He rolls on top of me, jerks my mask off, and hammers a fist to the side of my face. Gun still in my hand, I aim it at him and pull the trigger, but he ducks and jumps off me, the bullet lodging in the ceiling. My ears rings as I scramble to my feet, searching the dark for that motherfucker as I try and gain my bearings.

“Surprise,” he whispers behind me, and cold metal slams into the back of my head. I fall to my knees and hands, a piercing throb slicing through my skull. My vision blurs. My neck stiffens. That son of bitch, I swear to God I’m going to kill him.

“You know, for the name Godric, I thought you’d be tougher,” he mocks, his boots stepping circles around me as I try and push through the pain.

“Says the fucker hiding in the dark,” I seethe, waiting for him to step in front of me again so I can grab him. His worn leather boot shifts front of me, and I wrap my fingers around his leg and jerk him to the floor with me. His body crashes with a loud crack, and I climb on top of him, my gun against his temple. I won’t miss this time.

“Godric, wait.” His demeanor changes, his face turning white.

“My father waited too long for this. I won’t make the same mistake.” I shove my gun into his temple harder, wanting to pull the trigger, but the anger inside of me flows so hot, when I take his life, I fear I won’t be enough to satisfy my hatred for this asshole.

“Godric, you already killed your girlfriend, you don’t want to take the life of your uncle now, would you?” His question slams into me like bullet. I tense, swallowing hard.

“I didn’t kill her!” I shout, emotions running through me at an all-time high. I couldn’t have.

“Your bloody handprints were on her clothes,” he jabs, poking at my conscious, making me feel like an animal. Closing my eyes, Bella’s lifeless face flashes behind my eyes. My eyes snap open, a red haze hanging over my vision. That information was never released.

Like a key sticking into my skull and unlocking a door, I see Damian in the trailer, him having drinks with me and Bella. He was there that night.

“It was you,” I whisper. Bella got mad that I was dealing with club business over spending time with her. We had drinks. Then I woke up and she was dead.

Damian brought over a bottle some kind of blue label… My head starts to ache, trying to remember everything. I press my palm to my temple, hoping to ease the pressure.

“Get the fuck off me!” Damian growls before shoving me to the side, my body crashing with the legs of a table.

Standing, I attack him until he’s pressed against the pool table, our faces inches apart.

“You fucking set me up! You drugged me!”

His nasty teeth show as he cackles, his whole body shaking with laughter.

“Yeah, I drugged you, but you did the rest...” he laughs.

“You son of a bitch!” Pulling my hand back, I punch him in the face. My entire hand radiates with pain, but I don’t stop. Over and over, I hit him, blood splattering across my face. Damian slumps to the floor, his face disfigured and oozing. His nose is sideways, his eyes bloody and swollen, his jaw dislocated. I stare at the motherfucker as he gurgles on his own blood, trying to spit it out. He’s been playing the odds against me since I was born.

Bellamy comes around the bar and slides to his ass next to me, resting his elbows on his knees. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

“I didn’t do it,” I mutter, staring my uncle down. I was drugged. It wasn’t me. Grabbing both sides of my head, I want to scream, lash out. Damian saw me as competition the whole time. I was in his way of taking over the Seven Knights.

The sound of fights behind me have me raise my head.

“We good over there?” I ask, curious about the guys that came out of the rooms. I wonder if they were expecting us or if we woke them up.

“Oh yeah, piece of cake,” he huffs, still out of breath. His eyebrow is split. Blood seeps from his lip. He took a few hits for sure—and he did it for me. Throwing my arm over him, I pull him close.

“Good job.”

Movement has my eyes snap back to Damian. He’s on his shoulder, grunting in pain, but has managed to get ahold of a gun and is aiming right at me. Where the fuck did that come from?

He pulls the trigger, and I close my eyes, waiting for the bullet to slug into my body. All I feel is the sudden heaviness across my legs. Opening my eyes, Bellamy lays across me, and Damian is still aiming at me. Jerking the gun from Bellamy’s holster, I aim it at Damian and fire, a bullet slamming right between his eyes. His face goes slack, and his whole body goes limp before falling back. I reach for Bellamy, who still hasn’t moved.