in pain before I can reply, and Lily is already halfway to the door. She looks over her shoulder. “I won’t be long.”

I watch her disappear out the door, then turn back to Sunshine.


Something bad has happened.

After growing up the way I did, you get a sixth sense. And right now, my sixth sense is screaming at me from the top of its lungs that something even more unsettling than kidnapping a Kings of Mayhem biker is unfolding here.

Otto wouldn’t have come for my father unless it was absolutely necessary. I know him well enough to understand he’s under my father’s spell and would never do anything to upset him. We grew up together in the club. Even when we were kids, he looked up to my father and wanted his approval.

Closing the door quietly behind me, I sneak toward their voices coming from a room at the end of the dimly lit hallway. Three people are talking, while a fourth is moaning in pain.

When I’m a few feet from the open door, I press my back to the wall and listen.

“He needs a hospital,” pleads a voice I don’t recognize.

“That’s not a fucking option,” my father snaps. “And why the fuck did you bring him here? Are you out of your goddamn mind?”

“I knew the doc was here—”

“The doc is here for Sunshine, not a fucking idiot who can’t do his goddamn job properly. Did anyone fucking follow you?”

“No, I got us out of there before anyone saw us.”

“You better fucking hope so.”

“No one saw—”

“You had one goddamn job. One fucking thing to do, and you both fucked it up.”

My father is agitated.

No, he’s furious.

“You better hope to God this doesn’t fall back on the club,” he warns.