Nudging my body back an inch or so, I move my hands to his sides. He looks over his shoulder with a raised brow

“I’d hold on. I like to go fast.”

“I’ll be fine,” I insist. He gives a tilt to the head, silently saying have it your way, and kicks the bike into gear.

The bike jumps forward like a wild cat, and my arms instantly squeeze around him like a vice to keep from falling off. He wasn’t lying. He does like to go fast. The warm air dances in my hair, and the hostile roar of the pipes vibrate my entire body. It’s like the devil transformed into twisted alloy and Godric is the dark knight that rides into the night. Just a glimpse at his side profile would make anyone driving past us look the other way. His hands grip the throttle back, my eyes catch a death ring on his finger for the first time, emitting an even darker personality. He’s everything a father would hate and a female would pine for. His black leather cut the final touch, declaring him dangerous and not to be provoked.

Ahead of a car and on the desolate road, we ride further into the desert, the sand and open sky familiar. I know where we’re going. He’s taking us to the lookout, where we met that night. He’s closer to it than I was coming from Arizona.

I wonder if those guys who tried to hurt me will be there waiting for their next prey. I don’t think Godric will let them walk away so easily tonight.

Inhaling a rush of excitement, I kind of hope they are there. I feel frisky for some action and would love to see what Godric is fully capable of. Is he all talk like his uncle and just hyped up by rumors or is he actually dangerous?

It suddenly occurs to me that maybe Damian sent me to do his dirty work because Godric really is vicious.

Jesus, I really am good at putting myself in horrible positions.

Just as I expected, he pulls up to Father Crowley Lookout and places both boots on the ground as we come to a full stop. Turning the motor off, I can’t help but look around for the creeps from last time, my fingers curling into Godric’s leather cut. Too busy looking around, I don’t even notice Godric is looking at me until warm, calloused fingers clasp around mine.

“I won’t let anything happen to you.” The way he looks at me with those scary, gorgeous eyes tells me he really means it. Releasing my grip, I let out a timid breath and slide to the left until my foot touches steady ground, my thighs and feet still buzzing from the vibration of the motorcycle.

“First time riding?” he asks.

“A motorcycle?” My mouth parts, my tone more sultry than I intended. I’ve never been close to someone like him. The way he takes over any space he’s in, he’s frightening but handsome. Like the deadliest snake in the world. Beautiful and rare, but the damage it could do unrepairable.

He climbs off the bike, his lips pulling into a sexy smirk. I bite my lip to keep from revealing how much I like it. He should smile more often.

“So, tell me something about you people don’t know.” I flip my hair over my shoulder and cross my arms, waiting for something juicy.

Tucking his bottom lip under his teeth, he looks up at the moon in thought before hitting me with those smoldering eyes. Head tilting to the side and the air around me suddenly thick, he says, “You shouldn’t trust me.”

All the blood drains from my face, but I try to keep my composure.


“Nope. My turn for a question.” Walking past me, he heads toward the edge of the cliff, the open vast of cliffs and ledges staring back at him.

“Where’s your boyfriend?”

My mouth parts. My heart stops. I can’t breathe. It isn’t until he looks back at me that I shut my trap and shake myself from my stunned silence. I don’t have a boyfriend, but Richard comes to mind. I don’t want to tell him anything about him, how I’m so weak and stupid.

“What makes you think I have a boyfriend?”

He looks me up and down, then shakes his head like I’m not seeing something he does.

“Girls like you aren’t single, Monet.”

“Girls like me?” My eyes squint, curious what he means by that. What am I to him? What does he see?

“Well, my first thought is broken, but you’re smart and beautiful, so naturally I assume you have someone pining after you.”

He slips down to sit on the desert floor, his left knee bent and other leg stretched out. He grabs a rock and tosses it into the canyon.

“I mean, I had someone…but he left,” I admit, the pain in my voice making him look over at me. I even sound weak.