“So, what are you thinking?”

Barricade the doors and burn the Titans down. Maybe a drive-by. Torture every single one just for the fun of it. There are so many vile retaliations and only so many Titans. I only get one shot. It has to be right.

“I’mma sleep on it and have an answer in the morning.” Standing, I slide the phone over to Pegs to stash, and he takes it without question.

“Sounds like a good idea,” he replies, standing along with me.

“How was Monet today?”

“We fed her, but she kept to herself mostly. I think she’s just grateful to have food and a bed, to be honest.” He shrugs, and I can’t help the look of sympathy that crosses my face. It’s not cool what her ex did to her. If I had a last name, I’d find him and make him suffer as much as she has.

“Nice.” I try to act unfazed or like I don’t care, but I’m sure Pegs knows better. Aside from Bellamy, Pegs has been around me since my younger days.

“She told us everything in one day, Godric. What are you going to do with her for the next two weeks?” His question has my full attention, but I’m not sure how to answer him. I don’t want to tell him she makes me feel something other than wanting to fucking kill.

“Break her more.” I shrug, and his eyes squint. “Lock me in the room. I’m ready for bed.”

“You got it.” He sighs, sounding just as tired as I am. Heading down the hall, him right behind me, I unlock the door and step inside. The lights are off and it’s quiet. She must already be asleep. The smell of soap lingers in the air. She showered recently, so she hasn’t been out long.

Taking my cut off, I throw it on the bed, pull my shirt off, and unbutton my jeans, heading to the bathroom. Leaving the lights off so I don’t wake her, I open the shower door.

“Get out!” she screams, and I jump back and flip the light on.

Monet stands in the shower naked, her hands trying to cover her tits and pussy at the same time. Goddamn, she has a body on her.

“Shut the damn door!” she shouts, turning around to where I can only see her peach-shaped ass.

“Why are you in the shower in the fucking dark?”

“It calms me down. And I was getting out,” she replies, looking over her shoulder.

Silently laughing, I reach for the lights and flick them off.

“Are you gone?”

Stepping into the shower just behind her, I lean in and whisper, “No.”

She sucks in a breath, and my hand reaches for the faucet, turning it on. Water cascades down, and the smell of my soap on her skin makes me want to suck the droplets of water off her bare shoulder. She stands there, still and not moving. It’s like she’s frozen solid with terror, or she can’t believe I’m really here looking at her naked. What is she thinking?

“Do you want to try to run?”

She doesn’t reply, and it frustrates me. I want to know what’s going on inside her head. I want to grab her wet hair and jerk her head back until she looks up at me like I’m her god while kissing away her terror in the same breath.

“Are you afraid of me?” My lips brush against her ear, my hands barely touching her curvy hips. She’s warm and wet, her skin soft. Fuck, I want to run my hands all over her. She makes me feel out of control. My rampant thoughts of possessiveness become more frequent when I’m around her.

She turns around, her budded nipples slipping across my chest, and my dick twitches.

“Should I be?” she asks softly, her breath fluttering across my mouth. We stand there in the dark with more energy than a fucking powerplant. My hands on her hips, her nipples against my body. The silence and warmth of our bodies works some kind of magic on us both. It’s personal, sexy, tantric.

“Depends on who you ask,” I reply. My lips touch hers, and my cock swells to its full potential. I want so badly to throw her up against the shower wall, hike her leg up over my ass, and fuck her until she cries out my name, but something stops me.

“Are you going to hurt me, Godric?” Jesus Christ, her soft voice wraps around my cock, milking me of my self-control. She puts off a sassy vibe, but she’s so cute and small, I can’t help but think of the bad things I want to do to her.

Reaching for the faucet, I turn the water off and lean my head back with a groan. I need away to get away from her. Us being in here like this is too much, too fast.