I look around the room, noting Bellamy isn’t at the table. The first task is to keep all my brothers safe, but Bellamy is going to be the hardest to look after. If he hears that, he’ll start some shit. Then again, growing a pair wouldn’t hurt him.

“I need to keep Bellamy safe. That means we all need to keep a close eye on him.” Everyone nods, knowing daddy’s little boy is irresponsible and nothing short of living off the life of an outlaw. It will take all of us just to make sure he doesn’t walk into moving traffic.

“Fucker didn’t even wake up for church.” Pegs chuckles, shaking his head. “I tried, man. He’s passed out naked in one of the rooms,” Hollywood says, still staring at the table like he might throw up any second. I wonder if Bellamy came back out to the party after Tye or if the bitch just wore him out.

One day it will have to come to a halt and he’ll be put to the test. I just hope I’m there to see it. I’m glad the club see’s Bellamy like a little brother and not a kid too. It makes my job protecting him easier. The other tasks…well, they’re a different story.

“The Titans, what do we know about their gun running operation?” My fingers resting on the edge of the table, I stare at them, waiting for someone to tell me something I can use.

“When your father was alive, they started buying off the black market, selling to gangs around the area,” Pegs informs. This is news to me.

Our hands might not be clean, but putting guns into the hands of enemies isn’t something we’d do. Gangs only see dollar signs and sell unregistered firearms to anyone who has the cash. Which means more school shootings, kidnappings, homicides—shit that wouldn’t happen if the assholes didn’t work behind our backs. We might live a life of sin, but we try to keep our town peaceful and safe. The Seven Knights dictate what gang or people get weapons around here, not the Titans.

“So, how do we stop them?” Sparky asks. Knowing him, he’s probably thinking like me and wants to go in guns blazing, righting the wrong. This is my fight, though. A task my father left for me for some fucking reason.

“Dad left me to do it, so I need to stop it.” I sigh, this whole three saving acts to possess the power of the club is ass backwards.

“No, if your father left you the task, he wants you to lead us into stopping them,” Pegs says. I look to him, my index finger rubbing my chin in thought. I mean, if anyone knew my father better than me, it would be him. He’s been Dad’s right-hand man for forever. Maybe he’s right. Maybe my father wants me to put my leadership skills to work and have the club level the table of power between us and the Titans.

“Okay, so how do we put an end to it?” I question. Maybe they’ll have a better way than just killing them all and Damian. I mean, my way would knock two tasks down at once. But I don’t think that’s what my father would want. He’d want me to use the club, gain their respect and loyalty, and maybe a fucking soul while I’m at it. Damian is going to die. If he doesn’t, I’ll always be looking over my shoulder for the asshole to take me out, but the first two things my father wished for me to do, I’ll try to do with grace.



It’s been two days, and I haven’t gone back to the Seven Knights MC. Haven’t even driven past the place. There’s just something in my stomach that won’t let me step foot near the club or get close to Godric. Maybe it’s because I know Godric’s days are numbered. Damian is going to kill him one way or another. It could also be because I know what I have to do is wrong.

Leaning over the bed, I grab my phone from its charger, cross my legs, and open the browser. Chewing on my pinky nail, I type in Godric and then Seven Knights MC. Hopefully some family pictures pop up, some background information on the man—anything that will help me figure out how to get close but not too close.

The first thing my eyes land on is a news article of Godric killing his girlfriend.

“Oh my god,” I whisper. My mouth parts, and I bring the screen closer to my face, reading the details. It says he plead insanity, but the community spoke out saying he’s guilty and should be in prison. I close my eyes, Damian’s words running through my head. “Yeah, he let you leave alive. That’s something.” I know what that means now. God, now it makes sense when Godric told me I shouldn’t trust him—and it had nothing to do with being a biker. Fuck, I was alone with this guy. Twice!