I guess the only way to know is to go find out. Opening my driver door, I step out, smoothing down my uniform skirt and make my way toward the front door, stopping just short. My heart beats so hard in my chest, I’m not sure I’m breathing.

The door opens, and my mouth parts.

“Can I help you?”

My eyes narrow in on Tye, her golden hair flowing down her shoulders, her skanky green dress barely covering her tits and thighs. “Where’s Godric?” I ask, my tone sharp.

Her fire engine lips pull into a smile as she laughs.

“Oh, sweetheart, you didn’t think he was waiting around for you, did you?”

Licking my lips, rage heats my chest as sadness chills it at the same time. I hate this woman. And I can’t help but wonder if Godric has been with her while I’ve been away. She probably jumped him as soon as she could.

“Just tell him I stopped by.” Turning on my heels, my arms crossed, I head back to my car.

“Sure thing,” she says, sarcasm in her voice. “Love the outfit, by the way.”

Closing my eyes to fight back the tears, I jerk open my driver door and slam it shut. Starting my car, I head back to my apartment. This is exactly why I put off coming back here for so long. I knew leaving would be the end of whatever Godric and I had, and it was. I fucked up. But hey, at least I’m free, right?


I slide onto the seat of my motorcycle as Pegs straddles his bike, lighting a cigarette.

“I think doing business with this gang will benefit us in a big way,” he states, exhaling smoke.

My eyes sweep over the old brick warehouse, hoping he’s right. Now that my tasks are done and I’ve earned the president patch, I’ve been trying to pick up the pieces of the club my father left behind. Looking through our business shit, I found our narcotics supplier is sloppy. So, I reached out to a gang who’s been making cocaine themselves. Their shit is better, and we get more of the cut in sales. Besides, they don’t deal to civilians, only respectable clubs and gangs, so getting caught is less of a risk.

“I agree. Now, we get to tell Ol’ Franky Fish we’re no longer doing business with him. He’s going to flip and use my father against me.” I’ve heard it a few times now how my father would turn over in his grave if he knew I was dropping suppliers and making new deals.

“Probably, but your father got too caught up in his ways, thinking everyone who started out with him was trustworthy even when they robbed him blind. He didn’t want to see the new age of things. This is better, trust me,” Pegs encourages, and I silently nod. Kind of like Uncle Damian. Fucker needed to be taken out a long time ago, and my father wouldn’t deal with him because he was family. I get it, family is a bond that can’t be broken. After losing Bellamy, I feel as if mine has been torn apart. After my brother’s funeral, my mom left the state and went to the Bahamas. Which is exactly what she needed. There’s too much death and sorrow for her here. I’ll call her when I get back to the club.

Driving back, the wind in my hair, I pass the diner Monet is working at, slowing down just enough so maybe I can see her working the tables. When I don’t spot her, I speed up. I know where she works and where she lives. I’ve stayed close, but she doesn’t know it. I’m waiting for her to come back to me, and it’s killing me. Every day, I want to walk in that fucking diner just to see her face, but I can’t fuck with fate. I have to let this be. If we’re meant to be, fate will bring her back to me.

Finally reaching the club, I park in my spot. My boots crunch on the gravel as I make my way inside, finding Tye at the fucking bar with Hollywood. Jesus Christ, I hate this bitch. Why is she here? Can we not get some new girls to hang around here?

Her head turns, and her eyes glisten as they land on me.

“Godric, welcome to the party, baby,” she coos. Hollywood gives me a look as if I’m cockblocking him.

“No thanks,” I reply curtly, stepping behind the bar to grab a beer.

“Oh, come on, you look so sad…maybe I can cheer you up. Maybe Hollywood and I can get your motor running together.” She moves to place her hand on mine, and I just step away, not wanting her to touch me. I haven’t been with anyone since Monet, and though my balls feel tight and heavy like they’re going to explode, I just don’t have the desire to be with a woman right now. I’ve been focusing on the club, being president, taking care of my men.