“Whose brother?”

“The man who was supposed to be my adoptive father. It was his brother.”

Reese wrapped a hand around her forehead and breathed, “Okay. Can you guess how old he was?”

“In his thirties, for sure. I don’t know exactly.”

“And… And…” Her green eyes flicked to Autumn sitting on the couch. “And you didn’t want him to… touch you, right?”

Syn had to unclench her teeth to answer. “No.”

“Did your adoptive parents—I’ll call them that for now since I don’t know what else to call them. Did they know he raped you? I mean, do they know he was the one who got you pregnant and that he’s Maya’s biological father?”

Syn forced a “Yes,” up her closed throat.

“Did they have any part… Jesus, I’m so sorry I have to ask these questions. Did they have any part in what happened to you? Or did they find out after the fact?”

“I’m not sure. It happened whenever they asked him to babysit me and their son, who was a couple of years older than me. Sam would wait until their son went to bed, then… then…”

Reese shook her head and held up her hand. “I don’t need to know the details if you don’t want to share them. I get the picture.” Once again, her gaze slid over to Autumn, who sat quietly with her hands clasped tightly together in her lap. After a second, Reese turned back to Syn. “Okay.” She blew out a breath. “Here’s what I’m thinking… We could do this the legal way but if we do, everything that happened to you will be exposed. I’m afraid that if they fight you for custody it could be a long, drawn-out battle. Worse, they could hide her where no one can find her.”

That couldn’t happen. “I just want Maya back. I don’t give a shit about what he did to me. That can’t be erased.” She’d lived with it for ten years as it was. It wasn’t something she wanted to dwell upon and allow it to eat away at her for the rest of her life.

“I know, but what if he’s doing this to other girls?”

Syn closed her eyes. Reese was right. Or it could’ve just been her because she was convenient and Sam knew his brother would never turn him in. Syn learned the hard way they would protect him over Syn.

To them blood was thicker than water. Syn being the dirty dish water.

“I know you wanted the guys out of here, Reese, but maybe it’s best if they hear this,” Autumn said. “They might need to get involved.”

Reese stared up at the ceiling and, after a few moments, finally dropped her head. “They’ll put themselves at risk. You know that. You know how they are.”

“I know how they are,” Autumn confirmed. “But, I hate to say it, it might be for the best. If a legal battle will delay Syn getting her daughter back and if Maya stays in that house that welcomes and protects a child molester…”

“Damn it,” Reese whispered harshly as she pulled a cell phone out of the fleece vest she wore and sent a text. “Before they barge in here… What’s going on between you and Dodge? I’m not sure how he’s involved in all of this.”

“We…” She let that hang, unsure on how to tell them she and Dodge only spent one night together and suddenly he was all up in her business and trying to take charge.

Reese lifted a hand to stop her. “That’s all you had to say. I can see it in your face and hear it in that single word. We know what it’s like to get involved with these men. It can be intense and overwhelming. If you don’t want him involved, just say so. It would only take one word to Trip.”

Syn shook her head. “No. You don’t need to do that. He hasn’t pressured me to do anything. He’s been nothing but helpful. I… like him.” She did. Something about him anchored her feet to the ground instead of her floating helplessly, struggling to get a foothold.

“The way he’s acting around you, it seems he likes you, too.” Autumn rolled her lips inward.

“These guys are not easy, but take it from me, they’re worth it,” Reese admitted. “Deacon opened up a whole new world for me that I didn’t realize I was missing out on because I was so hyper-focused on my career. My sister was right, I might’ve worked myself to death and never got a chance to enjoy life along the way.”

“Now look at you two,” Autumn said with a soft smile. “And now you have Dane…”

“I had no plans to have children and, yes, now look at me. I now have two.”

“Dane and Reilly?” Autumn asked, her brow furrowed.

She shook her head. “Dane and Deacon.”