“Find her and tell me where she’s hiding. She’s my key to Damian.” Lifting my head, I look to my men. They all stand before me, shoulders broad, clad in their leather cuts, guns blazing. I fucking knew my uncle was coming for me, I just didn’t realize how fucking smooth he was. He used a woman to do his dirty work. I never would have expected it.

That sassy little bitch will pay.

* * *


Running into my room at the slummy motel, I slam the door shut, then lock it, bolt it, and slide the chain lock at the top. I even parked my car around back, hiding it from sight. I shouldn’t stay here. I need to go straight to the Titans, but I don’t want to. I don’t want to go back. I don’t feel safe there, but I sure as fuck don’t feel safe here either. I’m stuck. Turning my back to the door, my chest rises and falls as I breath heavily. Needing to calm down, I step toward the bed, but my leg gives out from the adrenaline. My eyes fill with tears, and I pull myself onto the bed, wrapping the blankets around me.

I hope Damian got what he wanted so I can be free. Deep inside, something louder rings true. I hope—no, I pray Godric got there in time and his brother is still alive. At what point did my mercy for the opposite sex take affect? When will I start putting myself and my wellbeing before others?

I don’t know, but it’s not today. All I can think about is how I lied, setup The Seven Knights, and—oh my god, what about the girl who was used as bait? Is she okay? Surely the Titan’s got her out before anything started. But, really, all I can think about is Godric. The man who walks in the shadows. Is he alive?

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I bury my head in the comforter and consume myself in my own darkness, not sure what I want anymore.

My phone rings, and I already know it’s Damian, but I can’t bring myself to answer it. I can’t move. I don’t know that I want to know what happened. When your power is taken away from you, you discover just how vile you truly are behind the façade you had to begin with.



The cops showed up to the scene, and I let Hollywood do all the talking, but the cop just kept looking over his shoulder at me as if he thought I killed the girl. My reputation proceeds me.

Pulling up to the crappy motel Sparky informed me Monet was staying at, I don’t see her car. She either already left town and went back to the Titans or parked around back. Driving into the parking lot, I head around the back. Bam, there’s her fucking car. She’s here. My heart rate increases with anxiety and excitement as I drive around front to the lobby. My muscles tense after I park, my boots stomping a little louder than usual as I shove the door open to some older redhead sitting behind the desk. She looks at me then does a double take. She knows who I am, or at least the club name on my cut.

“I’m looking for a woman with reddish hair, bluish eyes, peach-shaped ass, about this tall.” I hold my hand up to my chest. The lady swallows and points with a shaky hand.

“Room thirteen.” She doesn’t even try to give me some privacy speech.

Going back outside, the door closing behind me, my teeth grind as I pass room after room, some with the curtains open, some closing their doors as if the reaper is about to check in and take them to hell.

Finally reaching lucky number thirteen, I twist my neck to the left, and it cracks from all the rage building up inside me the last few hours. I inhale, raise my leg, and kick the fucking door in. The chain keeping it locked flies across the room, and Monet screams, sitting on the bed with a blanket wrapped around her.

“You!” I point. She scrambles off the bed and presses against the wall to put as much space as possible between us.

“Let me explain!” she whimpers, but I’m not hearing it. Stepping onto the mattress, I get to her faster than walking around the bed and grab her by the face, forcing her to look me in the eyes. She tries to slap me off her, but I catch her arm. She uses her body to push me away, but I plant my feet, keeping her where she is.

“You tried to have my brother killed,” I seethe.

“I know…I know…” Her eyes close and she balls her hand into a fist, hitting the wall behind her in distress.